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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You can't compare Iraq to Syria.  Maybe to Libya would be better????  All are a mess for sure.

    iraq, syria, lybya they all were considerably better off under a dictator than they are now. who knows maybe it will be good for thailand as well.

  2. 17 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Being able to do a 90 day report means nothing. It does extend your stay.

    It is still is terrible advise to tell somebody they can stay. Are you willing to take the responsibility for it if he was caught doing it.

    yes, i am going to pay all his fines and re reimburse him for any pain and suffering. i just told him what i did. it is up to him to take what ever advice he wants.

  3. 3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Or, quit indiscriminate barrel bombing of these areas.  Oust Assad is the best answer.

    yes that will work, like getting rid of saddam. Iraq is a paradise now.

    world needs to see more images like this to bring the human cost of these conflicts to light. thats one brave little boy. i was watching him on tv this morning wondering how my 5 year old son would handle the same situation.

  4. there are reports that foreign investment was down 80% in 2015 and down 90% this year to date. army is not going to give up power any time soon so i dont see things change any time soon. thailand relies heavily on exported goods that are produced in foreign owned companies using thai labor.

    the standard formula is being used. we have a problem, we need to look like we are doing something about it, the problem is forgotten about. thailand needs to look at what vietnam is doing, seem all the foreign investment is going there.

  5. you should be ok to just do your 90 day extensions. i did this after i finished working last year and used the non B for 5 months before going back to nz to get my family visa.

    this is the benefit from the visa and work permits being separate. school can cancel your work permit but they are not the ones who cancel your visa.

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