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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

    They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

    Oh font of all knowledge, please do tell us what country you are from so we can all glow in your country's wisdom and perfection.

    Bhutan, anything else?

    I presume you are from USA...

    It is funny to see that you can't now even compare the Russia and USA in term of hegemony... Please tell me I am wrong and USA is an isolationist country which never interfere in Foreign affairs and government, never appoint any government or support any insurrection in south america, africa, or middle east, please tell me i am wrong and there is no irony to see the US complain and investigate Russia actions in foreign countries

    What a joke seriously....

  2. The US should maybe take care of their own lobbies and how they buy the presidency, before looking at how the Russia is infaltrating the Europe political parties..

    They maybe also invest how the infiltration of CIA in middle east, South american and eastern europe created so many troubles worldwidecoffee1.gif

  3. 85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

    11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

    I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

    Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

    Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

    There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

    But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

    Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

    Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

    Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

    Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

    Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

    It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

    For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

    But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

    Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

    Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

    So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

    These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

    and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

    Here is the crux of a much more in depth analysis, which I link below:

    Due to fundamental differences in how crime is recorded and categorized, its impossible to compute exactly what the British violent crime rate would be if it were calculated the way the FBI does it, but if we must compare the two, my best estimate would be something like 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people. While this is still substantially higher than the rate in the United States, its nowhere near the 2,034 cited by Swann and the Mail.


    The point is, you're in no position to thumb your noses at us. And I'm through dignifying what amounts to little more than school yard bullying. Bye.

    Yes I can, cause i am not from Uk...

  4. You should really read the pages you link as the first one contradict the second one....

    If you think that, then you didn't read the whole thing, Georges.

    The second contradicts the finding that England is 5-times as bad, but it's still comparably as bad and by some measures even worse.

    Edit: The point being, your sanctimonious attitude is plain ol' BS hypocricy.

    as yours is not?

    Please YOU have to read both articles, I wont make you cry and quote both articles here....

  5. amazed at the crazy aspects of thai culture?

    try comprehending american gun culture

    85,000 shootings a year in a country of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population.

    11,000 gun related homicides in a country with 2,500,000 deaths per year = .0044% of the population.

    I know it's no use trying to talk sense to the ethnocentric America-bashers on this site, but the "slaughter"--as one poster put it--isn't really a slaughter at all.

    Don't let facts interrupt your circle jerk, though.

    Yes the figures are so insignificant and really we are happy that Americans get killed like this because it is much better to watch them kill each other than having to plan a terrorist attack. More guns to the Americans thats what we all say. Let them kill themselves off as it keeps down green house gas emissions and is better for the environment.

    There are lots of reasons that Americans should be left to kill each other. smile.png

    But really there are some interesting numbers that dont make sense to non americans. 3 out of 5 deaths from Firearms in the USA are suicides.

    Just about as many deaths from guns as road deaths.

    Now I watch a bit of TV and I seem to notice that just about all of them feature guns. Lots of them. Everyone is being a hero. Running around dodging bullets from Machine Guns and fighting back with amazing shooting prowess with a handgun. Thats why armies use machine guns isnt it so that they dont kill anyone in battle?

    Ok this poor girl lost her life because of a tragic series of events. One of which seems to be the availibility of guns. One seems to be the thought that a gun will stop an eviction.

    Whether she was a small percentage of the population she was a human and she would not have died in other saner countries that dont have a gun culture like the USA.

    Thats the big difference. Not just low percentages. In other countries this type of death does not occur. So it appears senseless.

    It appears preventable. It appears that Americans have a death wish.

    For someone playing at being holier-than-thou, you certainly have a violent streak wishing death upon people. Amongst sane people, this is called hypocrisy.

    But you're right--we Americans do have a death wish rolleyes.gif despite that the figures I quoted demonstrate there is in fact no gun epidemic. Moreover, a child dying from an accidental gun shot is no more tragic than a child choking to death on a toy. It's only your emotions telling you otherwise, and there's nothing reasonable/sane about that.

    Presuming you too are English--it's your unearned sanctimonious perspectives that give you all away, in case you're wondering--your country is as violent a place as any, even without guns: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/5712573/UK-is-violent-crime-capital-of-Europe.html

    Just be honest with yourself: your real problem is that you long for the days of English supremacy, and you disdain Americans for having put you in your proper place and kept you there all these years. biggrin.png

    So you provide a link (from 2009) which say clearly :

    These figures are misleading. Levels of police recorded crime statistics from different countries are simply not comparable since they are affected by many factors, for example the recording of violent crime in other countries may not include behaviour that we would categorise as violent crime.

    and you use it to ask us to compare UK and USA?...

  6. You have got to be kidding me. You are insinuating (aTomsLife) is ignorant??? This poster is articulate and well versed on gun ownership in America. If you and other anti-gun posters were to stop your simple minded hysterical anti-gun rants, and read his posts, you would have a better understanding of America's 2nd Amendment.

