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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Interesting. I don't really need the dental or eye checks just now. Had those done recently. Chest xray would be okay, probably only a couple hundred baht elsewhere
  2. Bangkok Almost 40. No conditions. A bit overweight, not the best lifestyle.
  3. Yeah, I've found a very comprehensive package for 5000, but it's just blood and urine. For an extra 5k, at a hospital, I could get that plus exercise stress test, stool examination, EKG, chest x-ray, and full abdominal ultrasound. I think it could be worth paying extra. The blood tests are great, but I could miss out on something serious like blood in stool or blocked arteries. I know the topic here says annual checkup, but I'd probably not do this again for quite a while (depending on results), so I am looking for a very comprehensive screening.
  4. I wonder what @Sheryl would recommend for a 40 year old man with a not so healthy lifestyle?
  5. Anyone know a lab like this in Bangkok? Thanks 😊
  6. Thinking of getting a full check up done. Where do you think is the best value for money place to go? Does the Red Cross offer these check up programs?
  7. Definitely wouldn't put ketchup on pizza, but nice to dip the crust into some garlic mayo. I've seen Thais dip yardlong beans into ketchup too.
  8. Seriously, have you ever encountered a more feckless people in the world??
  9. I only use Shopee now. Never had a problem with their service or products.
  10. Usual. Normally, when there's a wrong price it's in their favor 99.99% of the time.
  11. Is that what your thread is about though? You started this thread.
  12. So, you make a thread to slag of expats with less money than you, until you come across a member with more money than you.......and all of a sudden you don't want to play the d!ck measuring contest (that you started) anymore. Just take your ball and go home.
  13. I like the one they do that's like a KitKat Chunky, in fact it's indistinguishable from a Kitkat Chunky.
  14. I'm single, unshacked, and unfettered. I got 99 problems but a butch ain't one
  15. But in many cases, the elephant in the room is that you are just housemates - yet no doubt the husband foots the bill for everything......and technically he's still in a relationship so can't "cheat" or it'll be divorce. Weird setup.
  16. Not hard to find a serious relationship or date different women in Thailand. Probably not anything to do with testosterone either. You just have to pay the bill(s).
  17. I'd say it's almost exclusively white people who are campaigning to accept refugees. It's a silly white thing to do. Their heart is in the right place, but they'll regret it. I suspect they've never spent much time abroad, especially in developing countries, so they have no idea what they are letting in. They have a rose-tinted view of humanity. No, not unless you are going to call everyone else in the world a racist, too. Nobody else in the world campaigns to allow mass migration of refugees in to their country. Most of the world does not want refugees. Some people in white countries, do. Though, only God knows why. I sure as hell don't know why.
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