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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Linzz, on 10 Dec 2015 - 10:42, said:Linzz, on 10 Dec 2015 - 10:42, said:
    jewell49, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:02, said:jewell49, on 10 Dec 2015 - 07:02, said:
    HooHaa, on 09 Dec 2015 - 11:42, said:HooHaa, on 09 Dec 2015 - 11:42, said:

    It would seem that confusion between Islam and radical Islam is not all that uncommon around here either.

    do you seriously think there is that much difference???? get real and open your eyes

    What are you talking about? I live next door to a lawyer in a suit who couldn't be more civilized and is not an Arab and doesn't know any. But he's a Muslim. Dresses up and party's at Ramadan celebrates Xmas and whatever else too. So am I missing something here? Are you telling me to open my eyes because secretly he is going to bomb my neighborhood and cut my head off because I'm not a believer?

    Do you seriously think there is no difference???? Get real and open your eyes

    Who knows.

    Go research Amjen Chowdhary.

    He is also a lawyer, he also partied with the best of them. He is currently incarcerated.

    In USA it seems more probable to get shot by your christian neighbour than any muslim extremist if we look at the facts for 2015 only.

  2. Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

    That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

    Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

    Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

    the Quaran also say :

    If you kill a man it is like killing all the men

    The man life is sacred and nobody should kill a man.

    The bible has pretty tough words too, why not editing it?

  3. Lemme do the math. If the big majority of Muslims so strongly disapproved of ISIS they would wipe them out themselves. They wouldn't allow this "insignificant minority" to get them so much bad press.

    The current fear and even hatred of Muslims is real and the Muslims need a new PR firm. With their huge list of atrocities including in the "moderate" Saudi Arabia I'm unable to cut them any slack at all.

    I'm not interested in finding out which "tiny few" among all of the "good rattlesnakes" might bite me.

    It is much more dificult to get rid of something when everything around you fight against you.

    Kurdish fighting against ISIS? bombed by Turkey.

    Assad fighting against ISIS bombed by Europe and USA.

    Laïc governments fighting against extremism in middle east: erased by USA and Europe.

    ISIS praise wahhabism religion, which is shared by Saudi, a strong ally of US and Europe, why not get rid of the Saudi, instead of making business with them?

    We could apply this to the Christian as well, right? I mean look at the last shooting in the abortion clinic...oh no?

    In USA the kkk is official, I say let get rid of all the white people as i m not interested in finding out which tiny few amon all might bite me.

    Thailand could apply the same with farang, as they are probably not interested in finding the few.....and so on.

    The reality is much more complex and let see how will USA be with its borders closed...

    If Trump is elected i will probably buy a lot of pocorn watching the news daily and laughing at the crumble of USA.

  4. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what's "unconstitutional" about denying anyone who isn't a citizen the right to enter the US?

    You mean based on their religion?

    I think this is called just racism, segregation...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too

    "I think this is called just racism..." Please tell me what race a Muslim is? Racist, really?

    "segregation..." We have segregation in the US. We put criminals in jail and don't allow the men to use the women's restroom. Besides, these people aren't in the US and aren't US citizens. They don't have any rights in the US.

    "...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too." I wish the ignorant would stop insulting the rednecks who are some of my heroes. About 100 years ago they were the coal miners of W. Virginia who wore red bandannas to signify unity as they went on strike against the coal mine owners and their hired goons. Many of them were killed by the owners' goons. I would be proud to be called a redneck.

    Class dismissed.

    Racism because the religion is not written on a passport, so obviously trump, and you know that, will pick the people from middle east"..

    I know usa has segregation and not only for criminals but also based on skin color, just look at any stats, mumber don t lies.

    As calling you a redneck, looking at the history of your posts, most of the people here may think you are, you were the inspiration for the movie "Delivrance" right?

    And as I thought:

    The term characterized farmers having a red neck caused by sunburn from hours working in the fields. A citation from


    provides a definition as "poorer inhabitants of the rural districts...men who work in the field, as a matter of course, generally have their skin stained red and burnt by the sun, and especially is this true of the back of their necks

    One sould learn to walk before trying to teach how to dance

  5. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what's "unconstitutional" about denying anyone who isn't a citizen the right to enter the US?

