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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 6 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:


    Good point.

    suspects are innocent till proven guilty. their photos should not be shown till they have had their day in court or the matter has been sorted out another way. thats in a first world country of course. last time this was announced it was 2 days later the body in a fridge suspects were paraded in front of the press. wonder if they can stop for 2 days this time.

  2. 4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    It's all going to end up in tears. 

    and down the line another coups. 20 coups in 80 years, surely there is a pattern. wash rinse and repeat. someone must be getting rich off it all other wise it would not keep being repeated over and over again.

  3. 2 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Full credit to Thai ladies for seeing through this slapper. Nice to see you saw through her get rich quick plan.

    half thai ladies saw through it (not that there was anything really hidden about the goal) other half were busy out trying to get a rich ferang. good old thais pretending to be outraged at something that is actually just standard practice in thailand.

    seems this lady is getting a ton of free advertising out of it all.

  4. 10 hours ago, onthesoi said:

    Yingluck proving once again how dishonest she is....

    she proved she was smart. does not matter if you are innocent or not, if the army comes after your assets you get them out of your name preferably moved offshore. remember the dutch guy who had the weed cafes  in holland? he was never convicted of any crime but his assets were seized. he never should have bought them to thailand.

  5. 17 minutes ago, JCauto said:

    No, no, no, you don't understand. Only SpiderOrchid has the qualifications and experience to speak of what is real in Thailand, the rest of us know nothing. After all, he lives there! 

    Despite the vast majority of the rural people having been terribly affected by the dreadful rice scam to the point of bankruptcy, for some reason there's a strong reluctance to allow these poor victims to express their anger and disappointment over who has betrayed them through the polls. Not only that, they're making damn sure that regardless of the poll results, the Army and old regime will still retain control. Why is that, do you suppose? Surely given your knowledge that the rural poor are ready to rise up and avenge the terrible hardships inflicted upon them by Thaksin and his evil family you would support an election as soon as possible, no?

    would seem that politics dont effect spiderorchid so no one should be discussing them.  

    actually i dont know what will happen with the next election. i doubt anyone really does. i suspect many people will be angry that they wont really be elections at all but a sham trying to project the illusion of an election. i actually dont see any point having elections at all. not under they armies current method where they choose who runs and can take power back at any time.

  6. 32 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    Well, you don't live here for a start. I do.

    Your input is your input, not the wife or any Thai person.

    Welcome back to Thailand when you have thousands of years more history than you do.

    i just finished living in thailand for 10 years. i just left as i want my kids to be schooled in new zealand.

    what is happening now in thailand effects me just as much, probably more than it does you as my family is half thai.  i am not speaking on their or any other thai persons behalf,  i never said i was. 

    thousands of years of more history. no idea what that means.

    still missing what you think i said that was so ridiculous. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

    Does any of this actually affect you? Just a bit interested in your rants. I actually live here,

    I have zero input to what is going on and it does not impact me in any way. Nor my neighbours,

    nor my village nor the province. 

    I hope you do not live here, your posts are so ridiculous to any resident here.

     Unless you live in a bar at Pattaya, they are very insightful.

    yes it effects me, my 2 kids are half thai, their mum is thai, i have a business in thailand. i will probably retire back to thailand if it is a good place to retire at that stage.

    of course you have zero input but there is no way you can live in thailand and not be affected by what is going on.  

    interested to know what you think is so ridiculous.

  8. 9 hours ago, MarkusAUST said:

    I suspect the level of hatred will begin to dissipate when there is a democratically elected government in place.

    the level of hatred will most probably grow as the masses realize the army dictates who will run in the next election and retain actual control even after the elections are held. this is probably why the general keeps delaying the elections.

  9. the chinese are ruthless in business. thats why thailand is owned and run by the thai/chinese. within a few lifetimes they took over the whole of thailand. they have plundered many african countries of their wealth. i have to hand it to them as their foreign business model is better than americas business model of loaning money through the IMF or destabilizing the country through war.

    no way thailand got a good deal with this project, the general is just desperate to show some progress after being in power for so long.

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