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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 32 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    So your sweeping statement that "RICH PEOPLE DO NOT GO TO JAIL', has been amended to include words like, occasionally, sometimes, maybe.


    Occasionally, sometimes, maybe you make silly statements, that can be proven to be incorrect.


    As for the individual cases I stated, you asked for any examples, and I provided some, I didn't even have to ask Jeeves.

    of course i make mistakes. i am human. will amend my statement. rich people very rarely go to jail in thailand. of course there are exceptions to almost every rule.

    you really think judges are not corrupt in thailand?  why would judges be any different to anyone else in a position of power? oops better say the majority of them would be on the take just in case there are exceptions to the general rule.

  2. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Too late for that, once they appear at the police station, its all over, all bribes are off. 


    These guys will get 6 years each, possibly reduced to 3 after they show they can be model prisoners, as we know the prisons here are not hotels like back home, about 30 to a cell, you sleep on a floor if you don't have someone/family or friend provide you with a roll up mattress and blanket, one hole in the ground for your crap which is partitioned by a single low set brick wall in the same room, and a garbage can full of water with saucepan for your cold shower.


    Hopefully when they get out, they might think twice, but then again, I would think it hard as Thailand offers little opportunity to survive for its inhabitants ?

    it is unlikely these guys will go to jail, only if they cant pay the bail or fine. 2 of my staff were caught with yaba tablets and i got a call from one of their mothers to ask for help. they were down at the police station and had worked out the bail already but the boys mothers did not have the money, 4000thb each. the mothers promised to repay me which i doubted however i went ahead and paid the bail. they were not given any sort of a receipt and i found out the bail was going to be kept in return for not passing the case on to the prosecutor. the boys got off and the mothers even paid me back. they were very grateful as loosing the financial support from their sons going to jail would have been a big problem. drugs are considered a worse crime than petty theft and it was just a fine so why should petty thieves go to jail?


  3. 32 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    You have no answer for that one ?


    Or was he ANOTHER exception to your rule ?

    sorry i had to go to sleep so i could not answer you immediately.  quoting individual cases and saying they will prove a fact just does not work. occasionally some rich wrong doers may run up against a judge that can not be bribed or they simply dont have enough funds to do so. the point that i want to make is there is no rule, mine or anyone elses, there is just the way things are. judges in thailand are just as corrupt as everyone else. those who can pay will walk most of the time. occasionally one may go down but i am sure a well greased appeal or payment at the jail will mean little or no jail time will result. think you said you have been here a long time. i am surprised that you would think otherwise.

  4. 9 hours ago, ericthai said:

     I dont include the cost of employees, Tax, SS etc as associated with the cost of a WP because those are the standard costs of having a business.  I assume then you are using the business just to get a visa?? If so then yes it becomes costly.  i wish you luck with things!!

    ha. no. works out far cheaper to get the elite visa at only 100 000thb per year. it is basically impossible to use a work permit to stay in thailand now as they visit your business several times a year to inspect it is a real business. i had 3 lots of people visiting this year when i renewed my managers work permit. they all came taking photos despite already having sent in several photos with the application. i use a non O visa based on my kids which i think is almost as good as the retirement visa. got 8 more years till i can get that one and i will probably be back in nz by then schooling the kids. disappointing thailand cant lower the retirement visa age to who ever can prove they have the funds to retire.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    With your incredible knowledge of the Thai justice system, I would have thought you would have realised that civil courts and criminal courts are separate entities ? Obviously not. :coffee1:  

    i am certainly no expert  however a judge is a judge and thailand is thailand. you think because one judge sits in a  in a different court they are not corrupt.? you have been here 25 years right, you ever hear of a rich person going to jail? i havent in 10 years. i have only ever heard of poor people being jailed who could not pay off the cops to stop their cases being handed over to the prosecutor.

