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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 7 hours ago, Grubster said:

    Its hard to tell where the shot came from especially in a building, so you hear the shooting pull your gun and scan your surroundings then shoot the guy you see with the gun, only to find out he was a good guy doing the same. Nice plan.  Or maybe you could ask him first huh. I don't want to be in any building with guys carrying guns, surely not a bar or club.

    was a joke. better to limit the number of people who can own firearms to those who pass strict vetting. then dont allow people to carry unless they are hunting or going to the range. nz has a good balance.

  2. 33 minutes ago, perthperson said:


    Sadly there are far too  many people like you who are prepared to indulge in rumour, gossip and gross exaggeration. 


    Did I tell you that one of my neighbours (until recently) was a senior officer with the Dept.Of Work/Employment ? 


    I repeat I will  continue cutting my grass and doing all the other tasks associated with maintaining a property and I will not be "caught" or fined. 


    IF your doom laden prediction of my being "caught" ever happens(very unlikely) I will insist on being charged and taken to court. 

    i did not predict any doom and gloom. before you go off getting all offended read my post again. i said i doubt anyone cares about you mowing your lawn.

    why would you tell me who you neighbor is and why would i care? 

  3. 1 minute ago, perthperson said:

    Really ?  Now prove what you claim!  


    We all know a friend of  friend of a friend who is happy to repeat the latest bar stool news ! 


    I will be mowing my grass today. All my Thai neighbours can see what I am doing and I will not be 'caught' or fined ! 

    prove what? that you are not doing anything illegal unless you are caught? doubt any one cares about you mowing grass unless you have upset them in some way, technically you are breaking the law. 

  4. 13 hours ago, perthperson said:

    Nonsense !   Been for years and always cut my own grass. 


    How many people do you know who have been charged with grass-cutting without a WP? 

    people have been fined ( fines are almost always issued on the spot, matter is almost never taken to court) for all sorts of silly things. i know a bar owner drinking in his own bar who got fined for talking to his mates who were drinking there. what the law is does not matter at all. it is only illegal if you get caught. dont tell anyone and keep your door locked and you will be fine.

  5. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    So the Ministry of Tourism Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul says they will be focusing on "niche" markets. I think we have heard all this before. The highly imaginative Dream Team at TAT are forever thinking up visionary "niche" ideas for pulling in the tourists along with their money.

    Just to refresh your memory and brighten your weekend here is a list of some of their better known "niche" market ideas.

           ·        Durian Kit Kat tourists

    ·        Pokemon Go tourists

    ·        Rusting naval base tourists

    ·        Jetski tourists hub

    ·        Sports tourists hub

    ·        Medical tourists hub

    ·        Jewellery tourists hub

    ·        Pattaya, good clean family fun tourists.

    ·        Target wealthy Chinese tourists who normally go to Japan

    ·        Target wealthy Japanese tourists who normally go to Taiwan

    ·        Promote 400B National Parks for tourists

    ·        Promote off-season tourism

    ·        Attract Chinese couples for marriage in Thailand

    ·        Hub of world film locations

    ·        Rainy season tourist programme

    us sex tourists are not niche enough? probably better they dont focus on us actually what with it being illegal and all that.

  6. 2 hours ago, BritTim said:

    The answer is that "work" is anything an official says is "work". There is a consensus by the powers that be that certain groups should be left alone (e.g. digital nomads). That aside, mostly, common sense is applied (yes, really) on whether to go after someone for what could be defined as "work". In rural Thailand, if you are on good terms with everyone, and have no enemies, you can get away with almost anything. Avoid being in competition with someone in a way that they could perceive as hurting their business. That is what generally leads to trouble.

    they determine work as anything they think they can levy an on the spot fine fine for. as long as you have some cash to pay the fine you should be ok. 

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  7. i answered you private message but now i have some more info here is a more detailed reply.

    1)i would strongly suggest you put the business only in your wife's name, having foreign names on the ownership draws a lot of heat from the authorities. so does a foreign work permit so avoid that as well. having your name on the business is not going to help you in any way unless the company has assets, even then you can only be a minority share holder at best.

    2) to get a work permit you need to pay tax on about 60 000/month but you dont need to pay yourself anything, just pay the tax. you will  also need to pay social security on 4 thai employees, note you wont actually need to employ them, just pay the tax. just dont work onsite. work permits are extremely expensive and they are hard to justify.

    3)residency does not give you much of a benefit. it is expensive and still needs to be renewed every year. most likely you will apply, pay the fee and it will never get processed.


    lastly business ownership is very heavily stacked against foreigners. i would advise people against it.


    where will the clinic be?

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