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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    I fail to see the need of two pics of the same guy. :blink:


    We don't need more police. We need more police enforcing rules such as traffic. :thumbsup:

    that is how they are doubling the force. just taking a photo of each office from 2 different angles. apparently no one answers their phone number when you call it any way. it was possible all the staff manning that hotline were moved to the hotline to call when your hotel is about to call down. 

  2. 3 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

    I have the feeling the V shaped bottom is no match for a serious bomb.

    fact that it is up off the ground probably does more good. shock wave reduces fairly quickly the further away you are from the origin of the explosion. never seen anything like this. wonder how much it cost. poor old school teachers down south need to be transported around in these. pretty sure there will be some big army budgets coming up in the future for these sorts of purchases. wonder when the subs arrive.

  3. drifters is a great place and aussie tony is a mate of mine. his place is quite unique. i also often take the kids to frasers on tapraya rd. they have a kiddies play area and i can sit out on the balcony with a beer while the kids play away. that place is also very very clean. the staff clean non stop. it is also owned by an aussie. these are 2 of my favorite restaurants, hope they are around for a few more years to come.

  4. On 8/7/2016 at 5:11 PM, impulse said:

    I can't speak for that particular species, but some trees are best served pruning them back to nubs.  Apparently, they grow back fuller and shadier.


    Looks like crap in the short term, though.  Just like properly trimmed rose bushes.

    i used to work pruning trees. it varies from species to species but as a general rule of thumb no more than half the green matter should be removed. preferably the lower older ones so the tree can continue to catch sunlight to grow. some trees can recover from completely being pruned but only if they have the stored reserves to do so.

  5. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    If all the ' giks ' in Thailand were to be thrown outside, there will be many hundreds of

    thousand of them out there on a daily bases, this country is the mother of all infidelity

    of the world....

    seems to be true from my experiences. sex is like a legal currency. part of thailands charm really. on another note i have been caught in a very similar situation but was lucky enough to not have it caught on camera. this guys wife has it all backwards. she shouldnt  blame the girl for doing her job. is banging a hooker really cheating anyway?

  6. 2 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

    Regardless of who wins unless they play the tune of the appointed Senate all Legislation can be vetoed. This is hardly condusive to the Democratic process and will leave this Country even more ham strung than it has been.What is more they cannot decide the PM this has to be approved so your Leader may not be the Prime Minister.

    hard to see how the reds are going to agree to all of this. next election is going to be interesting indeed. almost seems pointless having an election.

  7. 56 minutes ago, mania said:

    "Troubled Thailand Moves Toward Stability, A Boon To Investors, As Voters OK Constitution"


    Not everyone thinks so




    well this article certainly seems more realistic, 20 referendums in the last 80 years with the same cycle being perpetuated. the vote next year will be interesting with the minority yellow shirts trying to influence their power over the red shirts who will almost certainly win.

  8. 6 hours ago, does said:

    You could be right about many Thais not knowing the intricacy about the new constitution (how many posters here have read it?). Moreover, I feel the tone of most commentors rather patronizing - as if they and only they know what is good for Thailand - and as if the only road to a stable Thailand is foreign investment.

    wikipedia  Thailand is a newly industrialized country. Its economy is heavily export-dependent, with exports accounting for more than two-thirds of its gross domestic product (GDP).

    many of these manufactured goods are made by foreign companies taking advantage of local thai labor. with out this foreign investment manufacturing will decrease and the thai economy will shrink. 

  9. 52 minutes ago, happy Joe said:

    Fully agree with the title. The results of this referendum are a guarantee of stability for the coming years, and therefore for investors.


    The parties Red and Yellow vying for power have clearly shown their inability to unite the country. Furthermore, I am not certain that the Thais, too susceptible to demagogic promises, have much to gain in democracy with these people.


    Finally, everyone knows that the central character of the country remains his Majesty Bhumibol. The army seems the only force capable to manage an estate that no one wants.

    foreign investment has almost fallen to nothing under military leadership, how can this vote to keep power in the hands of the army improve that?

  10. 1 hour ago, does said:

    I can't wait. Can you tells us?

    it seems they have voted for ongoing military control although no thai i have spoken to really understands this as mosha said. seems foreign investors are not happy about this as investment has been down over 80%/year over the last 18 months. will be interesting to see how this plays out. this article seems to say the opposite of what is actually happening.

  11. 8 minutes ago, INV said:

    Yeah I hade few companies some years back in Phuket and one of my accontant messed up and cost me 300k baht in tax and fines so I learned to stay on top of things and make sure things are done when it supposed to.No problem to pay for someone that know their job well. Thanks for all your help williamgeorgeallen

    really happy to send business her way. dont know what i would do if she went out of business. sounds like you understand that some things are worth paying a bit more for. the owner of the company is very well connected with immigration as well so visa processing tends to go quite smoothly as well.

  12. 2 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Not me,i have been pro coup right from the start and said this would be a 5 year process to clean up the last 80 odd years.What was happening in Bangkok and other places had to stop,one way or the other.The two sides were incapable of acting like adults so they got the other.

    not so many pro army poster left on here. in the 2 years the army has been in power have the actually achieved anything? i am not anti army as such but it seems they are driving away foreign investment and it is going directly to vietnam. there is an impending disaster looming in the manufacturing sector which makes up a large proportion of GDP. manufacturing is far more important than tourism, which also seems to be in trouble.

  13. we can only guess if these figures were true or made up. i am staying in esan and my girl voted for the referendum to pass. i tried to ask her why and she said because that was what everyone else was voting for. i was surprised about that as i am sure we are in the heart of red shirt country. with 20 referendums in the last 80 years it is hard to say if this one will achieve anything different, certainly looks like the army is going to be in control for a while to come, even if it is behind the scenes. hope they can bring in some more foreign investment incentives. 78% reduction last year and 80% reduction so far this year must have someone worried.

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