    We know the second amendment, it was written a long time ago and is now outdated, the only ignorance is to still think it doesn't need to be modified to fit semi auto, kids rifles,...this is ignorance!

    As well as ignoring the facts and numbers:

    just look at this global comparison with France, a country pro gunners think should have its own second amendment


    Now we all know USA is a violent country, culture of violence is praised rather than avoided.

    Well maybe it is time to MODERNIZE the laws, don't you think?

    "Culture of violence" you say...that's rich coming from a continent that started TWO world-wars that killed tens of millions of people in the last century...and it was that so called "culture of violence" that saved Europe's bacon in those two wars.

    All ten of those Amendments were written a long time ago...any other's you don't like and would like to get rid of?

    The English pointing fingers, some things never change. Yet...


    And for a more in depth analysis of your hypocrisy:


    You should really read the pages you link as the first one contradict the second one....

  7. "Culture of violence" you say...that's rich coming from a continent that started TWO world-wars that killed tens of millions of people in the last century...and it was that so called "culture of violence" that saved Europe's bacon in those two wars.

    You have got to be kidding me. You are insinuating (aTomsLife) is ignorant??? This poster is articulate and well versed on gun ownership in America. If you and other anti-gun posters were to stop your simple minded hysterical anti-gun rants, and read his posts, you would have a better understanding of America's 2nd Amendment.

    We know the second amendment, it was written a long time ago and is now outdated, the only ignorance is to still think it doesn't need to be modified to fit semi auto, kids rifles,...this is ignorance!

    As well as ignoring the facts and numbers:

    just look at this global comparison with France, a country pro gunners think should have its own second amendment


    Now we all know USA is a violent country, culture of violence is praised rather than avoided.

    Well maybe it is time to MODERNIZE the laws, don't you think?

    All ten of those Amendments were written a long time ago...any other's you don't like and would like to get rid of?

    yeah culture of violence.

    Please let me know in which modern country you can find those kind of rifles or company?


    Show me a country in europe where you can buy at the same place a uzi and your groceries

    Name some countries in europe which have the stupid "stand your ground" law.

    Name one country in europe where you have a tv channel dedicated to gun selling and promotion...

    It is also funny to see how you speak about world war when usa started or was implicated in most of the modern wars (do you want an extensive list?)

    Did you have a look at the wesite i gave you (you can compare with other european countries)? I highly doubt about it otherwise you wouldn;t try to argue about
    the violence culture of USA.
    Just open the tv in USA and browse the channels.
    As far as I know there are not a lot of countries which praise gun ownership as USA or rely on an outdated amendment.
    and yes you can change it, because it is an amendment...
  8. I fully support the right of Americans to form well-regulated militias armed with single shot muzzle-loaded muskets to provide additional security in the States as was the purpose and intent of the Second Amendment. What this has to do with the current situation and the thousands of incidents and hundreds of thousands of people who die in the USA from handguns and various other modern weapons is beyond me.

    By your logic, all laws made after muzzle loaders should be void.

    All you keyboard whiners should get a life, grow a tomato and keep

    your stress down. If you can't vote in the US, who gives a crap, fix

    your own house.


    At least we have a house...

    You know you don't need to sign your posts, dude?

  9. to aTomsLife

    Since my more interesting post has been lost without trace in last night’s internet crash and would have been removed anyway, plus the too many text blocks problem stopping me replying directly to your post, I shall simply say the following:

    • There are more guns per head of the population in Thailand than there are in the US and they effect they have had on governments tyranny has been absolutely zilch.

    It’s exactly the same in the US, none of the guns in private hands are going to have any effect on the US government. To say otherwise is totally nonsensical. Wacco to you.

    • Nobody is bothering with your pathetic statistics because the only relevance they have is that 11,000 (in one year) people died unnecessarily. How many died in other countries with reasonable gun controls? – very, very few. You can’t count things like the Paris attacks as they are an act of war.

    • Check out where article 2 originated from and let me know if the same statute is still in place and if people are weeping their hearts out over their loss of liberties.

    • It’s perfectly possible under US law to restrict the sale and ownership of different types of weapons (eg Bowie Knives) without restricting individual rights. Article 2 is as out of date as article 3 is in 2016.

    • Article 5 of the US constitution says:

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, etc.

    Thus it is a total fallacy that you have an INALIENABLE right to bear arms. It can be removed at any time.

