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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 14 hours ago, Chicog said:

    Why own a cow when you can buy a pint of milk?



    or even better just rent a different flavor of milk each time by the hour. from what i have seen here the single guys seem to be happier. i dont like to listen to people moan about their girlfriends who they cant relate to. hence most of my friends are single. there is only one point i can see to having a girlfriend and that is having kids. thailand is a single mans paradise.

  2. i used to have to do alot of visa runs to cambodia and a couple of the full page stickers peeled out over time but the yellow glue residue and part stamp was left. when my passport was almost full they refused to reuse the pages with missing stickers and i had to pay a fee for them to put the entry stamp on a page with another sticker on it.

    note i did travel alot with that passport and no one ever questioned the missing stickers but if you still have them it is probably worth putting them back in.

  3. walking away from this is the only option. the longer you stay the more you will loose. i know you think you are going to loose walking away but you need to cut your losses. this is not and will never be your house. think i would have to smash everything before i left but have to be careful about how you go about this as you might get shot. guy i heard of paid to put a bulldozer through the house he paid for. he watched from the window of a taxi that then took him to the airport.

  4. the dead can go back to life as normal, and their families? 

    He added that he believes those responsible are still in Thailand.  red shirt bombers are still in thailand. where else are they going to go? democracy has taken a back seat to the country being more secure. you think a military dictatorship is going to work? 10 years in this country and i have never seen it so f#cked up.  i thought we were just going to go through another cycle of coup and elections but i am wrong. army has gone too far this time.

  5. 16 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    It's a well knownn technique  for terrorists to plant a 2nd bomb to  explode  shortly after the first one..

    The 2nd bomb is to get the rescue and ehe security responders who arrive  to treat casualyies from the first and usually smaller first bomb.

    For a terrorist one well trained first aid responder is woth 3 or 4 untrained civilain victims.

    Used in Vietnam and other places such as Northeren Ireland.

    Not a pretty thought, but unfortunstrly true.



    considering the number of explosions the number of fatalities was quite low. if planted in busier locations each bomb could take out far more people. look at the massive loss of life with less bombs in the bali attacks. this is looking like political unrest which is different from terrorist attacks which are typically conducted to cause mass causalities.

  6. She added that Thailand is quick to learn from incidents of this nature referring to the Erawan Shrine bomb blast, with countermeasures quickly put into place.

    what about learning from the last 80 years of coups and referendums? a minority seizing power from the masses does not generally work anywhere. wonder what counter measures have been put in place. stopping bombings like this is basically impossible. would have more luck dealing with the issues that are making people want to do the bombing in the first place.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Siripon said:

    A massive majority voting no would have shown the junta's rule as being unacceptable, never mind what the PM said about a possible no vote prior to voting. The vote was actually Thai people's first chance since the junta took power to express their views on the junta.


    14 minutes ago, Siripon said:



    14 minutes ago, Siripon said:


    why do you think the army did not allow any independents in to monitor the election?  of course a no vote against the referendum would not have been allowed. that vote and all others from now on are just a show to try to make people think they are living in a democracy.  the army and their supporters who are in the minority will cling to power as long as they can and more blood will be spilled.  maybe we will have free elections again some time in the future and the cycle can start again.

    14 minutes ago, Siripon said:



    14 minutes ago, Siripon said:



    14 minutes ago, Siripon said:


  8. 8 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


    Part of the point to this is to try to find those trafficking in underage girls, they won't find those in obvious places out in the open like beach road, they will find them in illegitimate businesses.

    go down soi 6 and tell a mumasun in any of the bars you like young girls and you have the money to pay. note this might be a bit risky.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Siripon said:

    Many an election in the world is won by a minority of the registered voters simply because many voters are too apathetic to vote. That's their choice and they have to live with the consequences, ie they don't care enough. If the Thai people cared enough about not being allowed to debate the referendum they would have voted no in anger, but not enough did.



    well i have to agree with winnie. that vote was illegal. there was no freedom of expression and no proper monitoring of the process. many people did not vote because the vote was pointless. i agree with them as well. what would have happened if they voted no? the general writes another referendum and the pointless process starts over again.

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