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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 13 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Ironic as they are looked down upon by other Asians, including the Japanese and Koreans. 

    dont forget they look down on us for wedding bargirls despite having enough money to wed some one of a higher status.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    Again all this does is demonstrate your own lack of knowledge on the subject.

    You appear to be using that cliche'd ploy of cynicism to cover up a lack of understanding of the topic. You need to inform yourself before making glib and baseless remarks.

    go do some research on tiger numbers. then go do some research on why their numbers are declining. you have a lot to learn. forget about your emotions and fact the cold hard facts. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    You clearly are not in possession of the facts nor do you understand why we need to have tigers in the wild. This is made quite clear by your suggestion that keeping tigers in captivity is  a valid substitute.

    needed or not it makes no difference. they are going extinct, it is inevitable. the only hope they have is farming. zoo populations simply are not viable.

  4. had not put the 2 stories together but the army is expecting higher levels of spoken english while school teachers english levels are being reduced.  wonder what that all means. probably not much. stay the course.

    safe as houses has not applied  since the american government set up the 2008 housing crisis by funding freddy mac and fanny may.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Holding such meeting in remote, inaccessible location would promote conspiracy theories and further allegations of participants being out of touch with the public. Not that there's lack of either even with current locations chosen.

    yes you are probably right. still makes me wonder if these meetings accomplish anything and if it is worth more than the carnage.

  6. 8 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:


    Your broker is AAinsurance just like anybody else. Why keeping in secret.


    And yes, they are good and reply quickly to every email sent.





    not sure what AA insurance is. broker i used is on pattaya klang. is no secrete, i will give the details to anyone who wants them. business called Plan B. 

  7. the dan mark on jomtien is excellent. sounds like everything you want. 180thb buffet, my number 1 breakfast spot. hopefully it is still there when i get back in sept.

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