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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 33 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    A far bit of experience as a customer, you mean. That would be like saying, I have taken airlines to my job sites all over the world for years, so I know all there is to know about flying airplanes. 


    I suggest you should have known there was considerable difference between your culture and this even before you got here. Try reading Hofstede or Trompenaars; might shed some light.

    no you need to read my post again. i have had quite a bit of experience with bargirls (and planes actually) and i do not understand them at all. in fact all i know is how to get inside them. how can you have got that completely wrong? 

  2. 13 hours ago, monkey4u said:

    They have said they were guilty of rape and the girl is dead

    Now let a judge give the death penalty to the 4 and carry out the executions

    This stops these 4 from committing any more crimes and saves the government money feeding them

    no the article said they raped her to get more clicks. 

    The men are adamant that they did not rape the girl and did not kill her.

  3. 5 hours ago, shirtless said:

    These guys need to hang

    some girls like gang bangs believe it or not, i have been fortunate enough to meet a few. good aussie girls who sometimes walk on the wild side, probably a few in thailand as well. it is possible she drank too much or had some reaction to something causing heart failure. no signs of injury, not even brusing. dosent sound like rape to me. no need to deal out the death penalty just yet. 

  4. 3 hours ago, muzmurray said:


    3100 Baht, not really a lot of money ?


    (oops, just seen the above post)

    it is very cheap. it is the taxes and social on 4 thai staff, yearly accounting, VAT tax, sallary tax, company tax and so on that add up. not to mention renting the premises that needs to be staffed and have the utilities paid for. i estimate the work permit cost are around 150 000thb/year plus rent of the premises.

    plus police fees. had a few problems before i started paying those.

  5. 12 hours ago, ericthai said:

    I never had an issue getting my B visa and not expensive just about the same as an "O" visa.  I usually get mine in the USA when I go home for the holidays costs me $200 USD for a 1 year multi-entry. I do have to provide allot of documents from our company but my staff pulls all of that together, never had an issue. 

    yes. getting my non B was easier in australia. the base price is the same but in thailand i would pay my accountant to get it as the chonburi labor office can be tricky.  non O was very simple in nz last year with very little paperwork required. have not done that on in thailand yet.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, 12DrinkMore said:


    There must have been a destination bank account and a trail. Even to set up the transfer I would need to enter a code sent by SMS to my phone.


    So how come the bank could not get the money back?


    (I would have received an email on login and an SMS message if a transfer had been made)



    happened about 13 years ago. money went to england into an account with an indian sounding name. i just got a police report and the bank paid me back. i was pretty upset at the time but it was all ok in the end.

  7. 3 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Gee, ya think? Of course, many Thai girls prefer Thai men; just like many farang men prefer farang women. Bar girls buying drinks and even supporting their lovers is nothing new--just that too many farangs have never seen that side of it; when was the last time a bar girl even bought you a drink? Sometimes women need to be able to actually communicate and even establish a relationship; and sometimes it's strictly physical. Just like older men like younger women; older women like younger men--is that really difficult to comprehend?

    i cant understand why bargirls would go somewhere and buy thai guys drinks and pay them for their services. certainly not the done thing by western woman in the western world. bar girls sit around in bars 29 days a month, think they would rather do something else with their spare time. hard for me to understand any of it, guess i will just have to give it some more thought.

  8. 4 hours ago, harada said:

    I'm no technician by far, but you would think that with today's technology they would be able to lock the doors on these overhead lockers automatically to avoid this situation, I've been on a few flights where passengers were getting their luggage out of lockers when the plane was still taxiing to the terminal, our Chinese friends seem to be the worst offenders that I have seen.

    would just slow things down as people try to break into the lockers to get passports and wallets. i have to admit i would have a hard time leaving my passport behind.

  9. interest rates almost at zero and cant be increased back to market adjusted rates or economy goes into freefall. money borrowed and borrowed to stimulate economy. economy suffers under interest repayments for stimulus spending borrowings. interest rates so low many borrow to invest in property and shares causing prices to skyrocket creating a bubble.  this whole system is not sustainable and all it does is transfer money from the lower and middle classes to the extremely rich. 

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