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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. how to look stupid in thailand. go around giving every thai you interact with a wai. they will love it, especially the younger ones who think having an older person wai them takes years off their life.

    then again best just return a wai or avoid it all together. wai your wife parents if you have to but they are probably to busy thinking about how to borrow money off you to really care either way.

  2. many foreigners are desperate to stay in thailand. i saw many when i was living there. many who managed to stay there long enough even became sour about how they are treated or about what thailand is like. most continued to stay there. thailand has an almost magical power to hold western men. having said that i will be happy to move back when my kids are finished school here.

  3. 1 hour ago, onthemoon said:

    Of course you can import 20 computers on your own name. No need for a company or a work permit, customs won't ask. You need to be registered with customs, using your passport and your address.



    - - - Personal computers excluding portable computers of subheading 8471.30

    Import duty 0%, VAT 7%.


    Whether the RD asks later on what you do with it, is another questions.

    have you ever tried importing anything?  have you ever dealt with customs?

  4. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    What would happen if it was a farang kid ?? One with loads of insurances and free legal assistance and so.


    50.000 is not much, the kid will be scared to death for dogs for a long time.


    But at least the owner had to pay, i'm happy to hear that and hope dowowners get more responsible from now on. It's no fun on the streets with loads of rabies dogs.

    they agreed to pay. often they agree and then dont hand over the cash.

  5. 38 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    In these big cases where foreigners are involved, they should only have one 'professional' speaking about the case. Too many stories that are contradicting themselves and of course people get confused. 


    It's really not that hard to say "We don't know yet. We are investigating and we will give information out as soon as we know and it can be verified". Only one problem there - someone having to say "We don't know". 


    What's the old proverb? 'It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out loud and remove all doubt". There may be many cases where there's nothing suspicious at all, but the police can't help themselves and have to say something that contradicts another top dog. Then there's confusion. Last time I checked - 'confusing' the public was a serious crime here in Thailand. 

    well i doubt thai visa would exist if all of us fools kept our mouths shut. 

  6. 3 hours ago, JohnnyBKK said:

    Import on computers is 0%.


    I'm going to set up a thai company and get a work permit, just in case.

    it is not as simple as you think. you need to rent a shop or office and have 4 staff sitting at desks while they come round taking photos. i did this for 9 years and every year it got more strange and difficult. your best bet is to do it in a secure facility with a decent locked door. setting up a company and getting a work permit will be more hassle than it is worth.

    as for importing the computers you need to find a professional importer to handle it all. dont ever do anything to to with customs, they are complete criminals who will hold your goods and extort as much cash from you as they can.

  7. apart from the risk of getting done for no work permit (which i have been through resulting in 80 000thb lost and 1 year suspended jail sentence) i wonder where the trash goes that is collected. the incinerator is broken so what happens to it?

  8. 4 hours ago, chickenrunCM said:

    buy the land in the name of a Thai person, do a usefruct contract with the new owner, put all your kids and family (brothers, nephews and sisters) in and make the contract for lifetime. Also add in the contract that after the contract finish the landowner has to buy back the house on the land for the market price. You can put the house in your name easy, it´s allowed by Thai law. It costs you a very small amount to do the usefruct contract, less than 1000 THB and you are safe!

    or just rent and leave the country at short notice if and when you feel like it. took me years to sell my houses.

  9. 1 hour ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    The 1% back to the branch manager explains a lot about why loans in Thailand are approved. Even to large companies. Massive fraud will kill everything here

    yes i was quite taken back at the 1% cash fee back in my early days. now i am more surprised at how well the system seems to run considering the amount of corruption.

  10. 15 minutes ago, pegman said:

    2nd stupidest thing I read today. 1st was the Little Rock Police Chief stating it was Devine Intervention that kept there from being deaths. Why people wonder how a Trump could be elected by these lunatics I'll never know.

    was a joke. how could you not see that was a joke? a test for goodness? how can anyone be so devoid of humor?

  11. 9 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Better to invest offshore and rent in Thailand. You return on your investment is much greater in US stocks. Condos depreciate in Thailand. 

    good advice. you have to accept that it is common for people not to pay the maintenance fee and have the place run down till it has to be knocked down.

    i asked about a mortgage several years ago. 50% deposit, 10% interest over 10 years and a 1% cash fee to the bank manager. i decided against it. funandsunbangkok has the right idea about renting. the flexibility is priceless.

  12. On 2/7/2560 at 2:42 AM, Pilotman said:

    Its not illegal to have a company own a house and land where a foreigner is a minority shareholder. 

    yes thats correct however you may have to set up the business with all thai partners, then buy the house then change yourself back to being a shareholder. the land office would not put property in the name of companies with foreign share holders when i bought one of my houses. all in all it is generally not a good idea to buy property in thailand. over 10 years everyone i saw do it regretted it. myself included.

  13. 33 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    My strong suggestion would be to get one anyway in particular with all the hoo haa going on at present.

    better not get involved with a business in thailand. although i left thailand last year i still have a 49% share in a business there. the guy managing  the business has the work permit i had because he actually runs the operation. most foreigners who have 49% shares in companies dont have work permits because they are very expensive or they are difficult or impossible to get. if you have 49% of the business just dont go there when it is open for business and you will be fine. make sure you have good accountants and a good lawyer. if you are in pattaya PM me and i will give you the details of mine.

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