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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. This may come as a shock to the hysterical anti-gun posters but guns are not going to be confiscated from law abiding citizens in America, because this father shot his son.

    No, you would have to do something really bad for that to happen

    Like killing loads of kids.... Oh, sorry, that's already been done

    Er..... Yeah, you are correct, nobody will ever be able to take your guns. Impossible to shame you or make you understand.....

    Bad things happen, and governments can't protect you from all of it, especially at times when the government itself is the aggressor. But maybe it's impossible to make you understand, so never mind that now.

    I wrote an earlier post (#134) wherein I demonstrated that gun homicides make up less than half of 1% of all deaths in the U.S. Maybe you didn't see it. Or maybe you did and ignored it so you could continuing slinging mud, asserting that Americans need to give up their guns, but won't because they've no shame.

    Your knee-jerk argument reminds me of the idiots who, after a shark attack on a human, believe it's good policy to go out and massacre all the sharks near the scene.

    After the lack of rules for car accidents they made law to regulate the speed, driving under influence, vision test, health test for elderies, proper permit which requires hours of mandatory training.

    It is the same for drugs then, why not allow all the drugs and just ask the people to be responsible...oh yes, there are regulations because we are in a society, so we need to walk at the same speed as the slowest members...

    If you think it is normal to have guns sized and designed for kids so they are attractives, if you think having a "gun channel" so you can order rifles from home, if you think it is normal to not have any regulation for sales from an owner to another...then let' see how 2016 will be in term of massacres and other deaths due to lack of regulation in USA.

    It started well : already more than 400 "incidents" in 15 days

  2. Unfortunate. But if this was an eviction, where was the man to go with his family?

    The US has all kinds of free housing for "refugees", but there is no compassion for citizens who try to live within the system during this economic collapse that is denied by the politicians and media.

    I still strongly support the peoples' 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

    And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

    And every non American on this forum that always is complaining about it can just <deleted> and KMA.

    I am non American on this forum and I can surely tell you that I will still express my opinion toward this outdated 2nd amendment.

    But I am happy to see that you don't have any civilized way to express yourself and are probably part of the redneck community here, polishing your gun like you would polish your.....

    Life must be hard for you, living in Thailand and not able to carry your big gun, tough guy

  3. Well, how about the rabble that protested outside the US embassy a few weeks back? No prosecution? Didn't think so.

    All part of the sincere effort to reconcile the country I guess...coffee1.gif

    One group were protesting against a foreigner criticizing the Les Majeste laws which (support them or not) are supposed to protect the Monarchy.

    One group is political activists (directed by someone behind the scenes using students as the bait - from their own admission) trying to raise anti-Junta sentiment in a group of people who have shown us many times that they will use terrorism to get what they want.

    Are you really unable to see the difference ?. Or can you see it but are quite happy to pretend you don't ? - in which case my signature line applies.

    It shows how thin your arguments are when you have to drag up the same one again and again each time your own comrades do something new. Same with Suthep : his land deal has been used to counter dozens of dirty deeds by red-shirt politicians. No senior figure is clean here. It is all a question of degree. This 'why pick on us - everybody does it' argument is old and weak by now.

    I doubt anyone in that group actually knows what 'democracy' means beyond an election.

    One group is political activists (directed by someone behind the scenes using students as the bait - from their own admission) trying to raise anti-Junta sentiment in a group of people who have shown us many times that they will use terrorism to get what they want.

    Can you provide a link or something like this to support your writings?

    With this same sentence you re trying to tell us that students are terrosits?

    Come on EJ, you really need to read again your own signature and try to understand it, as it applies quite well to most of YOUR statements

    One group were protesting against a foreigner criticizing the Les Majeste laws

    No they are also political activists, especially the monk who led them, you must be blind if you don't see that.. We cannot link politics with the ones who are protected by this law, but we are all aware they put their hands in politics as well...

    It shows how thin your arguments are when you have to drag up the same one again and again each time your own comrades do something new.

    But this is the way you react on nearly each post you write, and i agree with you, the arguments are really thins

  4. This incident brings to mind, everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you are stupid or you made a poor choice. About 90,000,000 gun owners killed no one yesterday..................just saying.

    mmm you should watch the news


    At least 5 in US the last 24 hours

  5. For every murder or tragic accident, we probably could collect a much higher stack of life-saving anecdotes because a policeman or citizen was armed.

