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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

    Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

    This could be true if the USA made a clear separation between religion and the politics. However as the politics have God and swear on the Bible it is normal for the Pope to speak.

    Trump cannot pretend to be christian and at the same time spit on everybody who doesn't agree with him, and Christian fan of Trump should change their religion as it doesn't follow the Christian view of Love and all this sh.t

  2. Excuses accepted wink.png

    Well for sure he wasn't shot by Thaksin and most of the sniper rifles are holded by military.

    Now we all know the military has sided with the establishment. What would have been the advantage to kill Sae Daeng for the red? I not say this guy was not a moron and didn't put the pressure on the red to turn violent but the facts are still strongly in favor of the military abuse, as well as the temple shooting.

    Why do you think it was pointing to the wrong people?

    Who was in charge?

    Who ordered the crackdown?

    Who allowed the use of live munitions, instead of rubber bullets, gaz and riot control.

    Any government in western country would have fall and been accountable for this kind of murders....

    As for the journalists, the independant investigations concluded that the italian guy was shot in the back while he was facing the Red.

    Well, it would seem some of the life ammunition was held by 'unknowns' fighting the Army, dropping grenades on innocents.

    No wonder we get 'collateral' damage cleaning up. Fabio one of them, vanderGrift 'lucky' surviving a grenade attack.


    "It is believed that the bullet which killed the deceased came from the direction of [army] officers who were moving to take control [of Ratchaprasong Intersection] from Sala Daeng area [of Silom] … but it's unclear as to who did it," part of the inquest finding stated."


    So, anyone here who still wants to argue that the government should have continued talking with terrorists? Give in to demands by 'peaceful protesters' backed by heavily armed madmen?

    Yes as we know the investigations are very careful and not take side in this country.

    Speak of the "collateral damages" to the relatives of the ones killed inside the temple, they will love it.

    The first ones to shoot were the army and i can point you at videos and pictures which clearly show the army shooting at unarmed people. Do you want them?

    The first ones were those friendly unknowns who started dropping grenades in March.

    I agree 'collateral damage' is an ugly term. Being 'collateral damage' isn't nice either. Being made into collateral damage by having terrorists attack the military you walk with isn't nice either. Fabio would agree with that, Chambers did agree recovering from the grenade attack.

    If the red were armed to the teeth, I think we would have more dead in the army side.

    Fabio was most probably killed by the army, not the reds, like it or not

  3. I not speak about the Japanese reporter

    be happy, his war on drugs finally cleared as well, as private person that is.

    I speak about Sae Daeng, please read before jumping on conclusions, as you seem quite encline to notice it when it comes to other posters.

    Also I remember a time where even the highest personn in the country praised Thaksin for his war on drugs, which was a succession of bloody execution.

    However if you want reconciliation you must work for both sides to be satisfied, and apparently the Dear General wishes only one side to be happy

    Excuses, you're right. I misread.

    Still the 'extra judicial killing' of the renegade general "No one saw me" Seh Daeng has a few possible masterminds, but Abhisit/Suthep are not really under them. One of the army generals is a possibility, UDD leaders or their de-facto leader abroad another one.

    Anyway, reconciliation doesn't mean trying to suggest a crime is absolved while pointing at the wrong people.

    Excuses accepted wink.png

    Well for sure he wasn't shot by Thaksin and most of the sniper rifles are holded by military.

    Now we all know the military has sided with the establishment. What would have been the advantage to kill Sae Daeng for the red? I not say this guy was not a moron and didn't put the pressure on the red to turn violent but the facts are still strongly in favor of the military abuse, as well as the temple shooting.

    Why do you think it was pointing to the wrong people?

    Who was in charge?

    Who ordered the crackdown?

    Who allowed the use of live munitions, instead of rubber bullets, gaz and riot control.

    Any government in western country would have fall and been accountable for this kind of murders....

    As for the journalists, the independant investigations concluded that the italian guy was shot in the back while he was facing the Red.

    Well, it would seem some of the life ammunition was held by 'unknowns' fighting the Army, dropping grenades on innocents.

