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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Suspended jail is a fair penalty

    And hope it will stop this stupid "no vaccine" fashion

    It's a not "no vaccine " fashion but currently in France only DTP is mandatory but laboratory stop to made it for a new formula include other valence like Hepatitis B. They are an importante polemics about this.

    Some parent are afraid by this because the vaccine against hepatitis B has long been accused of causing plates sclerosis (WHO has not established any link between vaccination and the disease) .

    Some doctor like professor Henri Joyeux believe some laboratory have created a shortage for sale their new more expensive vaccine.

    Furthermore, some of which EELV MEP Michèle Rivasi, accusing pharmaceutical companies of organized shortages, hexavalent vaccine costing more. "The laboratories are organized so that parents no longer have a choice. (...) For Social Security, it is much more expensive because you go from 6.50 euros the DTP vaccine at more than 40 euros. So who benefits from the crime? for the pharmaceutical companies, "protested the one.

    Henri Joyeux is a biggot

  2. All normal citizens should be able to own a gun. This way they could defend themselves, friends and families against Islamist and other deviants.

    In civilized countries, the Police is the only one which can handle threats.

    France will never authorize such thing and it is good. Don't want France to end with daily road rage shootings, kids shot dead by toddlers or crazy family members or couple dramas...

    Guns are not welcomed in France

  3. The whole bloody world is imploding. Better stay in Thailand, y'all! coffee1.gif

    Let me see,

    Saudi baits Iran by chopping the head off the cleric. (Masterful move by the US, who is just itching at the opportunity to add Iran to its list Of casualties).

    There's a few months of ongoing words and sanctions by each country, condemning the other. Bombs start exploding, military jets on patrol sail dangerously close to each other's borders, suddenly there's an intended 'unintended incident' which results direct combat between Iran and Saudi.

    Now there's really large missiles traveling the short distance across the gulf and there are 10's of thousands of casualties on both sides,

    The next stage of the world war has commenced,

    The USA and it's allies move in to assist,

    Russia, China and what's left of Syria move in to ensure the Coalition of the foolish ceases messing in middle eastern politics for once and for all.

    Little mushrooms start appearing on the horizon !

    AND, you think you are safe in Thailand ?

    55555555. Good luck with that.

    I highly doubt USA would ever help the Saudi in a war at this moment

  4. Were pretty much at war with radical Islam. So to protect its citizens, stoping any possible people that could be part of that group kinda makes since given the facts. RI makes no mistakes when it openly threatens acts of terrorism towards the US on the soil of the US. It's not like they havent accomplished this before.......Vetting anybody from the areas in question is near imppssible. So why not do what can be done in. It is a matter of National Security. Plain and simple.

    How would you screen people to know they are muslims?

  5. <snip>

    So i presume you re a pro "a2" yourself...Please let me know how you manage your daily stress in Thailand as you can't have a gun with you

    Republican on this forum and in general seem to not see the evident truth : the more gun you have in a place, the more chance you have to get shot by lunatic, errands, drunk, angry neighbor, your own kid who play with it.

    I can drive perfectly my car at 250miles/hour but because some stupid cannot i must drive slow...what a shame!

    I can drive and drunk without any problem, but because a stupid moron killed a kid while drunk and driving, i must be sober while in my car.

    I take drugs lke a .ing champion but because some people die of OD they are banned...

    You accept those laws, right?

    So why not do the same with gun?

    What makes you possibly believe I owe you an explanation for anything?

    you' re right, we are just here to read ourselves and not share opinion

    -"Ho I really wrote something coo i will reread myself" and criticize other posts, but never answer to those who question me"

    ...typical from someone who has not any argument,

    Thanks for your enlightenment

  6. I do agree completely. the USA has tryed to rule the world since 1990 and the world becames much worse than earlier. Muslim's terror is the biggest problem now thanks to the USA.

    What about the period before 1990?

    It's interesting to note you have just absolved Islamic radicals of guilt for their part in all the terror attacks over the last 25 years.

    No he didn't

  7. Obama is simply trying to build a legacy that he can point to in his later life and tell everybody what he accomplished.

    What the Democrats, and the liberals on this forum, don't realize is that most Americans just simply don't think gun control is an issue.

    But the squeeky wheel gets the grease.


    Gallup: Only 2% Say 'Guns/Gun Control' Among Nation's Most Important Problems
    By Susan Jones
    January 4, 2016 | 5:53 AM EST
    (CNSNews.com) - As President Obama prepares to announce new executive actions on gun control Monday, a newly released Gallup Poll shows that "guns/gun control" ranked near the bottom of Americans' most pressing concerns in 2015.
    In fact, guns/gun control ranked 19th out of 23 top problems facing the country last year.
    According to Gallup, only one percent of respondents mentioned guns/gun control as a concern for most of the months in 2015, although mentions spiked to 7 percent in October and December following mass shootings in those months that dominated the news. (The overall average for the year was 2 percent.)

