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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. the army has taken control of future politics in thailand for decades to come with that referendum. they choose who runs in elections and the can take back power at any time they want without the need for a coup.  sure there can be an election but they still control the country from behind the curtain. the only reason to delay the elections i can see is there may be rioting by the masses when they realize yingluck or other popular politicians are not permitted to run.

  2. 3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    He shouldn't be serving any time at all. 


    He broke no laws here. 

    i dont think he broke any laws anywhere. he was up on some charges in his home country which were dropped. it was all about taking his assets. i would like to know where all his assets are now. is a good example of  why you dont bring any wealth to thailand. just yourself and some clothes. rent everything and get on a plane if things go bad or when you get sick of the place.

  3. i have done it from selling my house in pattaya. basically you need to be in thailand. take every scrap of paper you have regarding the property then to from bank to bank till you get it done. it may take persistence.  expect several different sets of rules from branch to branch of the same bank. not sure how much you are looking to transfer but i would do a few thousand dollars first then if that goes well break it up into say 4 larger transactions to spread your risk. good luck.

  4. 2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Stop calling it a 10 year visa or drop the 5 year "renewal". It insults everyone's intelligence right out the door.


    Drop the 90 day reporting. Issue Farangs an ID card just like Thais have with a smart chip like a ATM card that can be swiped at immigration and updated with address and phone number once a year. 


    The money requirement is OK.


    Then they might have some interest in this new visa.









    this would probably make it a good option for many. i would still rather pay 500k upfront for the elite visa than bring 3 mill into thailand. can be tricky to get funds out of thailand and when its time to leave you dont want to deal with trying to move funds out.  i have had to deal with doing it before and it is frustrating.

  5. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Here we have a lass who's is hard working, smart and articulated and someone

    want to cover her up.. why? has she offended anyone by aching a decent living

    for her and her family, isn't enough 'covering' going around here

    and not the Lamyai kinds?....

    you dont understand thai society. it is very conservative and maintaining these conservative standards is the most important thing, even more important than the high number of people living in poverty.

    on a more serious note how can the good general be upset about bikinis and pelvic thrusting when thailand is seen by many as the worlds brothel?

  6. 4 hours ago, rennie1988 said:

    I would be more scared to use a regular taxi than Uber. At least the Uber won't rip you off. I'm sure that the Uber drivers in Pattaya are very aware of the dangers, they're not going to roll the windows down and announce they're an Uber driver. Just be discreet and it shouldn't be a problem.


    When fridges were invented the men selling ice for a living got angry. The answer wasn't to ban fridges.

    great quote.

    i was driving for uber but the rates are so low it is hard to make decent money. it is great value for customers and far safer. bad drivers get the boot very quickly. uber may come and go but other ride sharing companies will fill the gap.

  7. 19 minutes ago, MickGC said:

    The most expensive one you can find. Usually the latest Iphone.

    yea, she needs an iphone, what ever is the latest model. anything else and you will wish you never bought her anything. i gave up buying stuff for my girl. she gets her allowance and she can buy what she wants.  i would suggest give her the cash you were going to spend and leave it up to her.

  8. 3 minutes ago, hyperHowie said:

    No one gets what's coming to them, it's a sport. You eat meat? Let me take you to a slaughterhouse. Enjoy sports? You shouldn't. People "get what's coming to them" in boxing, race car/boat/sail racing ... even occasionally in other tame sports. Bull fighting is an ancient cultural activity for Spaniards. Give up fishing, crabbing or even eating them than get back to me. Righteous folk like you make life difficult for everyone. Chill.

    how do we make life difficult?

    of course i eat meat. when ever i kill an animal i do it as humanly as possible. i fish i land and kill it as quickly as possible. i get no pleasure in torturing any animal. i dont understand how anyone can.

    i dont enjoy watching sports but i do enjoy kite boarding. if i kill or injure myself i accept it it is my fault for taking a risk. i also dont feel pity for anyone else doing a risky sport. not sure what thats all got to do with torturing animals. just because the Spanish have been torturing bulls for a long time does not mean that it should not be stopped.

  9. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Bullfighting is a kind of entertainment favored by many millions of people,

    unlike fox hunting, duck shootings and alike, cruel in inhuman? you bet ya,

    s is slaughtering  millions of stock animals for our daily food....

    but so are the millions of people that perish every year to war, famine and

    diseases.... so I feel sorry for the matador, who was preforming his art

    in order to entertain people, but gloating over it? come on now....

    the bull fighter got what was coming to him. torturing and animal for entertainment should not be accepted by the civilized world. congratulations to the bull, i hope he got put out to pasture.

  10. i used to install and repair CCTV in australia. all that is really required is to look at the screen and see if there is a video feed.  this costs very little and does not need anyone of any real skill.  it is almost always the power feed to the camera that goes down which is fairly easily fixed. i dont really understand why so many cameras are not working.

  11. 2 hours ago, ThaiTrav said:

    Geez ........ I hope the daytime gentlemens clubs don't get targeted ,they too offer all the same services.  How can they expect the tourist dollar will increase??? Alls that will happen is these bars will go broke by not being able to meet their rents and leases ,what will they be replaced with ????? takeaway food ? t shirts shops? computer shops ? Bit discrimatory to target only soi 6 , least the place was sectionzed to that activity .  So what soi 7 next then the boys town gay area. Gotta luv these numbwits for upstairs for thinking . Theres huge aeroplane hanger style sheds behind big C in Naclua which conduct live on stage sex shows to the japanese and chinese tourists  who arrive in busloads....every night !!!!!! 2000b a viewing one would think that sort of thing would be more damaging to Thailands image than people having few drinks following a rubdown or some thai girl girating her hips on stage. If  anything the place is becoming more unwelcoming by the day ,.as if I woud let my kids play in the run down playgrounds that have much broken equipment and glass in the grass, swim in the highly polluted sea which the mayor openly acknowledges has more than 24000 cubic meters of effluent and waste pumped into it each month !!!! and lets go drive on the absolute lawless roads ?????lets better not even go there!!

    they had a pretty good go at the gentlemans clubs last year. almost all of them got raided and it was the end of the winchester. think rioja packed it in as well. passion had double stage security on the entry door in case of a raid. gentlemans clubs are generally under the radar so it will be interesting to see what is open when i get back in a few months.

  12. 6 hours ago, Grubster said:

    The last big scandal in the US was the 800 billion dollar bank bail out. Thats about 30 trillion baht.

    yea  that bank bail out was just beyond belief.  gotta feel for all the people who lost the wealth they put into their home which in many cases was their only asset. america has a different system of corruption. the little man on the street does not have to deal with it on a daily basis, unless they lost their house that is.

  13. 29 minutes ago, candide said:

    Guess what the answer was, according to the Junta (see the "other" newspaper)? People don't think elections are required now, elections will not give Thailand a government with good governance, and they want Prayuth to be the next PM. Anyone surprised? :coffee1:

    ha they really got these results from the 1% who answered?

    the army now has control over of any future elections and who runs in them. they also have power to take back control at any time so why bother with asking these questions? game over army you won. what am i missing?

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