  6. 5 hours ago, Chapelroad said:


    Why do the rich and wealthy allegedly abscond to Singapore, Dubai, or wherever, when, as you assume, they can walk into the jail, pay a large amount of cash, and have their freedom back ?

    the rich dont end up in jail so they dont have to buy their way out. never heard any news about of a rich person going to jail. they just bribe the police and move countries. guess you are referring to thaksin.  rich tend to get suspended jail sentences and hefty fines. you ever heard of a rich person doing jail time? will be interesting to see if that yink gai lady does any time or if she has enough money to buy her way out. haven't heard much about her lately so i guess she ponied up.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chapelroad said:


     i know a very good lawyer, who is also a retired Member of Parliament. 


    He has told me, in a personal conversation, that corruption up to an actual trial is rife, as most of us are aware.


    He also told me that once it goes to trial, it is a different ball game altogether, and buying yourself out of jail does not happen.


    Now, unless you can provide proof of your assumption, which I very much doubt you can, I will tend to carry on believing him rather than your BS.

    lawyers are not corrupt because one told you they are not. come on i doubt you are that gullible. money buys everything here. even bought thaksin his freedom. just paid bail (a bribe) and he got on to his private jet, probably loaded down with his ill gotten gains and relocated to a different country. like i said the rich dont go to jail here. yet to hear an example of one who has.

  8. 1 hour ago, Chapelroad said:


    I think you missed my post about the girl that got 8 years for serial shoplifting, with no violence involved.


    At the time, her then Western boyfriend was inundated outside the jail at visiting time by lawyers, promising him they could get her early release, each time he had to pay a 50,000 baht non refundable bond to the lawyers.


    He was not short of money, and was prepared to pay whatever it took to get her out.


    Each lawyer eventually came back with the 'cannot' reply, with each bond down the pan.


    It was only after consulting a lawyer higher up the ladder that he was told he had wasted his money, as it was NOT, repeat NOT possible.

    so you think judges cant be bribed because of this one case? everything in thailand is corrupt to some extent. i have friends who have gone through the courts with land issues and custody battles. there were plenty of brown envelopes going around.

  9. 1 hour ago, Chapelroad said:


    Not even worth discussing anything with you, never mind arguing.


    You just stay in your little bubble, where you believe only poor people go to jail, and that most people get a 500 baht fine, and walk free.


    I know otherwise, but I am not going to spoil your beliefs.

    well i am always up for a good discussion, especially since i retired. think you will find that most minor crimes are settled with what we would conside small fines and the jails are filled with poor people who can not afford these fines. trying to say the rich get jail sentences because taksin got a 2 year sentence is very weak. he was singled out by an aposing political party when he was put out of office.

    well you havent spoilt my beliefs because you havent shown me a convincing evidence to the contrary. you gave up pretty easy by the way.

  10. 1 hour ago, Chapelroad said:


    The staff of the jail are there to supervise the inmates, and their weekly reports about inmates behaviour etc. go to a judiciary panel.


    Apart from writing glowing reports about inmates, jail staff have no say whatsoever on the length of sentence to be served by any prisoner.

    who ever manages the jails must be getting the bribes to let the prisoners out early. that money must be going somewhere. maybe the head warden collects it and part of it gets handed up the line like cops collecting their fines off the street. dosent really matter who get the money, the fact is you can buy your way out of jail.

  11. 7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    We get it.  They're angry.  But now the Olympics will be going on for the next few weeks.  Thousands of the best athletes in the world will be competing, and tens of millions of people ww will be watching for enjoyment.  Come on, of course there are flaws as there are with any large-scale undertaking.  Let the athletes compete and the spectators enjoy the spectacle.   The protesters are out of line.

    they are also uneducated, have poor sanitation, no medical care and in some cases hungry. most live in fear for their lives on an almost daily basis. i dont blame them for being pissed off at 12 billion being miss spent. it would go along way to providing for the poor. no point protesting when the games are finished.

