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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Easier to blame the prostitute than the husband. Put all the blame on the prostitute as if she somehow tricked the husband. He's not a bad man. She's a bad prostitute. 


    All three of them are a shower of c****. They've all taken 'deny,deny, deny' to a new level. Next, they'll be putting their fingers in their ears and screaming "la la la la la la"


    If I were a shrewd and immoral lawyer, I'd advise the husband to admit he paid for sex. Give the whole lonely BS. Admit to paying for sex. Say you were promised discretion. Take the credibility away from the accuser and also put the spotlight on her. Thailand is a man's world. (Yes, Saudi Arabia is worse) Garner empathy from the male populace. 


    Then, when this all settles down, the two females are the bad guys, and you can tell your missus how you forgive her. Boom. I'm an evil genius. 

    dont think any lawyer would advise anyone to admit to paying for sex in a country where prostitution is illegal. best option is to keep you mouth shut and wait for it to blow over. there will be another scandal coming along shortly.

  2. 6 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    Thailand will be better if he leaves office .

    he can leave office any time and still control things through his 250 member appointed panel. it is possible that this is his plan. 2 years and he has accomplished nothing other than cementing himself and his cronies in power. getting that referendum passed was an amazing feat. i wonder how many people around the world would actually hand over complete control to their armed forces.

  3. 1 hour ago, daveAustin said:


    Tempted to agree, but if it keeps the airhead racers from killing people on the streets...

    pretty sure the army government will come out saying they have reduce street racers by 80% and expect full credit for it. has been along time since the good news about the lottery ticket prices and the juanta needs some good press.

  4. 1 hour ago, Basil B said:

    What is the point of it?


    Is Thailand going to have areas off limits to tourists and foreign media like China and Russia?  

    it could very well go that way. the army can do anything they want now. they may well take over the banking system as well. we could very well see thailand going toward a type of communist system. seems this whole 250 appointed panel is similar to the system they have in china. 

    It will be helpful, if any foreigner comes and commit crimes, because in the past they have been able to flee or it can be difficult to find them . wouldnt any criminal on the run just throw away their sim?

  5. 8 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Good job Khun Prayuth .....    He is the best person to lead Thailand.   If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear.


    Only those falangs who have dubious causes for being in Thailand or those who are continually complaining about the PM's policies and processes should be concerned. 

    Criminal elements in Thailand are slowly being weeded out.


    Thailand is much safer and much more comfortable now that Khun Prayuth is at the helm. :wai2:

    you would choose a military dictatorship over democracy or were you being sarcastic? the average referendum last 4 years, you think it will be any different this time? it is not just the tiny minority of naughty foreigners who need to be concerned. 2 years into the current dictatorship and the army is driving thailand into the ground. nothing has been achieved despite them having absolute power.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Hawk said:


    Prayut has become much more arrogant, controlling and forceful since Sunday, he probably believes that the "yes" vote gives him full permission to do as he pleases from now on. He is now hell bent on pushing his own agenda at the expense of human rights, elections etc., his aim is total control of the masses. Prompt Pay is a part of that agenda, as is the control of foreigners, as is the control of the internet.

    well there is a good chance you are right. have to wonder what mr T. and his gang are planning. doubt they are just going to roll over.

  7. 7 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

    The turnout in the referendum was about 55 percent, which meant that only about one-third of the electorate endorsed it, given that it won with a 67 percent majority.




      45,00%         did not vote
       36,85%         vote yes
       18,15%         vote no

    The turnout's been very low.
    The majority are the non-voters, the

    Why so many have denied or not preceeding there vote?

    interesting to see these figures. i am guessing those that did not bother to vote though that it would not make any difference and i would agree that they are probably right. vote the referendum down and just go through the process again and again with a similar end result.

    not sure why the foreign minister cares what any foreigners think. suppose it is his job to make it look like he does. i remember a foreign minister being recorder saying that he has zero respect for ferang. probably still the case now.

  8. 14 hours ago, Denim said:

    I think Prayuth is getting confused by his own constitution.


    When he talks of elections he really means selections.

    what a great call. best laugh i have had today. selections. do the third of the thai population who voted for this system really know what they voted for? future elections a thin veneer of democracy over a very thick layer of military dictatorship.

    power would be returned to a civilian government.  thats the second funniest thing today.

  9. have to agree with almost everything you have said. i got caught up in the condo thing and am out about 800K. my own stupid fault of course. there must be some great deals coming up with resale condos eventually. i have done 9 years in jomtien and i still love it. my son turns 5 next year and i made a rule i would move back to nz for him to start school. will be sad to go though. i am now also spending a bit of time in esan and i am actually quite surprised how good it is up here as well.

    actually i dont agree with the title. pattaya is still great, except for the water quality that is, i am done with swimming at the beach now.

  10. 2 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    I assume that the "thai guy" who relieved your friend of B2000 was in some kind of uniform and can we assume your friend did not stop to ask for a receipt? Easy money.

    no uniform just some sort of badge. he was with one other guy who i guess was there for backup. think he got a receipt but i would have to ask him. wonder what would have happened if he just walked away. things gan get expensive if you end up in a police station. 2000thb is the maximum fine for littering in thailand

  11. 26 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    Could this be why so many deaths are quickly written off as suicide to protect the image and tourism?


    Being known as the hub of suicides is not brilliant for the image of tourism either


    Being know for having a strong and dedicated police force and courts who do their utmost to protect people against criminals 

    would be much better wouldn't it?

    from what i have seen here it is the goal to hide crime and pretend it does not exist. if only they put those efforts toward preventing crime i think there would be some real results.

  12. 1 hour ago, SOTIRIOS said:

    ...people don't go on holiday to commit suicide....


    ...so when will foreign governments get involved.....

    it seems foreign govts stay out of things generally. i would like to see some sort of mandatory blood and urine reports done on every foreigner who dies in thailand. this would be far more productive than tracking us all by our cell phones. they could even bill it to the foreign government or next of kin. i know i would happily pay for some real results if someone i loved died in thailand.

  13. 24 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    Not sure if I am using the right word here, but aren't the uniformed men that hassle tourists for things like dropping a cigarette, called "tessaban" police (employed by the BMA) ?

    I don't think that is the role of the tourist police.

    friend of mine was in bangkok. he finished his cigarette and asked a thai guy where to put the butt. the thai guy shrugged his shoulders so he threw it down a sewer vent. the same guy then demanded a 2000thb fine. my friend said he disposed of down the sewer and the guy said 10 000thb for polluting the waterway. my friend quickly paid the 2000thb and got on his way.

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