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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. business is extreamly difficult in thailand. i have had my business in thailand for 9 years and even though it has been profitable enough to live off it mostly was a pain in the ass. i still have it but it looks like it is now making very little money and i cant even sell it so i may end up loosing my initial investment.  i would strongly advise you to not have any business in thailand. PM me if you want to discuss this.

  2. cars have 6 levels of automation. level zero is what we have mostly now and level 5 is one with no steering wheel. they will slowly introduce cars of different levels as the technology becomes more advanced. there are already cars driving on the roads fully autonomous learning to build algorithms that will improve the software in the upcoming cars. these cars have already traveled millions of kms, with a human backup onboard. technology is moving at an amazing rate and i would expect to see level 5 cars within 15 or 20 years. the slowest part will be the law allowing them to operate.

  3. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Well so far this shop looks like all other big sportbrands.  They rent the biggest A1-location shop in the mall to fill it with 50 tshirts.


    I bet those shirts are not cheap although i have never ever heard of this brand.


    As long as no soccerplayers wear this brand i don't see a future for it in Thailand.

    i have heard of it, but then again i am from new zealand. i have to say 5 shops in bangkok is impressive. doubt they would open up new shops if they werent making money.

  4. 11 hours ago, Grubster said:

    I don't believe that solar will make it very far anytime soon, I don't think it can keep up with the increase in demand much less cut into the present demand. Yes I believe that nuclear power has a chance to do a lot, but you have to get past the people that really don't want them. I am also unsure of the supply of fuel for nukes. The worlds demand for power is going to explode as third world countries develop,  I would bet the amount of cars in Thailand has doubled in ten years, and Thailand is not a third world country. I think the US will be on top of the changes but that won't benefit the working class much, they will be working to survive while the rich will continue to buy bigger and bigger yachts, ships, jets, rockets etc. They will be building their own islands also.

    lets take india which is a developing country. they are now building massive solar power stations. it looks very promising.

    nuclear is not the answer and many countries are now committing to shutting down their nuclear power plants. i was talking about cold fusion.

  5. 1 hour ago, Grubster said:

    The biggest down fall of the USA is they way the rich on both sides of the isle are taking the american dream away from those working class people who built and defended the country. Oil will be the number one source of energy in fifty years with nuclear and gas running a close race for second. Alternative energy will be well under 20%.

    dont be so sure. solar is being taken up on a massive scale and the price of panels is coming down very quickly. also there are several cold fusion reactors being built. that will change everything.

  6. 14 hours ago, aslimversgwm said:

    Good sense prevails - properly licensed Uber and Grab  - this will be a great boon to Thailand and help sideline those awful songthaews and tuk tuks, let alone the current 'metered' taxis which refuse to turn on their meters.

    This is the way the world is going and in the next decade or so we will have driverless cars, which will turn the whole car industry upside down and present governments with even greater challenges.

    uber lyft etc are a massive step forward but it is going to be a slow introduction in thailand as drivers will continue to be intimidated by standard taxis. i think something is finally going to change for the better in thailand.

  7. 58 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    More rules that will mean nothing.

    you are right. i am associated with a franchise that has to hire foreigners as we simply cant get thai workers, not for lack of trying. typically we need workers for 4 months a year but to get a work permit is incredibly expensive and takes a long time. there is simply no way to do it. on the spot fines are generally issued from 5000thb to 30 000thb. i am the only one out of dozens of workers who has been to court for not having a work permit (even though i did have one but it had the wrong address in it) the fine for no work permit was 8500thb and 1 year suspended jail sentence. as you say it all means nothing and they will continue to issue on the spot fines.

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  8. 1 hour ago, hellohello123 said:

    I have a friend who is in 40s, married a 20s stunner, obviously showered her with money to get her attention


    what annoyed me the most when I was having a few minor problems with my GF (Non thai, similar age to me, one child from previous relationship) he said "come to thailand, you can get a far better looking, younger and without a child"


    What these guys do with their lives is none of my business, and if they are happy then im happy for you, but dont get cocky or think you are some casanova and forget/deny the fact that they are in it for the Money/visa

    the younger better looking ones without kids  generally end up being very expensive. possibly more than half a house in ferangland.

  9. 5 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Would depend on the magnitude of the fall in value, and not much principal would have been paid off within 5 years in a 30-year mortgage.

    i dont know the figures but most of the condos are purchased for cash and not through mortgages.

  10. 11 minutes ago, trogers said:

    Still the same NPLs, whether from buyers or from developers...

    very different situation. developers going bust, not mass foreclosures or defaults. condo prices will take a bit of a hit but mostly projects simply wont get finished.

  11. 14 minutes ago, alant said:

    there are hundreds, nay thousands of unsold (now not so) new properties in east ChiangMai. A property crash would be no surprise to me. 

    a crash is less likely in thailand as mortgages are hard to get people are not over extended borrowing against property. more and more developers may fold as selling condos becomes more difficult.

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