    No wonder we get 'collateral' damage cleaning up. Fabio one of them, vanderGrift 'lucky' surviving a grenade attack.


    "It is believed that the bullet which killed the deceased came from the direction of [army] officers who were moving to take control [of Ratchaprasong Intersection] from Sala Daeng area [of Silom] … but it's unclear as to who did it," part of the inquest finding stated."


    So, anyone here who still wants to argue that the government should have continued talking with terrorists? Give in to demands by 'peaceful protesters' backed by heavily armed madmen?

    Yes as we know the investigations are very careful and not take side in this country.

    Speak of the "collateral damages" to the relatives of the ones killed inside the temple, they will love it.

    The first ones to shoot were the army and i can point you at videos and pictures which clearly show the army shooting at unarmed people. Do you want them?

  4. wish we could put China, Isis, North Korea, and half the middle East on all those islands and nuke them in one go... Then we would be one step closer to a better world... probably have to throw mcdonalds, KFC and big Bank corporations on the fire too, but what step closer to John Lennons Imagine song we could be.

    I understand your wish but I think this is called Genocide...not sure Lennon would approve

  5. Being a member or PM of it do not excuse you from responsibilities.

    The families of the (official) 90 dead are probably super happy and it will for sure help the reconciliation.

    The kickoff was the extra judicial killing of Sae Daeng in front of Japanese reporters.

    Plenty of videos shows thai without any weapons getting shot during the events, even if you cannot see them on thai mainstream media.

  6. The rights and wrongs of Jews fleeing other Arab countries is a separate issue, and should be treated as war crimes too where applicable and compensation paid where proven. The Palestinians didn't expel them, but Israel expelled the Palestinians

    No. It is not a separate issue. There was no such thing as "Palestinians" back then (actually that is what the Jews in the area were called. They Arabs did not start calling themselves that until Israel had been a country for quite a while. They called themselves ARABS because that is what they were. The ARABS attacked Israel and lost and then expelled the Jews from the Arab countries. The ARABS that flew from Israel during the war are NEVER going back.

    Yeah we all know that before Israel was created it was a no-man land without any soul...just an empty land waiting for the jews to come.

    The people living there were expelled from their houses and homes, no one can deny this.


  7. ^^^

    Case in point.

    (Although many are quick to jump on that bandwagon...)

    the NRA??

    What on earth does that have to do with murders in Thailand? And the "loss of face"?


    Well it is easy to say : guns are not the problem, however when you look at the stats you can see that the more guns you have in circulation, the more chance you have to get shot.

    Also hot tempered people having a gun instead of a spoon are more likely to shoot people once they re raging and "lost control/face"

    The NRA reference is because the argument of "gun is not the issue" is one of their mantra

  8. How many times does it need to said that the Palestinians don't want a two state solution. Here is Maliki once again confirming this by ruling out any more bilateral negotiations with Israel EVER. It bears repeating the Palestinians were offered their own state in 1948, they and their Arab neighbors rejected this and now expect the international community to intervene again to give them what they admit would be a stepping stone from which to annihilate Israel in the long run.


    The trouble is their timing sucks as the world is preoccupied with far more pressing issues right now. Still the BDS fantasists will cling to the hope they can wish Israel away by dint of their own hatred and jealousy.

    lol...jealous of a country dictated by religion, where you cannot get married with someone named Cohen without the biggots looking at your ancestors and family history as you can "corrupt" the name?

    Jealous of a country where half of the people just think God speech is the one to follow?

    Jealous of a country which is seeing by the majority of the world as a bully country?

    No thanks!

  9. It's not about gun control.

    Although many are quick to jump on that bandwagon and are missing the point.

    It's about self-control and the childlike mentality that is a cancer on this nation: Losing Face.

    "The high numbers of homicides in Thailand, it was reported, was often due to “loss of face and businesses disputes”, which recent deaths would appear to confirm."

    "What may make Thailand stand-out however is that so many murders we hear about ... happen over what most people would consider trivial matters, mostly concerning ‘loss of face’."