    Probably not, otherwise the NRA would have created a website only for this

    Dream on. We're both talking in probabilities on this point, without facts. But I suspect I'm right. IMHO. :-)

    Well all in all, just look at the link i posted a bit earlier...you will have a big part of the answer...

    I am not talking about probabilities.

    If a lobby like the NRA does not setup a website or any kind of thread which list all the crimes prevented by guns, and if the case were true (more prevention than accidents) well I will soon ask to be a consultant, cause it's something that every pro guns would like to throw at the face of people like me...but there is not...strange no?

    There are such sites by the NRA. Many Americans defend themselves, their families or even a complete stranger with a gun. The MSM and other blinded people aren't interested in any such facts, however. They are cowards who run on emotions.

    BTW I feel terrible about the OP incident and I feel that the father was stupid, but it was one person in 330 million. I can accept those odds in exchange for my freedom.

    The Armed Citizen

    The Armed Citizen II

    A comparison between people saved by gun owners and those killed daily by guns owners.

    I highly doubt there is, otherwise the NRA would have less fanboys

    And if you look at 2015 it is much more than 1 people on 330 million which kill someone with a by mistake or out of rage or drunkness every day

  6. What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

    One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

    Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

    So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

    Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

    ...and my experience is you are in the minority.

    I choose to be a little stronger willed than to accept opinions from those that have never done anything but go to school and read books, or in this case...

    Never owning or firing a firearm, never having been to the US and not likely to ever go and having no idea what the Constitution means to many of us.

    I seldom post opinions on Aussie, New Zealand, Euro, British or any thread with which I am not personally familiar. I have no personal involvement with any of these nations so why should I waste my time.

    I must admit I did make a couple of silly posts on the Johnny Depp led dog invasion of Australia but hopefully this will not be held against me.

    I've always been an advocate of the Abe Lincoln quote...

    "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

    Good advice for many on this forum to follow.

    I choose to be a little stronger willed than to accept opinions from those that have never done anything but go to school and read books, or in this case...

    Nobody is doubting you are suspicous toward people who read book and went t school...cheesy.gif

  7. Just another example of why the general populous shouldn't be armed.

    When will the gun 'pro' supporters ever realise they are wrong? Probably never, too stupid !

    No Stupid ,If Dad had a Baseball bat, He would have Caved in his sons Head in too,So people are Stupid for arming themselves with Baseball Bats hey?

    He would have to come closer to his son and maybe recognize him...he would also have a chance to not kill it instantly

  8. I never been to Texas for sure, with a stupid law like Stand your ground I will not go neither (south park has a wonderful episode about this by the way)

    And from what I can see, you CANNOT have a gun in a concert, sport event, and so on

    So you're willing to extrapolate that ban/prohibition to an entire society/country?

    It will for sure prevent any road rage, drunk, kids shooting at each other thinking it is a toy.... and so much more

    Oh yes, it will certainly prevent any road rage.....

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2016-01-13 at 4.13.38 PM.png

    Human nature will always find a lethal tool, even if it is Cain destroying his brother with a club. What what really needed was good club-control legislation.

    It is easier to kill someone or more than one by just pressing a trigger rather than clubbing them...

    Probably the kid will still be alive if its dad "only" clubbed him

  9. I am quite sure guns are banned from concerts in USA as well

    You obviously haven't been to the USA. Try an outdoor concert in Texas, Wyoming or Montana, which states boast responsible gun laws and control, along with a better-trained citizenry in self-protection. The very last venues that would be visited by any self-respecting terrorist.

    I never been to Texas for sure, with a stupid law like Stand your ground I will not go neither (south park has a wonderful episode about this by the way)

    And from what I can see, you CANNOT have a gun in a concert, sport event, and so on

    So you're willing to extrapolate that ban/prohibition to an entire society/country?

    It will for sure prevent any road rage, drunk, kids shooting at each other thinking it is a toy.... and so much more

  10. I can drive like a f1 racer, but because some morons cannot drive fast I have to follow the regulations.

    I can take drugs like a champion, but because some morons can't I cannot buy them in shops.

    In USA Kinder chocolate are forbiddent because some kids swallow them and shock, so all the kids cannot buy them.

    In USA you cannot eat raw milk cheese, because "it is not safe"

    You cannot drink before majority, but you can buy a rifle for your 12yrs old kid.....

    You cannot have an abortion before medical check, discussion with a shrink, face the bigots raw of shame...but you can buy guns in Wallmart.

    Smoking law is harsher than gun selling

    Oh and do not forget the main thing : guns are designed to kill or aim...nothing else, not to open beers...