    So i presume you re a pro "a2" yourself...Please let me know how you manage your daily stress in Thailand as you can't have a gun with you

    Republican on this forum and in general seem to not see the evident truth : the more gun you have in a place, the more chance you have to get shot by lunatic, errands, drunk, angry neighbor, your own kid who play with it.

    I can drive perfectly my car at 250miles/hour but because some stupid cannot i must drive slow...what a shame!

    I can drive and drunk without any problem, but because a stupid moron killed a kid while drunk and driving, i must be sober while in my car.

    I take drugs lke a .ing champion but because some people die of OD they are banned...

    You accept those laws, right?

    So why not do the same with gun?

  8. This all political grandstanding by the democrats. More laws on the books will do absolutely nothing to stop crazy people from doing crazy deeds. Just look at some of the cities where there are very strict gun laws and they have the highest rates of violence. This will only affect law abiding citizens, since when do the bad guys obey the laws. I would totally agree with stiffer punishment for anyone convicted of using a firearm in the commission of a crime and cannot be used in any plea bargain. Automatic 10 for murder, 7 to 10 for armed robbery depending if it was discharged or not, and automatic 5 years for anything else. If you are a felon and are caught with a firearm in your position you get the max 10 years. If you are a law abiding citizen you should not be punished because of this criminal element that is causing almost all the gun deaths.

    Problem is : law abiding citizen can turn violent as well because of alcohol, road rage, family/couple issues, kids finding the guns, reselling the guns to "trusted friend" who turn to be a lunatic....

    When a country culture leads to create rifles designed for kids with shiny colors (http://www.crickett.com/crickett_rifles.php), tv channel dedicated to gun sales and so much more, you know there is a problem somewhere

  9. Do many of you people even read the OP?

    This is what it says:


    "However four, including Nimr al-Nimr, were Shi’ite Muslims accused of shooting police officers during more recent anti-government protests.
    43 are described as Sunni jihadists. They include prominent al-Qaeda figures convicted of attacks on Western compounds, government buildings and diplomatic missions between 2003 and 2006."
    Seems to me the Saudis were simply cleaning house by getting rid of some of the trash.

    Was the execution of these individuals some kind of loss to humanity? No! They were just thugs wanting power for themselves in order to have their particular kind of despotic regime. No loss to anyone. Hope Saudis get rid of some more. Not like Obama letting the the thugs out of Guantanamo. Of course Bush should have never brought them there. Should have let the Afghans do away with them in an Afghani prison quietly.

    First you seem to be completly ignorant of who was Nimr, so before giving a round of applause to the Saudis, you should learn a bit more.

    And of course we can trust this country, right? it is not like they support(ed) terrorism and extrem islam.

    Just grab some information about wahhabism.

    And for Bush : the current situation is greatly due to his stupid foreign politics and the warmongers around him

    If your little tutorial is addressed to me and just for your information, i lived and worked in Saudi for over 30 years.

    I had one employee shot and killed by an Al-Qaeda operative and lost some friends and acquaintances in the compound bombings in Riyadh.

    I lived within 20 miles of Qatif for much of the 30 years so became somewhat familiar with the Shiite minority. Even had quite a few on my payroll.

    Bush was nowhere to be seen in 1979 when the Embassy in Tehran was overrun. Islamic radicals hate everybody, including Barack Hussein Obama.
    Where were you when all this was happening?

    My little tutorial was an answer about Nimr,

    You didn t spend a lot of time learning to read properly while in Middle east obviously.

    You also don t seem to read the informations coming from more than 20 countries which blame this execution of Nimr.

    Naming Obama "hussein" also help us understand on which side of the political spectrum you are...

    Please enlighten me about your knowledge of Wahhabism also...

    Let me also know how you praised the Saudi while you were there....

    Did you enjoy wine, lurked some girls,...help me understand how this beautiful family help the world with their religion and mass executions... while some of them may be justified, Nimr was not member of Al Qaeda, neither Daesh...

  10. People who believe anybody or anything created ISIS are insane.

    ISIS, Islamic extremist, Jihadist are nothing, but a collection of barbaric animals that need to be put down hard. They come about just like a rabid dog appearing on your porch; a collection of insane animals frothing at the mouth. They are too far gone to do anything other than put them out of their misery.

    Well then It is no use to try to show you the history of Daesh, which was created from Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (founded in 1999) which was itself created by Abu Musab al-Zarqawhad traveled to Afghanistan to fight in the Soviet-Afghan war, and created a training camp

    Guess who gave him money "to start his business" and training at this time...a small beard man known as Bin Ladin..whom, guess what, was a good friend of the USA...

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