    • Thanks for the commendation on my writing, but actually I gave up on yellow journalism when I stopped reading the SCMP in 1985.
    • Americans would react far differently to a military coup than did the Thais. Think whatever you want, though. If I'm correct in presuming you an Englishman, you wouldn't be the first to underestimate our fortitude.
    • No one is bothering with my statistics because they demonstrate the weakness people like you suffer with visceral stimuli. You let your emotions get in the way of reason: of the 11,000 deaths--again less than even half of 1% of all U.S. deaths per year--a very significant plurality of them are gang related. In other words, the weapons involved are illegally possessed and thus fall outside the impact any further regulations might have.
    • I know that restrictions are perfectly legal. My arguments are rooted in the belief that there is regulation enough already.
    • The right to self defense is inalienable. In the United States, gun ownership is part and parcel of that right. That it can be removed any time is a theory that can and will never see the light of day, barring another civil war. For all intents and purposes, then, bearing arms is an inalienable right intrinsic to the existence of the nation. Any allusions otherwise are simply academic and, thus, are of no real interest to me.
    • My yellow journalism remark has nothing to do with your writing, but with you falling victim to anecdotal reporting. Stories like the OP are tantamount to shining a flashlight on a mouse to create a shadow the size of an elephant: 85,000 shootings per year in a population of 320,000,000 = .00027% of the population directly impacted. Yet you argue that's reason enough to scrap our Constitution... rolleyes.gif
    Oh god your ignorance is so funny. Yellow journalism, SCMP, its almost an art to winding up you second amendmentists.

    Don't you feel ashamed that a cog Brit has to quote you your own constitution only to find that really you dont respect any of it, except the bit you need to keep your toys.

    Military coupe in America, fortitude, scrap the constitution, it gets better and better, I just can't stop laughing.

    Thanks for going ahead and making my day!

    You have got to be kidding me. You are insinuating (aTomsLife) is ignorant??? This poster is articulate and well versed on gun ownership in America. If you and other anti-gun posters were to stop your simple minded hysterical anti-gun rants, and read his posts, you would have a better understanding of America's 2nd Amendment.

    We know the second amendment, it was written a long time ago and is now outdated, the only ignorance is to still think it doesn't need to be modified to fit semi auto, kids rifles,...this is ignorance!

    As well as ignoring the facts and numbers:

    just look at this global comparison with France, a country pro gunners think should have its own second amendment


    Now we all know USA is a violent country, culture of violence is praised rather than avoided.

    Well maybe it is time to MODERNIZE the laws, don't you think?

  10. If it were as simple as obfuscation through using "a proxy server" there may a be a remote chance of attributing a certain action on a particular person.

    Imagine this scenario:

    A user logs into a virtual machine connects to some one else's wifi, then connects, via TOR, to a remote hacked machine, the remote machine connects a VPN, the VPN'd traffic goes to another remote machine, that uses a proxy service thru TOR with spoofed MAC address to connects to the target machine..

    Do you follow? really?

    Imagine the hours of fun trying to just trace in single IP request through that..

    Even to unravel one layer of that would challenge GCHQ and the NSA.

    Doesn't mean they cannot be captured.

    Some say that TOR has been tampered with enabling TPTB to de-anonymize users.. I highly doubt that it is possible to use generally to de-anonymize all traffic, I doubt still further anyone other than state hackers would have any chance of doing that.

    Some of those running Silk Road were captured, but it took months of hard work and a stroke of luck.. not so easy with an in/out hacking operation that probably had many contributes

    Anon have been pulling off epic stunts for many years now. The one that get caught are often the young script kiddies. and like any good "service provider" they learn from their mistakes and develop ever better techniques.

    If Thailand could ever provide evidence enough to for an valid extradition warrant for an individual, then any country that has an extradition treaty with Thailand would need to comply.

    And yes breaking into state owned computer system, and stealing data, is a very serious crime in every country..

    Don't do it kids.

    It has been debunked since and TOR is still safe.

    The Silk road and other arrests from Tor websites are mostly due to honeypots and "fbi-Users"

  11. Bad things happen, and governments can't protect you from all of it, especially at times when the government itself is the aggressor. But maybe it's impossible to make you understand, so never mind that now.

    I wrote an earlier post (#134) wherein I demonstrated that gun homicides make up less than half of 1% of all deaths in the U.S. Maybe you didn't see it. Or maybe you did and ignored it so you could continuing slinging mud, asserting that Americans need to give up their guns, but won't because they've no shame.

    Your knee-jerk argument reminds me of the idiots who, after a shark attack on a human, believe it's good policy to go out and massacre all the sharks near the scene.

    After the lack of rules for car accidents they made law to regulate the speed, driving under influence, vision test, health test for elderies, proper permit which requires hours of mandatory training.
    It is the same for drugs then, why not allow all the drugs and just ask the people to be responsible...oh yes, there are regulations because we are in a society, so we need to walk at the same speed as the slowest members...
    If you think it is normal to have guns sized and designed for kids so they are attractives, if you think having a "gun channel" so you can order rifles from home, if you think it is normal to not have any regulation for sales from an owner to another...then let' see how 2016 will be in term of massacres and other deaths due to lack of regulation in USA.
    It started well : already more than 400 "incidents" in 15 days

    But that's just it, Sherlock, guns already are regulated.