    Cars are not designed to kill

    IMHO guns are designed to protect (as are armies, medicine, chemotherapy, safety training, etc.). Not such an alien thought.

    Even though we have these things designed to protect, they are still misused (N. Korea, belligerents of WW2, etc.).

    BTW, I am all for better control which weeds out the cons and certifiable idiots. The best we can do. However, you ban all weapons and you end up with a defenseless crowd at a Paris concert.

    I am quite sure guns are banned from concerts in USA as well

    You obviously haven't been to the USA. Try an outdoor concert in Texas, Wyoming or Montana, which states boast responsible gun laws and control, along with a better-trained citizenry in self-protection. The very last venues that would be visited by any self-respecting terrorist.

    I never been to Texas for sure, with a stupid law like Stand your ground I will not go neither (south park has a wonderful episode about this by the way)

    And from what I can see, you CANNOT have a gun in a concert, sport event, and so on

  11. Play with guns and u kill people.

    Drive cars like idiots and u kill people.

    Serve pa-ra on your son-tam and u kill people.

    Sell alcohol and cigarettes and u kill people.

    Clever Idea: Why not just ban the whole lot? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/886144-us-father-fatally-shoots-son-mistaken-for-intruder/?p=10303837

    I can drive like a f1 racer, but because some morons cannot drive fast I have to follow the regulations.

    I can take drugs like a champion, but because some morons can't I cannot buy them in shops.

    In USA Kinder chocolate are forbiddent because some kids swallow them and shock, so all the kids cannot buy them.

    In USA you cannot eat raw milk cheese, because "it is not safe"

    You cannot drink before majority, but you can buy a rifle for your 12yrs old kid.....

    You cannot have an abortion before medical check, discussion with a shrink, face the bigots raw of shame...but you can buy guns in Wallmart.

    Smoking law is harsher than gun selling

    Oh and do not forget the main thing : guns are designed to kill or aim...nothing else, not to open beers...

    Cars are not designed to kill

    IMHO guns are designed to protect (as are armies, medicine, chemotherapy, safety training, etc.). Not such an alien thought.

    Even though we have these things designed to protect, they are still misused (N. Korea, belligerents of WW2, etc.).

    BTW, I am all for better control which weeds out the cons and certifiable idiots. The best we can do. However, you ban all weapons and you end up with a defenseless crowd at a Paris concert.

    I am quite sure guns are banned from concerts in USA as well

  12. Great line of reasoning. A car is for transportation. What are the uses for guns?

    Protection of human life.

    I have personally saved the life of a fellow human being who was being beaten to death, by shooting a shotgun over the heads of low-life thugs on my property. They ran off, peeing their pants, while we got an aid car for the near-dead victim.

    For every murder or tragic accident, we probably could collect a much higher stack of life-saving anecdotes because a policeman or citizen was armed. Even the old U.K. came to its senses regarding its formerly unarmed police force. The evil in the world demands a stronger opposing force.

    On a larger scale, but with the same reasoning: good thing the USA finally armed itself halfway through WWII, after finally realizing you don't kow-tow to armed bullies.

    For every murder or tragic accident, we probably could collect a much higher stack of life-saving anecdotes because a policeman or citizen was armed.

    Probably not, otherwise the NRA would have created a website only for this

    Dream on. We're both talking in probabilities on this point, without facts. But I suspect I'm right. IMHO. :-)

    Well all in all, just look at the link i posted a bit earlier...you will have a big part of the answer...

    I am not talking about probabilities.

    If a lobby like the NRA does not setup a website or any kind of thread which list all the crimes prevented by guns, and if the case were true (more prevention than accidents) well I will soon ask to be a consultant, cause it's something that every pro guns would like to throw at the face of people like me...but there is not...strange no?

  13. Great line of reasoning. A car is for transportation. What are the uses for guns?

    Protection of human life.

    I have personally saved the life of a fellow human being who was being beaten to death, by shooting a shotgun over the heads of low-life thugs on my property. They ran off, peeing their pants, while we got an aid car for the near-dead victim.

    For every murder or tragic accident, we probably could collect a much higher stack of life-saving anecdotes because a policeman or citizen was armed. Even the old U.K. came to its senses regarding its formerly unarmed police force. The evil in the world demands a stronger opposing force.

    On a larger scale, but with the same reasoning: good thing the USA finally armed itself halfway through WWII, after finally realizing you don't kow-tow to armed bullies.