  12. 25 years here? how many coup cycles have you been through? i am only on the second but i understand how when a new political party gets in they try to punish the members of the last political party? almost every politician screws up or puts their hands in the cookie jar at  some stage and the next government will make a political show over it and the general public will get upset. is harder to get out of punishment from high profile cases, hence many high flyers will pay a very large  bail and do a runner. is a bit of a win win situation as people like thaksin (he is the only one i know of but i am sure there are more) basically is admitting his guilt by fleeing and then the current government does not have to deal with them as they are in excile. 25 years and i am very surprised that you dont know about these things. do you follow the local news?

  13. nice gesture but the world needs to look toward stabilizing the regions where these refugees are coming from. americas foreign policy seems to be doing the complete oposite and resulting in global weapons sales exploding. resettling refugees is not the answer. stopping them from becomming refugees in the first place is.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    Why do the rich and wealthy allegedly abscond to Singapore, Dubai, or wherever, when, as you assume, they can walk into the jail, pay a large amount of cash, and have their freedom back ?

    not sure if this is a serious question but i will answer it anyway. when one political party comes into power they try to put members of the previous political party in jail and keep them there at any cost.   you must be pretty green to thailand to not know this.

  15. my esan girl (where else would she be from) just burst into the bedroom saying in an excited voice that 1 million percent sure the refferendum has passed, or so it is being reported on the TV. it is 4pm and i am wondering how they came to a conclusion so fast. i am also wondering if she really knows what it is all about. if the army keeps taking away the incentives for foreign investment this country is going to suffer horribly. foreign investment down 90% so far this year. manufacturing is going to be in a very bad way. tourism is suffering. that only really leaves farming. just have to hope there are no more droughts. it is the poor people who suffer the most when things get bad. thailand has alot of poor people.

  16. 29 minutes ago, Chapelroad said:


    You cannot pay to get out of jail.

    Once it is that far into the system, it is well out of the hands of the police, they are out of the equation.

    i know of at least 2 cases of thai people asking friends of mine to cover their fee to get out of jail. the last one was a friend of mine who was dating a girl who got caught selling yabba. it is quite common for many bargirls to sell it  on the side. she got 10 years as she did not have the money to pay off the cops when she got caught. she recently asked my friend martin for 200 000thb to bribe her way out of the jail. he said no.  jails run seperatly from the cops so once in jail the bribe goes to the staff of the jail, not to the police.  i would not be surprised if the jail keeps getting paid for the prisoner they have been paid a kick back to release early. must be one hell of an earner.

  17. 18 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Thats is very decent…poor thais need this…hope its not just lip service.

    more populist bulls#it. i was surprised when i heard the governmment was buying up rice to push the price up. now increasing wages above what the market is paying. whats next free tablets for kids, or bonuses to buy new cars? have we heard this before? the poor auto industry is in a bad way after having its subsidies cut and now there will be increased wage costs. foreign investment is down 90%. that is almost hard to believe, and now wage costs are going up. how can any of the be good?

  18. 2 hours ago, Chapelroad said:

    I think you will find that theft is a very serious offence here, and they will receive a custodial sentence, if found guilty.

    police are in the business of making money. you can buy your way out of pretty much any petty crime, and even some major ones. you  can even pay a jail out to get released. cops want the cash payout and to not have to bother wil anything else. the people who get long sentences are those who have no money to pay thheir way out.

    hope the cops didnt switch the phone and hand bag out with fake ones like they did with those royal jewls.

  19. 4 hours ago, borisloosebrain said:

    Yeah I know but that's a religious thing isn't it ? Buddha didn't say thou shalt not puff in a shisha pipe (unless you're ordained).

    was  following a pick up on the road last night. there were 4 monks on the back smoking cigarettes. budda said not to use intoxicating substances. not really sure how it all works. cant see how shisha is any worse than smoking which is done pretty much everywhere. would rather see smoking banned but i guess people hhave the right to kill themselves how ever they want.

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