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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. thai woman are boring as hell. generally western men have very little in common with them so conversation is strained. if she is a non bar girl (bar girls are generally more fun) she will probably take a family member or friend with her so at least she will have someone to talk to. be prepared she may bring a number of people and you will be expected to pay the bill. if you are looking at getting laid it is probably cheaper to just pay a bargirl. good luck. let us know how you get on.

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  2. 1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

    Perhaps he should set a date for the elections then.  Actions rather than words.

    pointless as there will always be a reason to delay them. i heard the next time he is going to announce that he needs to stay in power as too many people are getting killed on the roads. bit like fighting corruption, pointless.

  3. 31 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    how do you know it took place 85 years ago? The plaque is gone already and new history books coming soon.

    ha, and it seems thaksin never existed. who ever said you cant change history.

    on another note 'thailand not doing so badly on trying to establish a stable democracy when compared to france'. well at least they are not trying to blame france i suppose.

  4. 25 minutes ago, tigermoth said:

    If Elections are not held there will be massive civic unrest. No Thais listen to the nightly raves and nonense spewing forth from a non elected person self placed at the top of this mess called government. The mumbles and whispers are growing and it has nothing to do with the pros and cons of legal political parties. It is totally pointed at the horrendous mess being made of the system and the vast increase in corruption and suppression of information.

    double edged sword as there may be massive civil unrest when the masses realize they can not vote for ying luck or other preferred candidates. 

  5. doubt many farmers will allow their land to be flooded for 7 months of the year. to mitigate flooding/drought thailand needs to build large scale dams like china has already done. friend of mine is in the business of building dams in thailand but he says he spends more time in court dealing with problems with why dam projects failed to get built and where project funding went. the general needs to use his magic powers to get things moving.

  6. what was the point of the referendum if the general is not going to allow elections? thanks to the referendum he can run them and still retain overall control. is he that scared there will be civil unrest if elections are held? are they going to keep delaying until yingluck flees the country or is in jail? would be interesting to really know what the general is thinking. asking those 4 questions certainly made it look like he was gauging public opinion on not running elections at all.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

    Wouldn't be too sure about that. There's been no credible evidence he stole anything.All the NK has come up with is a grainy out of focus video that could be of anyone. His roommate from the trip said he was accounted for during the time the NK claims he was stealing the poster. Very possible North Korea was looking for one more bargaining chip to use against the US and they duped him as the fall guy. NK has a long history of lying, no reason to think they started telling the truth now. Only thing poor Otto is guilty of is being 22 and making a bad decision. 

    i agree but the major mistake he made was going to north korea in the first place. regardless of weather or not he stole anything he still made that decision. has made me reflect on some of the bad decisions i made in my younger day such as drink driving and the effects it would have had on my family has something happened.

  8. i have tried krung thai and SCB. SCB were far better for almost everything i did. just a tip if you try something at one branch and it does not work go to another branch. the banks and even the branches all use different rules, or used the same rules but interpret them differently. banks can be very frustrating and part of the reason i keep almost no money in thailand any more.

  9. 8 hours ago, Grubster said:

    They are all idiots and the west should not waste one dollar or one phone call to get them back. If they want to use the freedom they have to go somewhere that has no freedom then they make there own bed.

    same could be said for many who have moved to thailand and lost it all or ended up in jail or dead. the military dictator is a it worse in north korea of course.

  10. 7 hours ago, onthesoi said:


    If she was smart she would still be in power ;) ...all this proves is that she is a thoroughly dishonest scam artist!




    with 20 coups over the last 80 years i doubt there would have been much chance she would be in power now no matter how smart she is. smart or dumb i think we can agree she was simply a puppet controlled from dubai.

  11. 58 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    There was a time, not so long ago, when Bill Cosby had the highest "Q" rating of any celebrity.

    "The Q Score (more popularly known as Q-Rating) is a measurement of the familiarity and appeal of a brand, celebrity, company, or entertainment product (e.g., television show) used in the United States. The higher the Q Score, the more highly regarded the item or person is among the group familiar with them"


    This was during the period now known to historians as "The Pudding Pop Era".

    think bill was pudding his (deleted) where he should not have  been.

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