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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    Is it legal to size someone's assets before found guilty in Thailand? Its an ongoing case isn't it?

    correct me if i am wrong but i think the army ordered her assets  seized to pay the billion US$ fine. i guess they came up with that figure as well. now the army is in charge they can do what ever they want of course. i am probably almost as surprised as the army that she is still in thailand after having ample time to depart with her booty.

    wonder when to 10 year statute of limitations started.  

  2. 19 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

    It is ONE way to present statistical information. However, in this case, surely the most salient fact is the total amount of pollution being released per country...not a per capita figure as the problem is the aggregate pollution and not how much each person is emmitting.

    nope. just blaming bigger countries that have bigger populations for the problem is a cop out. i hear this excuse used to pass the buck. all countries with a high per capita pollution rate need to start working on solving the problem.

  3. 3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    But you're dealing with somebody who doesn't understand that, so its easy to have some fun.  Watch this:


    Hey CutiePi, did you know that Thailand is actually a much safer country for driving in, with its 24,237 traffic-related fatalities in 2016, compared to the USA which racked up an incredible 36,064.  And Libya is one of safest in the world with a paltry 4,554 deaths in 2016!


    Of course remember that people who think this way are still allowed to vote, which underscores the importance of having at least a rudimentary education in mathematics.



    check mate.

  4. 3 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    And that is exactly why they'll go

    i dont follow you. pattaya exists today because of prostitution and the foreign tourism it attracts. take it away and pattaya will die a slow death. i love pattaya and lived in jomtien for 9 years but i can not see pattaya becoming a family destination. its beaches are just to filthy. it is fantastic for cheap living and mongering in a warm climate.

  5. 2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    Exactly!  I have had for free many times too (especially 10 years ago when I first arrived) but it's a kind gesture to slip 1000 for 'gas' or 'Uni books'  if you have no intention of any relationship. This is NOT the West and it's expected as a 'thank you' or you can expect trouble as you describe.


    99% of these girls don't have loads cash and although they might enjoy the 'company' (in the heat of the alcohol fueled moment) it's all an exchange and if you get for 'free' they will be very bitter if they see you doing the same thing, and quite right too, so 1000 for a 'normal girl (for taxi)' or 2000 for a FL (negotiated beforehand) is de rigueur 


    This David Bond jerk will get himself into some deep trouble sooner or later with a brother or a BF.


    Especially as they work in a bar. Now THAT is playing with REAL fire and is dumb and I hope his selfishness comes with karma very soon.

    i had a guy staying in my guesthouse who kept saying how he was knocking a gogo girl for free. he got some money by western union one day and started buying rounds of drinks. the next day a thai guy turned up with something in a sock and smashed the guy twice in the head with it knocking him out. guess he was promising her money and she saw he had some but was not handing it over. i ended up evicting him after he got 2 months behind on rent. pay as you go, enjoy life. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    There is at least one place I have seen in Pattaya, where the downstairs is already set up as a casino, just waiting for the starting gun. Gambling is coming to Thailand for sure.

    i heard that loyde williams a casino owner from australia has bought into the ambassador hotel in pattaya in the hopes of converting it into a casino. one part of it looks like it would make a gaming floor.  like everyone says might as well legalize it. can do prostitution as well while they are at it.

  7. 1 minute ago, cyberfarang said:

    If they done it to Chiang Mai then they can do the same in Pattaya, Bangkok and anywhere else in the country.


    This time I really do believe they mean business, this is the beginning of the end for the bars in Pattaya.

    there is just too much money involved. money trumps everything in thailand including the law.

  8. yea, bit of a silly game. prostitution is illegal but the cops are making money off of it. have to be seen to be doing something without actually doing anything. forcing the bars to not open before 6 wont make much difference to the income stream. pointless stuff like this has been going on for years.

  9. 17 hours ago, Mattd said:

    If working illegally and doing a job that can be done by a Thai, then it is harming the People and country, it is taking a job off a local and likely not collecting income tax.

    you try having a business in thailand and trying to employ thais. doesnt matter if you pay them double it is near impossible to have thai staff. as far as income tax it only seems to apply to foreigners with work permits and is applied regardless if you are making an income or not. 

  10. 23 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    We all pay one way or another and if this guy is picking up girls in bars (who are working) then giving them nothing then he is a cheap s**t who has no ethics and should be ashamed.


    Even when not asked I always contribute something for 'gas' or whatever to help as I realise that they work there for a REASON and have little money or future. I have done this many times if they have a kid it's for 'schoolbooks'  having sex with them then smirking all over the internet is shameful and this guy then goes and makes money out of his tricks for free sex. Shame on him and hope he get's his karma soon.

    i had some guys come visit me in thailand and they hit the clubs in pattaya almost every night. one guy was sharp looking and had several girls for free. couple times the free girls saw him with other girls on following nights and got upset yelling at him.  i explained it is better to give them something. even 500thb for their trouble would have probably saved the grief.

    i even paid the thai mother from my 2 kids the first night she stayed with me. she said i didnt have to pay her anything and even tried to hand it back to me but it is good manners to pay the first time. 1000thb means a lot to most of these single mothers and does not mean much to us.

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  11. 23 hours ago, Grubster said:

    I don't believe that solar will make it very far anytime soon, I don't think it can keep up with the increase in demand much less cut into the present demand. Yes I believe that nuclear power has a chance to do a lot, but you have to get past the people that really don't want them. I am also unsure of the supply of fuel for nukes. The worlds demand for power is going to explode as third world countries develop,  I would bet the amount of cars in Thailand has doubled in ten years, and Thailand is not a third world country. I think the US will be on top of the changes but that won't benefit the working class much, they will be working to survive while the rich will continue to buy bigger and bigger yachts, ships, jets, rockets etc. They will be building their own islands also.

    china is making massive investment into re newable energy.installing a soccer field of solar  per hour, staggering.

    So China is making huge investments to rectify the problem, pumping US$102.9 billion into renewables in 2016, more than one third of the world total. The country now installs a soccer field's worth of solar panels every hour, and installed two wind turbines every hour across 2015.

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