    Hey Watson, Look at the regulations in details and you will see that what you see is not entirely right (or wrong if you prefer)
    In Texas there is no regulation for sales between two individuals.... and so much more


    Elementary my Dear Watson

    Good news, Sherlock! For people uncomfortable living in Texas, my investigation shows they have 49 other choices.

    Nope Watson, as Texas is not the only state with such stupid lack of regulation...but tou just agreed that the regulation has flaws so it is better than nothing
    Elementary my dear Watson

  12. No, you would have to do something really bad for that to happen
    Like killing loads of kids.... Oh, sorry, that's already been done

    Er..... Yeah, you are correct, nobody will ever be able to take your guns. Impossible to shame you or make you understand.....

    Bad things happen, and governments can't protect you from all of it, especially at times when the government itself is the aggressor. But maybe it's impossible to make you understand, so never mind that now.

    I wrote an earlier post (#134) wherein I demonstrated that gun homicides make up less than half of 1% of all deaths in the U.S. Maybe you didn't see it. Or maybe you did and ignored it so you could continuing slinging mud, asserting that Americans need to give up their guns, but won't because they've no shame.

    Your knee-jerk argument reminds me of the idiots who, after a shark attack on a human, believe it's good policy to go out and massacre all the sharks near the scene.

    After the lack of rules for car accidents they made law to regulate the speed, driving under influence, vision test, health test for elderies, proper permit which requires hours of mandatory training.
    It is the same for drugs then, why not allow all the drugs and just ask the people to be responsible...oh yes, there are regulations because we are in a society, so we need to walk at the same speed as the slowest members...
    If you think it is normal to have guns sized and designed for kids so they are attractives, if you think having a "gun channel" so you can order rifles from home, if you think it is normal to not have any regulation for sales from an owner to another...then let' see how 2016 will be in term of massacres and other deaths due to lack of regulation in USA.
    It started well : already more than 400 "incidents" in 15 days

    But that's just it, Sherlock, guns already are regulated.


    "After the lack of rules for car accidents they made law to regulate the speed, driving under influence, vision test, health test for elderies, proper permit which requires hours of mandatory training."

    And yet there are still road fatalities.

    "It is the same for drugs then, why not allow all the drugs and just ask the people to be responsible..."

    And yet there are still overdoses.

    "...because we are in a society, so we need to walk at the same speed as the slowest members."

    That's actually not how it works at all.

    "It started well : already more than 400 "incidents" in 15 days"

    I'd ask you to define "incidents," but what's the point. You're already ignoring that we're a country of 320 million people, and thus also ignoring how your figure works out per capita. Why don't you calculate it and see. That is, if you even have a calculator capable of displaying that many zeros.

    I can already notice one zero here...
    Go look at the ratio per capita on the relevant websites... you can even compare with other countries...
  13. No, you would have to do something really bad for that to happen

    Like killing loads of kids.... Oh, sorry, that's already been done

    Er..... Yeah, you are correct, nobody will ever be able to take your guns. Impossible to shame you or make you understand.....

    Bad things happen, and governments can't protect you from all of it, especially at times when the government itself is the aggressor. But maybe it's impossible to make you understand, so never mind that now.

    I wrote an earlier post (#134) wherein I demonstrated that gun homicides make up less than half of 1% of all deaths in the U.S. Maybe you didn't see it. Or maybe you did and ignored it so you could continuing slinging mud, asserting that Americans need to give up their guns, but won't because they've no shame.

    Your knee-jerk argument reminds me of the idiots who, after a shark attack on a human, believe it's good policy to go out and massacre all the sharks near the scene.

    After the lack of rules for car accidents they made law to regulate the speed, driving under influence, vision test, health test for elderies, proper permit which requires hours of mandatory training.

    It is the same for drugs then, why not allow all the drugs and just ask the people to be responsible...oh yes, there are regulations because we are in a society, so we need to walk at the same speed as the slowest members...

    If you think it is normal to have guns sized and designed for kids so they are attractives, if you think having a "gun channel" so you can order rifles from home, if you think it is normal to not have any regulation for sales from an owner to another...then let' see how 2016 will be in term of massacres and other deaths due to lack of regulation in USA.

    It started well : already more than 400 "incidents" in 15 days

    But that's just it, Sherlock, guns already are regulated.


    Hey Watson, Look at the regulations in details and you will see that what you see is not entirely right (or wrong if you prefer)

    In Texas there is no regulation for sales between two individuals.... and so much more


    Elementary my Dear Watson

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