    For every murder or tragic accident, we probably could collect a much higher stack of life-saving anecdotes because a policeman or citizen was armed.

    Probably not, otherwise the NRA would have created a website only for this

  14. Play with guns and u kill people.

    Drive cars like idiots and u kill people.

    Serve pa-ra on your son-tam and u kill people.

    Sell alcohol and cigarettes and u kill people.

    Clever Idea: Why not just ban the whole lot? http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/886144-us-father-fatally-shoots-son-mistaken-for-intruder/?p=10303837

    I can drive like a f1 racer, but because some morons cannot drive fast I have to follow the regulations.

    I can take drugs like a champion, but because some morons can't I cannot buy them in shops.

    In USA Kinder chocolate are forbiddent because some kids swallow them and shock, so all the kids cannot buy them.

    In USA you cannot eat raw milk cheese, because "it is not safe"

    You cannot drink before majority, but you can buy a rifle for your 12yrs old kid.....

    You cannot have an abortion before medical check, discussion with a shrink, face the bigots raw of shame...but you can buy guns in Wallmart.

    Smoking law is harsher than gun selling

    Oh and do not forget the main thing : guns are designed to kill or aim...nothing else, not to open beers...

    Cars are not designed to kill

  15. Tragic accidental shooting of son by father? Time to change the Constitution and take guns from tens of millions law-abiding citizens.

    Pre-planned terrorist attack invoking Islam? Deny Islam had anything to do with it, blame guns, change the Constitution and disarm law-abiding citizens so they are unable to defend themselves so that the next terror attack on American soil will resemble Paris, Norway or a Tunisian beach full of tourists.

    At least liberals are consistent...take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights, turn every city into another Chicago or Detroit while enabling criminals and Muslim extremists...

    Is the Left Even on America’s Side Anymore?


    The kid was muslim maybe?coffee1.gif

    Look at the stats mate : USA is clearly much less safer than France or Norway and even Tunisian

    The USA is probably much safer than or just as safe as France or the UK these days, certainly Tunisia. Norway has begun deporting people so it is safer. If you break into someone's house in the USA, no, you aren't safer. Walking down the street of the wrong neighborhood in New York, Paris or London is a tough choice. I think all of us would feel safer in a bad neighborhood in our own country that a foreign one. At least we stand a chance of talking our way out of trouble. Well, in Paris I guess you'd need to know Arabic.

    Lol...USA as safe as Europe?

    Please look at the stats, crime rate, news...You re blind or live under a rock.

    Well I guess in USA you need to speak Spanish, does this bother you? It bothers Trump for sure.

    You probably don't know neither the History of Arabic people in France, most of them speak french, because most of them come from colonies the France had...

    France vs USA

    numbers don't lie


  16. Tragic accidental shooting of son by father? Time to change the Constitution and take guns from tens of millions law-abiding citizens.

    Pre-planned terrorist attack invoking Islam? Deny Islam had anything to do with it, blame guns, change the Constitution and disarm law-abiding citizens so they are unable to defend themselves so that the next terror attack on American soil will resemble Paris, Norway or a Tunisian beach full of tourists.

    At least liberals are consistent...take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights, turn every city into another Chicago or Detroit while enabling criminals and Muslim extremists...

    Is the Left Even on America’s Side Anymore?


    The kid was muslim maybe?coffee1.gif

    Look at the stats mate : USA is clearly much less safer than France or Norway and even Tunisian

    At least try to find a real "false" excuse

    In a developed country, citizen don't take the law in their own hands.

    Maybe you should ask for the US to create some "judge Dredd" licence, going with the sales of Guns in Wallmart

  17. What's the use in defending a tragic incident like this?

    One could give a "what if" story such as, what if the intruder had been a 19 year old thug with his own gun ready to shoot anybody that resisted him.

    Sadly it wasn't and if it had been you would never have read about it here.

    So what's the use. You critics are going to criticize regardless and since the vast majority of you are not Americans, nobody really cares what your opinions are anyway.

    Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

    Strangely you don't come today with all your bullshitting arguments about safety and fear of death.

    This tragic "incident" (yeah because there are so much events like this in USA that it is now called "incident) is the result of an outdated amendment, outdated mentality and outdated lobby.

    Keep tilting at windmills all you want. Just don't expect it to do any good.

    It seems when the President of the United States of America (guitar.gifO say can you see, by the dawn's early light,...) it is the same...

    Keep going USA!

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