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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. The topic is about California taking guns from perceived threatening people. Most states already do that. As far as taking them from everyone:

    The US military comprises fewer than 2 million people. By contrast there are more than 100 million Americans who own 300 million guns and God knows how much ammunition. Gun and ammunition sales are still hitting records with gun manufacturers' profits setting records all because of Obama's talk about guns.

    Obama is the best gun salesman the US has ever had.

    Taking guns wouldn't be nuking the country or even carpet bombing. It wouldn't be knocking down cities with tanks. It would be a door to door exercise that wouldn't succeed. You can do that with one nut such as hinted in the OP, but not with an entire town without making all of it collateral damage.

    First you have to convince the individual members of the military that they must be willing to engage in this activity. Most of them would refuse because they believe in 2A. Many would join the civilians.

    Next you have to find idiots from the remaining group who are stupid enough to go into neighborhoods with the purpose of confiscating guns. Most American gun owners would know that this is the time to act - the time that the founders planned for.

    Police officers would likely stay home and defend their personal guns and rights, too. Many if not most would join the civilians.

    Not gunna happen.


    All from someone who 'liked' a post with the comment 'Obama is building a private army with the so called "refugees". I mean seriously, why are you and so many of your countrymen so unbelievably paranoid and apparently consumed with hate.

    As I would expect, you can't see what's happening in Europe, nor can you project the inevitable consequences. The people have had their power taken by an unelected EU government, the countries have given up their sovereignty, and potentially dangerous people have been let in, in astounding numbers.

    That's OK, you don't need to understand why I think citizens should be able to defend themselves. I don't think we'll accomplish anything by arguing. Let's just wait and see what happens.


    You re right, we can't predict the future.

    However if you really want to compare Europe and US gun deaths, road rage killed with guns, family dramas which ended in shooting, well anything related to gun....US has the pole position for a while now...who needs Terrorists when they already have so much citizens shooting at each others

  2. One more stupid, undocumented, comment from the Donald

    It is still a widely held belief. Not that ISIS was intentionally created for the purpose of cutting off heads etc but that in the rush to arm anti-Assad forces in the early years of the conflict, some went to what later became known as ISIS.

    I'm sure many of the "anti-Americans" around here agree with Trump. It will be interesting to see if they come out and publicly agree with Trump here or not.

    It seems the Bush administration as well as the Reagan administrations are much more to blame for this than Obama

  3. Do many of you people even read the OP?

    This is what it says:


    "However four, including Nimr al-Nimr, were Shi’ite Muslims accused of shooting police officers during more recent anti-government protests.
    43 are described as Sunni jihadists. They include prominent al-Qaeda figures convicted of attacks on Western compounds, government buildings and diplomatic missions between 2003 and 2006."
    Seems to me the Saudis were simply cleaning house by getting rid of some of the trash.

    Was the execution of these individuals some kind of loss to humanity? No! They were just thugs wanting power for themselves in order to have their particular kind of despotic regime. No loss to anyone. Hope Saudis get rid of some more. Not like Obama letting the the thugs out of Guantanamo. Of course Bush should have never brought them there. Should have let the Afghans do away with them in an Afghani prison quietly.

    First you seem to be completly ignorant of who was Nimr, so before giving a round of applause to the Saudis, you should learn a bit more.

    And of course we can trust this country, right? it is not like they support(ed) terrorism and extrem islam.

    Just grab some information about wahhabism.

    And for Bush : the current situation is greatly due to his stupid foreign politics and the warmongers around him

  4. The reason Thai democracy does not work is because it relies of elected officials possessing a thing called honour. The Thais on here will confuse that with the term 'face' which is completely different.

    The idea that the next Thaksin could have the Parliament full of his close family and life-long friends and a senate full of wives and other relatives is simply not going to work. If that were the case last time, they would have passed the amnesty bill regardless of protests.

    Of course, if Thailand is lucky there won't be anyone as greedy, ruthless and hungry for power as him for many years. Most are just greedy.

    Of course, if Thailand is lucky there won't be anyone as greedy, ruthless and hungry for power as him for many years. Most are just greedy.

    you mean not someone called Prayout?

  5. No, this one is the worst.No doubt worse governments can be imagined though the point of this is hard to understand.But in the more prosaic sense of comparing governments that actually existed, the current one (illegal, incompetent, corrupt, unelected, repressive, ludicrous, arrogant and hateful) is the worst.Worse even that of the appalling Suchinda because while his was brutal, it was mercifully brief.

    The previous government had a cabinet of carefully hand-picked Thaksin cronies and tried to push through a blanket amnesty bill to cover their own two years in office. That's not something one would normally associate with democratically elected government for and by the people.

    As such your description of the current government only has the normal meaningless descriptives those who have no sound reasons like to throw about. At least Pheu Thai tried to give reasoning with their accusations.

