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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

    This obscene game; Grand Theft Auto: GTA, was/is officially banned in Thailand................No enforcement once again:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games#Thailand.........Grand Theft Auto series Banned likely due to high impact violence, cruelty and sexual content. For reasons unknown, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had since been made available via Steam ever since the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V was launched, which itself is openly available on Steam from the debut.

    At 63, I have no interest in gaming but before wifi I used to regularly use Thai internet cafes which were packed with kids playing games. I was truly shocked to see the content of the games being played by kids on the PCs next to me, and I have since learned the main culprit was GTA. Gaming is addictive, and anyone addicted to this game or just playing it regularly is likely to be conditioned to enjoy killing and inflicting extreme violence on others. It is beyond me how any country could allow this game to be released and circulated for adults let alone children.

    What you say, Sir, is utterly wrong!

    I bet you're in favor of the Junta censorship and monitoring then.

    Also I hope you re deeeply troubled by all the Lakorn tv shows depicting rapes, guns violence.

    I hope you re boycotting the 7pn Thai news and their gory images.

    Hope you burn all those dvd and books depicting violence and express deep concern about gun availability.

    GTA V has more than 60 millions copies. If this game was the origin of violence we would have a worldwide mass murdering...but no, why?

    Because the teens try to blame the game for their actions, like any coward would do and Thailand has a solid reputation of cowardness when it comes to responsibilities...

  2. France has a track record of dealing with Greenpeace. Remember the bomb in Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand. Unlike Japan, France is not considered to be in a major earthquake risk zone, however there have been leaks from the nuclear industry in France, which the French government has tried hide, just as in the UK. The EU has a large team of multinational nuclear inspectors who are very well qualified and experienced, so any problems are quickly identified and measures implemented to rectify or at least minimise the problem. But what Greenpeace need to consider is what is the alternative, more coal powered electricity generation, cover all the hills and coasts with windmills, hundreds of square kilometres covered in solar cells, dam and flood multiple valleys for hydro-electric plants ? What they should concentrate on is how to reduce electricity usage.

    You re right but :

    The Rhone Alpes Region hosts plenty of plants and is sided by two mountains and a strong wind coming from the south. Any serious accident would contaminate the whole country as well as most of Europe in hours.

    The plants are old and even if the security is tight we will never prevent any human factor or terrorist attack by Drone or any clever way to mess.

    The electricity consumption is mostly due to businesses, not individual consumption and with the new technologies we could switch to eco friendly energy.

  3. Not sure that jail time for a thirteen year old is appropriate. Surely GTA has an adult certificate so the game shop should take some responsibility for allowing it to be played by children on their premises. Lack of proper parenting is a considerable factor but nothing much you do about that.

    God Bless America where we can treat an 11 year old as an adult in a murder case - I hope the victim in a Coma recovers...........11 yo or 35 yo, punishment should be the same.


  4. Bet he will be called Antisemitic soon...

    Well he fits the mold! He doesn't like Arabs for a start, aren't they semites as well?? thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifwai.gif

    The term antisemitic refers specifically to Jews but if you aren't willing to accept established definitions, for you, just think Jew haters.


    The terms "critic toward Israel politic" does not mean "jew hater" but if you aren't willing to accept established definitions....

  5. oooh the Irony!

    The same ones praising freedom of speech and ranting toward the Thai Junta censorship and yet they want a game banned.

    Why not start by actual weapons, movies, books,where violence is described?

    A game is a game. I played numerous games where you can act violently, yet i never wanted to shoot or kick anyone's ass.

    Bet those teenagers know exactly what they were doing and try to find an escape by blaming a game.

  6. Wow , all of Israel fenced in to keep the predators out , or the jews in ?

    Anyway , it reminds me of the horrible concentration camps , when I see these photos of the huge Fence .

    So happy I do not have to live there ...

    Israel is the canary in the coal mine for the west; whatever measures they are forced to take so too will Europe and the U.S.

    Israelis are free to travel and migrate to other countries if they wish and conversely many Jews migrate to Israel every year, with a large spike right now from the Jews of FRANCE (where visible Jews no longer feel safe). What you just posted was typical inflammatory Israel demonization rhetoric falsely suggesting an equivalency between modern Israel and Nazi Germany. The Israel demonization ideology loves to drop that stink bomb because they know the holocaust is a hot button emotional issue for most Jews. Nice try. No Groucho Marx cigar. No truth in what you suggest.

    Anyway, I don't agree with all Bibi does or says, and don't always like the tone of his rhetoric, and yes he sometimes goes over the top like with his bomb cartoons, but the basic idea that Israel and the potential future Palestinian state need to be separated and that Israelis need to be protected from terrorists is something very mainstream and will find good support from left to right. I can understand actual details of fences and how complete they need to be are debatable, but these two nations, one actual Israel, one potential Palestine. are not getting married. Indeed, what they need is a BETTER DIVORCE.


    France is the third country in the world in term of jewish community after USA and Israel and the emigration to Israel lower since 2007, so just keep trying dude...

  7. RuamRudy, on 11 Feb 2016 - 11:27, said:
    SgtRock, on 11 Feb 2016 - 10:35, said:

    If strict gun control laws were in place, he likely wouldn't have a gun to start with!!! Simple!!