    “You see in Thailand there’s no 1, 2, 3,” he said. “There’s only a 3. In some countries you have a shouting match, then you have a fight and sometimes it goes to murder.

    Here, you can get into an argument and the next thing you know you have been shot.” People don’t like losing face, he said, and on top of that it’s easy to acquire a firearm."

    "As has been reported, losing face seems to bear much of the responsibility for murders in Thailand, perhaps more so than in other countries where ‘face’ is not deemed quite as important."

    No it is not.

    Human nature cannot prevent the people who may turn crazy easily to do so.

    Gun control just limit the casualties

    (But it is a good argument for the NRA coffee1.gif )

  10. Thats because they are the majority and right , unlike Palestine which has never wanted and never will live in peace , even the Saudi govt have said so ,

    Or, they simply shout the loudest...

    No its always the lefty handwringers that shout the loudest and if they are not listened to just riot and demonstrate

    While the righty handwringers just annexe, settle, steal, oppress, and give a middle finger to the world

  11. Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

    The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

    I disagree with your pseudo history.

    Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.

    Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.

    The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.

    What a joke!

    Please have a look at the israeli and tell me most of them come from this region of the world...

    Colonialism is denounced by UN and Palestine has been recognized by 142 countries so far in the world.

    ISrael is a bully and always will be

  12. For those complaining about Ukraine, they maybe should look at the Serbia/bosnia war. Russia did the same.

    Now let jist imagine USA has russia friends close to its border :mexico, canada, and of course Cuba. What uncle Sam would do.?

    Russia has a tough government but they see USA and nato all around their borders. Being countries or USA army bases.

    Usa and europe play a dangerous hegemonic game around the world, and everywhere they go they bring mess instead of stability

  13. I am in total agreement with prayuth the country must move forward no more retrograde steps this country has to compete and must have the ability to compete no more bickering everyone has to pull together .

    Well if Prayuth had done anything so far to solve the problems, let me know. He just freezed the red/yellow fight. But corruption, economy, police reforms, transparency... not done anything and don t want to. He is here for one purpose : a smooth "teansition" and be sure the establishment and the army will never be out of the game
  14. Yeah, that's how I see it.

    A superficially right wing appearing action actually supporting more moderate / leftist goals with the potential to help BOTH the Zionist nationalist (of those who will OK eventually giving up west bank settlements) AND Palestinian Arab nationalist long term goals (of those who will be satisfied without taking over Tel Aviv).

    If Morch is suggesting that the west bank will be integrated into Jordan, well, that's their business. Many analysts have commented that IF the Hamas like dream of taking over all of Israel ever happened, there wouldn't be a Palestinian state anyway, that the region would be integrated ... much of the Palestinian state impetus is more about no Jewish state than any specific "Palestinian" Arab identity which is actually a relatively modern concept in the first place.

    Second paragraph you states would be a nightmare for Israel as the arab population would outrank the jewish in less than 2 generations and undermine the idea of Jewish State. How can the Palestinian may think of an identity as each day the Israeli Government approve illegal settlements and ask them to leave the land they have, and therefore a part of their identity

  15. I liked Iran way better in the 70,s as the country was a lot more colorful.

    People especially the women and young girls used to wear colorful clothes

    and smile a lot more, or at least their faces were visible to see the smiles.

    Today I see groups with a lot of black, and covered faces, what a shame.

    I also seen a change in the Iranian mens attitudes. I think they have become

    macho and hard to be around,especially if you happen to be a woman visiting

    the country. Shameful to me, but then I am a Geezer with

    a red neck.

    A quite famous reporter made one in Iran: "J'irais dormir chez vous" ( I will come sleep at your house)

    The concept is simple : he goes in a country and try to get invited for dinner and sleep to people's house.

    Most of the Iranian he interwieved asked this question all the time : "why do you think we are terrorist?" or "Is it true you think Iran is a terrorist country?"..it was really sad to see those nice guys asking these many times with a mix of despair and sadness on their face...

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