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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. It's great that we have one voice of reason backed by traditional science. So many people get caught up in fad diets (e.g. keto). What's an example of your typical daily diet and exercise routine?
  2. I've noticed mostly Thai staff don't enough about the customers or even their own job or tips to exert any significant effort. Their attitude seems to be "tip or not, I do what I wanna do" Up to them.
  3. Typically though, women here are looking for a male caretaker, sugar daddy figure, ATM machine. So she might as well do something to earn her keep.
  4. Interesting I wonder if there are similarities in this to back West in the 60s and 70s? There was a lot less fat people then too. Less processed empty junk and more real nutrient dense foods.
  5. He'll be really kicking himself about this fact now. Especially, if he gets charged with statutory rape when he lands back to America. In any case, what was he thinking?? What a Diddy.
  6. Hang on, I can just hear the other side of the story now: "He dunk, wery wery dunk. Talk too mutt. I give him cerebral hemorrhage with my friends and run away."
  7. At first I thought,"Why is he posting this?" then I was getting cuckold vibes around the 3rd paragraph. Just speak plainly, Bob. All you have to do is ask.
  8. It was actually Brit bashing. Read the OP Yeah, you are probably right. We do deserve to get attacked by a group of men, teeth knocked out, cerebral hemorrhage etc etc for being drunk and disorderly NOT, ???? only an absolute neanderthal would think that way.
  9. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a Thai do anything with vigor.
  10. Come on! On my way to work this morning, I lost count of how many women I saw with 28 inch waists (and a sugary drink in hand) and I didn't see very many men with big guts either. A lot of slender chaps my age. Compare it to the West.
  11. I don't get how bread and potatoes are worse than white rice? Thais very much have a sweet tooth. Have you ever tried one of their coffees or teas? Okay, I agree with you on smaller portions probably. Unless, they work in a field or construct site, they definitely do not move more. Where I come people actually walk as a mode of transportation. Thais just hop on a motorcycle
  12. How are there so many slim, petite, slender Thais? Especially compared to westerners. I don't get it. -They don't fear carbs. -They don't avoid sugar. -Most of their food is stir fried in bad oil. - They don't do keto or any other fad diet. They don't prioritize whole grains or greens. - I don't think they count calories or out any effort into staying slim -They don't have a fitness/exercise culture. How do they do it? It is just good genes? They pretty much live off lots of white rice, sugar, and oil with some meat and fruit, while never exercising. Any insights?
  13. How much prison time for other riots, such as BLM ( which caused more damage, injury, and loss of life)?
  14. I guess it depends which milieu you are socializing in. If living in a cosmopolitan place, it probably won't be your experience. At international schools or top tier Thai schools it probably won't be your experience either. We have not experienced it in a cosmopolitan place or in a top tier Thai school, but pretty much everywhere else in the country, yes, unfortunately, it has been our experience. And we spent many years living up country.
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