    What a joke.This genius criticises a legal elected government - properly endorsed by the Thai people - for its "hand picked cronies".Yes, this completely uncritical Junta lover is complaining of "hand picked cronies" in a previous elected government.One assumes any sense of the meaning of irony flies over his head.

    And whether you like it or not, the current government was endorsed by the one authority that can endorse a government in Thailand.

    Any political parties run by ethnic Chinese will use nepotism and cronyism as a means of securing power, covering up their unsavory activities and as a means of control.

    My Chinese friends laugh at how we patronizing and arrogant Westerners try to apply our political constructs as a means of analysis.

    Thaksin shuffled the "Yingluck" cabinet to suit himself and his mates; there was one occasion where she didn't know it was about to happen and told the press it wasn't going to happen. Must have missed that Skype call - or forgot!

    The Shins moved their own people in - and one of those moves, made illegally, cost Yingluck her PM role. Thaksin, as a convicted criminal fugitive, wasn't elected but as the PTP owner and paymaster still governed. How very democratic that is.

    Surprise surprise, the new Junta government cleared out a lot of the Shin cronies and brought their own in. And, when, if, there is an election, the next government will do the same.

    And still some posters try and see this as left and right wing Western politics rather than feudal minded Chinese ethnic clans vying for control.

    Surprise surprise, the new Junta government cleared out a lot of the Shin cronies and brought their own in. And, when, if, there is an election, the next government will do the same.

    Are you aware of who is the current economy minister?

    Can you explain me how you can criticize Thaksin amnesty bill but endorse the one proposed by the Junta for their past, present and futur actions they may have. Are you telling me you endorse their, well basically, licence to kill?

    Are you telling me that the current heavy use of the Lese majesty, which was never used so much in the past, by the current "governmen", is a ncessary evil, even for a dog?

    You re delusional, and should have a better look at the Thai news from international newspapers, yeah the "western ones, which can write about the current situation without any fear to be "adjusted" ?

  6. This "opinion" is a piece of trash, with stupid, childish comments, judgments and a clear lack of understanding to what is happening under the Junta.

    This government is incompetent, probably as corrupted as any precedent, the only difference is they have lot of guns...

    All those trash songs and propaganda DO NOT deserves to be praised, but to be recognized as what it is: (place here a word we cannot use in this board)

  7. And so the bubble pops...

    The people saying that no evidence was presented are in complete denial, the main evidence against them, DNA found inside the rape victim was presented by the prosecution and not contested in any meaningful way by the defense.

    Would like to see the judges' rationale on how they arrived at the verdict.

    The judge is supposed to put in writing the rationale behind the decision, I hope someone takes the time and effort to translate it into English, in toto and without creative interpretations or convenient omissions as it has been the norm for the press work on issues related to this case.

    You obviously didn't follow the news, even the DNA found inside was not true, and the condom used was not even tampered with DNA, so go reread the whole story

  8. There is no jury. Only one judge. And as much As I want to think the court is corrupt. It's more likely a piss poor defense. Lawyers for the most part are very unskilled and unwilling to do probono work. Court appointed lawyers are very green and inexperienced. But the good thing is they can appeal.

    With such lack of evidences, police mistakes,... even with no lawyer, in any other country the case would be closed...

  9. It is amusing the current situation regarding this heinous offence in that if I remember correctly it was stated quite publically that a Thai would not commit such an offence . Not many believed that of course but now with what has been happening in the country and Thais arrested, Rape and Murder, dumping of bodies ( children ) and other serious offences due entirely to the Thai mindset, one does wonder if a retraction of the initial statement will be made.

    You need some "adjustment"....giggle.gif

  10. Wow H90. You seriously are deluded.

    Ever think that Suthep has never faced any sort of serious charges because he has friends in the right places?

    The man himself ADMITTED to colluding in the coup. He was bundled off to the temple shortly thereafter.

    For years, Suthep was the behind-the-scenes dealmaker for the Democrat Party, whose public face was the clean-cut, Oxford-educated Abhisit Vejjajiva. Abhisit was prime minister during the 2010 crackdown.

    The party often relied on Suthep to do its dirty work, according to a U.S. Embassy cable from 2008 leaked by Wikileaks.

    "Several Democrats have privately complained to us that he engages in corrupt and unethical behavior," the cable said. "While Abhisit appears publicly as an ethical intellectual, Suthep serves as the party's backroom dealmaker."


    There's a link for you.

    I don't know why we bother though. You will just continue to stick your fingers in your ears going "lalalalalala".

    Even Thai friends of mine that took part in the protest against the PTP government last year acknowledged Suthep's corruption. They just saw him as a 'lesser' evil.

    If Thaksin is the don of the north then Suthep is definitely the don of the south.

    So you are telling now that the Democrats control the courts?

    Yes yes the big conspiration from everyone against your hero Thaksin

    Thaksin card one more time...Dude you should really try to find one...you have also Bush Jr as fan : if you re not with us, you re against us...

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