    You mean based on their religion?

    I think this is called just racism, segregation...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too

    "I think this is called just racism..." Please tell me what race a Muslim is? Racist, really?

    "segregation..." We have segregation in the US. We put criminals in jail and don't allow the men to use the women's restroom. Besides, these people aren't in the US and aren't US citizens. They don't have any rights in the US.

    "...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too." I wish the ignorant would stop insulting the rednecks who are some of my heroes. About 100 years ago they were the coal miners of W. Virginia who wore red bandannas to signify unity as they went on strike against the coal mine owners and their hired goons. Many of them were killed by the owners' goons. I would be proud to be called a redneck.

    Class dismissed.

    Racism because the religion is not written on a passport, so obviously trump, and you know that, will pick the people from middle east"..

    I know usa has segregation and not only for criminals but also based on skin color, just look at any stats, mumber don t lies.

    As calling you a redneck, looking at the history of your posts, most of the people here may think you are, you were the inspiration for the movie "Delivrance" right?

  6. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what's "unconstitutional" about denying anyone who isn't a citizen the right to enter the US?

    You mean based on their religion?

    I think this is called just racism, segregation...but obviously here with Trump, it is just a redneck argument, which Daesh applause too

  7. It's interesting to see the comments about the current administration.Well now, I am a Thai with voting rights no visa needs and perhaps a little more insight as to what is the real situation here and although a citizen of both the U.K. and Thailand due to the nationality of my parents I was also educated both here in Thailand and the U.K or England as we then called the country.I have been since my birth some 70 years since worked around the world as well as here in Thailand where I am now retired and domiciled I find that those posters are lets be honest not in a position to influence the current situation nor those of the past or even the future.

    You have no real insight into the realities of what people think, you are all well aware that we Thai's will tell you what you want to hear as opposed to what we really think, we love our country warts and all. The general feeling is that the current admiistartion is the lesser of many evils, not spotless agreed but it is not up to you to try to change matters to what you want or think we want. Many of you came here for what you saw and liked now it seems you want to change it to what you left behind.

    Many long term foreign residents here are happy with the currennt situation having lived through some very dishonest administrations inthe pasy years.Many of the criticcs are short term residents who have no real insight as to what is happening.None of you have the ear of those in power nor ever will, there was and is a plan projected and I and I am sure you all too wish to see the corrupt element s removed from power. Just think back to the past where decent administrations were brought down by corrupt individuals and the replcement administration who had accused the toppled administartion were a lot worse than the one before it. like I said perhaps if you stepped back and let we Thai's deal with matters in our own way we will go forward, just think back to the war waged on corruption in Singapore by Lee Kuan Yew and it's still being waged to this day.

    The practices linked to corruption are inbred and it takes time to remove that trait.

    Remember how it all started here, important people were appointed to administratiomn posts by the then king so as to create a civil service structure, no pay so people used to bring gifts as payment a tical here a tical there a bit of rice, fruit whatever,well salaries were later paid but the gift practice has continued and become labelled a corrupt practice, sorry its in our makeup and it's going to take time to move on.

    Unfortunatly I am not sure the thais are really fully aware of what is happening in their country and for more than one reason :

    -lese Majeste law


    -Ruling of the elites which despise or simply ignore the living situation of the poor.

    -Inhability for most of them to read english or foreign news or to be interested by them


    -Education system which is for the public system most of the time incompetents.

    You probably enjoy your maid and your driver paid around 15k a month at best and i am sure you will tell me : but they are really happy...

    Now we, foreigners have not any ability to change that, you re right, however people like you : educated thais, have this ability but don't give a sh.t as long as it suits your needs without any lesson learned from the past (thamassat events, with an S is just one exemple, blue diamond case another interesting one) and don't care of the future...

    and of course one more time : lese majeste/censorship/selfishness are the roots of the problems in thailand, like it or not.

    Just tell me why the New York times was censored two times, and did you read the censored articles? especially the second one?

    I m sure you didn t

  8. They are all the same the junta is or has corrupt elements , and always will. Prayut you started a war on corruption , What happened ?