    If only everything in life was SIMPLE.

    Over 20 shootings in the UK in 2016 so far. UK gun laws are one of the most restrictive in the world.

    So far this year in the US, there have been 1,398 deaths due to gun violence: a country with 5 times the population of the UK has 70 times as many gun deaths. I am not sure what your point is.

    The point.

    Whether you choose to believe it or not. Is that criminals, who are intent on using firearms, will get their hands on them regardless of what Laws, gun control measures are in place.

    Criminals tend to thumb their noses at rules and laws.

    Wrong! as the guns are less availables the prices on the black market will rise and less people would be able to afford them.

    Australia is a good exemple :


  8. Nice try. Israel also provides valuable services to the US. Turkey rather consistently stabs everyone in the back.

    Your images are nothing less than trolling. The US never hung Saddam, the Iraqi's did. Gaddafi was killed by his own people as well. Osama was never a friend, just a convenient ally for a brief moment in time and greeting someone hardly makes a friend.

    You were probably hiding under a rock if you didn't follow the stories each time and really believe USA and Europe have nothing to do with the falls of those men.

    Saddam : remember Colin with the Anthrax joke?

    Gaddafi : The Security Council declared a no fly zone to protect the civilian population from aerial bombardment, calling on foreign nations to enforce it; it also specifically prohibited foreign occupation. Ignoring this, Qatar sent hundreds of troops to support the dissidents, and along with France and the United Arab Emirates provided the NTC with weaponry and training.

  9. Why do you have "corrupt military" in quotations like it is a stupid statement?

    Did you miss the park scandal? Several generals running for the hills and then the military investigated themselves to SHOCK HORROR find that nothing dodgy had gone on rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

    If it had been the someone PTP related doing that you'd be hear drooling on your keyboard with rage.

    And no, I am not a red shirt. I just get sick of people refusing to look at the bigger picture and blaming the bogey man in Dubai for all Thailand's ills.

    you mean the convicted criminal Thaksin on the run with his stolen billions

    So how are these fleeing generals in the park scandal any different Smedly?

    As I mentioned above you make fantastic posts in the KT murder case thread. You know that stinks to high heaven and the real culprits have bribed all and sundry to stay out of prison. This is happening on the super corruption fighting general's watch...

    I know you dislike Thaksin and with good reason. But can't you see the bigger picture here?

    I actually believe the current PM is trying to achieve what he says, he is by no means perfect but I believe he has good intentions, as already mentioned above - nobody else has ever attempted anything like it in Thailand and very likely never would, as it stands he is the only person in Thai political history that has made an attempt (perhaps first step) at stamping out corruption, not an easy task by any means because not only does he need to write legislation into the new charter and create organic laws but he must also make sure that any future elected government can't simply (easily) ammend the charter and remove the parts that prevent them from abusing power - that is the key, it is also important that the agencies put in place to investigate and prosecute corruption can't simply be dismantled.

    All this talk about reconcilliation (a Thaksins buzz word which really means his amnesty) is hogwash, enforce the law and prosecute those that break it - simple, the people of Thailand have had enough of this endless string of corrupt governments and officials stealing their money and abusing power, it has to end

    Only those that use corruption as a means to enrich themselves will be complaing about this new constitution - that pleases me no end

    You re amazing Dude.

    Those who support this constitution will be the establishment and the army

    I am not sure you know what this constitution is : a tool to let the army step in whenever they want to over-rule politics.

    One more time you speak about Chan O Cha like he wants to get rid of corruption.

    So I ask you again :

    What did he do so far to tackle it ?

    He just has the same syndrome you seem to have : monomania against Thaksin

    It is a good thing to get rid of this family, however It is not to focus only on this and let everything else crumble.

    The Police is still as corrupted as ever, the high profile never go to jail, the journalists are threatened and jailed, the students the same. The corruption in the park is hidden, the high ranked officials are still above the law, Suthep can sleep tight....

    All in all, same same but different

  10. The most ardent junta supporters are getting increasingly more shrill as Uncle Too is furiously steering the Thaitanic right towards the iceberg, an iceberg that is in plain view of almost all except those with their heads so far up their rear ends they haven't see the light of day for years.

    Smedy you are obviously blind and enjoy it.

    If you believe one second this Junta will tackle corruption you're insane!

    Please let me know what they have done so far against corruption?

    The park in Hua Hin maybe?

    Please let us know...

    I bet you praised all those in the past who did the same for the best : Pinochet, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Caastro,... or simply ALL the coups before this one...

    What a joke!

  11. Obviously the ISIS, Al Queda, etc muslims are a bad thing. But I agree with the above post with regards to extremists. We see it in all sides. While not all religions have Jihaads, the interpretations have led to most of the wars in mankind's existence. They led to the destruction of thousands of historical artifacts and pieces of knowledge at the hands of crusaders, conquistadors, and others. Certainly someone encouraging burning down mosques is part of the problem, and not the solution.

    Just about all conflict in the world is due to religion

    Well, that and oil, and the arms manufacturers and the 'rebuilding' companies.

    Religion is a tool for those behind those wars.

    If it wasn't for religion anything else would do the same.

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