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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Can anyone explain to me,in simple terms, why interest rates are so low, and in this case non existent, it's seems the low rates are only helping 

    people and countries that are in debt.


    Anyone with savings are losing money day by day ,as the rates offered don't cover inflation, never mind what Governments say,people on the street know better.


    When I arrived here nearly 30 years ago,I was getting up to 18% on 3 month fixed, still think of it as the good old days, then the bubble burst, rates dropping every month, so moved from cash into property, as it was the right time, so pleased I did, the way things are today, Cash is no longer King.

    regards Worgeordie

    low interest rates are a ploy used by governments to try to prop up sick economies. previously interest rates were set by the supply and demand for money. when the banks needed money to loan out they could offer higher rates to attract deposits. now with fractional lending banks dont need to attract deposits, they just get the money from a reserve bank.  many economies are so sick now that a mere suggestion of raising interest rates sends shock waves through share markets so it is unlikely we will see interest rates go up any time soon. it is a great time to be borrowing if you can find a stable realestate market with some capital growth. rental returns on my new zealand properties are about double the mortgage repayments.

  2. 13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    I hope she isn't being used to be mocked. 


    The old 'overweight and overbearing' lady who thinks she's drop dead gorgeous. Been done a million times but some people still find it funny. 



    have you seen thailands version of the show ugly betty? they take a good looking white skinned thai girl and make her 'ugly' by putting makeup on her to make her skin brown. have to feel a bit sorry for the young girls growing up in thailand with their nice brown skin who have a complex about it making them ugly.

  3. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Heard this all before. We're X% complete in our inquiry. I'd love to see how they work these percentages out even if they really do have evidence. 


    We may have another patsy on our hands. 

    in this case they are going to need quite a few patsies. think there were a total of 13 devices so several people to plant them, a couple more to get the parts and build them, more again to organize and finance the operation. wonder of the cops will reward themselves money for each suspect apprehended or just go ahead and give themselves the reward money when the case is 100% complete. shrine reward was claimed almost immediately despite a year later the  trial is still in its early stages .

  4. 11 hours ago, Thian said:

    My cousins are saving money to go backpacking in Asia...i hope they don't come to Thailand.


    I've been a bouncer myself when i was 20 but i never had to fight...there are plenty other ways to get them away from the party.

    thailand is still a safe place. yes i know i am going to get alot of replies, but the bombs, but the roads and so on. however if you behave yourself it is easy to stay out of trouble here. 10 years in and i never got close to being in a fight in thailand. i worked in security at crown casino in australia for 6 years for bit of extra cash. all round they guys i worked with were very professional. we worked in numbers as well and on rare occasions when things went physical we could restrain and remove the punter. the general public knew that they were probably not going to get wacked as that was not how we operated. i wonder how many westerners come here not really understanding that things work differently and go around thinking they can miss behave without consequences. avoid trouble by not starting it would be my advice to anyone coming to thailand.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Toknarok said:

        The BBC's Jonathan Head has today summed it all up pretty succinctly..... http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37091825

    excellent link thanks. learnt a lot about what is going on about the shrine bombings. police seem to be making almost as much of a mess of that as they did the koh tao murder investigation. lets see how this investigation goes. not off to a good start so far.

  6. 13 hours ago, phycokiller said:

    thats just the public facade, we arent allowed to talk about the real world in Thailand

    i have been trying to find out how this coup is different from the last 20 coups but there does not seem to be anything to suggest there is, other than this time the army seems to be digging in for the long term. of course i have heard this time it is to facilitate the smooth transfer of the monarchy but from what i have read i cant find any real proof of this.

  7. 11 hours ago, phycokiller said:

    no political power? the figurehead just happens to be head of the Thai army, you know, the army that keeps doing the coups. coincidence?

    from what i have read the army acts independently from the king. the army executed the last coup and then went on to ask for endorsement from the king.

    On 24 May 2014, the NCPO said King Bhumibol Adulyadej had acknowledged the coup, but stopped short of describing the response as an endorsement.[95] However, on 26 May 2014 the king formally appointed General Prayut to run the country. In Thailand the monarchy is highly respected and royal endorsement was seen as legitimation of the takeover.[96]

    the definition of figurehead seems to fit in this case.

    In politics, a figurehead is a person who holds de jure (in name or by law) an important title or office (often supremely powerful), yet de facto (in reality) executes little actual power. The metaphor derives from the carved figurehead at the prow of a sailing ship.

  8. 10 hours ago, Acharn said:

    The way I understood this story was that they don't have any idea who was behind it, thus the statement that arrest warrants will be applied for as soon as they know who was behind it. There may have been news stories earlier where some high-level buffoon seeking publicity claimed they knew who was behind it, but then they realized they've got no evidence, or something like that. Of course they want to blame Thaksin, but they probably have all his supporters here under such close surveillance that they know none of them could be implicated. Thirteen bombs in two widely separated provinces (that we know about) suggests that this was not a couple of guys getting together over beers and deciding to upset the status quo.

    there were many articles published a couple days ago  http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-14/thai-police-know-who-was-behind-tourist-town-bombings/7732978

    many more saying there was a single mastermind behind all the bombings.

    best quote from this article

    "I reaffirm that it was an act of local sabotage, not terrorism. We do not have terrorism in Thailand," he said.

  9. 9 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:


    False flag jobs don't work that great if you actually don't bother claiming responsibility for the organization that you want blamed.


    As far as "but there was no claim of responsibility" -- almost all of the terrorist attacks (here and abroad) -- the perpetrators DO NOT claim responsibility.... they only claim responsibility if it serves a purpose (like recruitment).  


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