    Nobody else supported him. He also made noises about reforming the tomato police but gave up on that idea as well. They aren't called tomatoes for nothing.

    Prayuth can't do any of it himself. He has to delegate. And if nobody else down the chain wants to change anything, you can be sure nothing will happen.

    But anyone who thinks the best option for Thailand is another bunch of dirty cronies, they are either on the take or aren't quite altogether there. They are the 'dinosaurs' whose 3rd-world corrupt Asian politics belong in the history books as part of the record of the countries embarrassing past.

    The only hope for the country is to reduce the most extreme corruption (the sort which leads to a 310: amnesty vote) and hope over time the people will pressure future politicians to act in a more honorable and civilised manner.

    However going by the level of comments I see here, I'm not holding my breath.

    Red-shirts going out to protest about corruption : you just couldn't make it up.

    That you defend Gestapo methods like this is unbelievable. What is your country of origin? North Korea? <removed>

    Don't worry, EnglishJohn just adjusted his tone a few days ago...His posts history show how he loved and supported the Junta until recently...but of course his "redophobia" is still present and he cannot help himself but put some anti-thaksin rethoric in every post he makes

  9. Does this include protecting Russian warplanes that violate Turkey's airspace??? I sure hope they don't shoot down a Turkish or coalition plane with this system. We might end up with WWIII. Thanks Russia.

    Thanks Russia? It was not Russia who started all that mess, and I prefer Russia cleaning it up, than no one is doing it.

    The mess was started by a brutal dictator that murdered his own people. And was supported by Russia. So in a way, yes, Russia helped start this.

    The US supports brutal dictators all over the world--from the deposed Shah of Iran to the current House of Saud. The US merely wanted toi unseat Assad because he is aligned with Russia, and the US wants to dominate the region for purely financial reasons. That is what they are: purely financial reasons. If altruism played any role in it, we would have troops in half of Africa. We don't. We only get altruistic when there is a lot of money on the table. The rest of the time....we look the other way.

    You are right,

    And not a lot of occidental newspapers write about the pipeline the USA and Europe would like to have in Syria...a pipeline Assad doesn't want as it would lessen the Europe needs of Russian Oil and Gas...

    That's the new name for US/Europe backed pipeline : freedom

  10. Fair enough, it was the fault of previous governments. However now the junta head has oversight, we should shortly expect to see the transformation of THAI into an airline which will go from strength to strength and leave its competitors in the dust.

    What on earth makes you think anyone in the Army knows the first thing about running an airline ?.

    Stop blaming the Junta for everything like a spoilt child and start supporting progress on reforms so they are pressured to get out and let Thailand have it's first government from free and fair elections.

    Say the guy who blame Thaksin for every problem in Thailand....

  11. Not bad, one week AFTER the massacre!

    Don't you see the millions of Muslims on the streets demonstrating against the attacks worldwide?

    I don't see them as well....

    You re not looking very well:


    Blame the medias for not covering the demonstrations..

    Thank you very much! It is good to see that there are some good one!

    But look at the photos....a hand full and most of them from India, non from Arab areas. Demonstrations to protect whales would attract 10 times more people.

    It is one of the few articles about this:

    By looking for this i have found muslims demonstrations against daesh in :

    Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, europe, South America,....

    The problem with the muslims demonstrations are also the fear they have to be targeted by the right wing nuts..a goal which is waited by Daesh, proving their dusgusting actions have worked : division, fear of each other, right wing rising,...

  12. "The country’s 2,500 mosques and prayer rooms have been asked to preach against terrorism".

    Preach against terrorism?? No chance of that happening, just do the simple thing and close them all down.

    As they should have closed all the Christian and Protestant chruches in Ireland, right?


    Very interesting answer, and which give us a good idea of your capacity to discuss in a constructive way...

    And by the way closing all mosquees would just make the prayers rooms harder to find and infiltrate to find possible threats...but I suppose you didn't think of that neither...

    Ireland is still full of biggots and you don't seem to mention it...

    Your typical answers on this thread just make the day of the Daesh terrorists, in fact you are playing their game quite well and they thank you for that coffee1.gif

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