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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. You think he came here to soak in the glorious waters of Thainess?? He's probably here to drink Singha, enjoy the weather, chat up the sweethearts, save a bit of money on his expenses and avoid taxes........or whatever other reason he has........and good luck to him!
  2. That would mean I'm upper class for wearing a tie. ???? Your class system is so easy. You could be the leader of Zimbabwe with your well thought-out and sophisticated social structure.
  3. As the title says..... I tried to be inclusive so as to not leave any modern day relationships out.
  4. You could just sleep on your left side too. Simple.
  5. Dementia may just be the worst way people die.
  6. Way to take away blame from the person who pulled the trigger. Guns can be used for good or they can be used for bad.
  7. I personally think on a hot day it's sensible so long as you aren't concerned with getting burned and in an open area, it should be socially acceptable. I don't think it's any more vulgar than women wearing almost nothing which I don't hear anyone complaining about.
  8. By this logic, 90% of Thailand deserves no respect for being low class. I don't think this is true, by the way, but it's worth pointing out your logic here.
  9. You really don't have to tar everyone with the same brush. This is some anti-christian stuff here. Not nice. Could even be comparable to antisemitic rhetoric.
  10. Tell that to the Left media. They often get this kind of thing wrong.
  11. No, it was the shooter and her hate. The guns didn't do anything.
  12. Not sure how this relates to Thailand's tipping practice, but if it makes you feel more manly, I'll let you buy me a couple of pints, Big Boy!
  13. Yeah I mean, I can make not too far off that...........but I work 2 jobs! ????
  14. This topic always fascinates me. Western people feel so strongly about tipping. People are so easily manipulated.
  15. Did you consider, before posting, that most foreigners living here are probably not on hundreds of thousands of baht per month, but rather just tens of thousands? ????lol
  16. Exactly. You see that a lot here. Lots of smiles when they want something. Lots of acting. Then, they very quickly drink the drink you bought them and disappear with a frown instantly, as soon as you don't agree to buy the next. Even a person selling things in a shop here. If they know you are just looking, see the contempt on their face. They won't even talk to you after that if you have a question. It's "gimme your money or get lost".....in the tourist areas, at least.
  17. I feel sorry for the Thai teachers on 10k a month.
  18. Tourist area waitresses get 20k a month easily, including tips. In fact, 25k is pretty typical, according to my EX in the industry. Their non-tourist area counterparts are really on minimum wage.
  19. Let's suppose I have a bill of 1000 and I tip her 20% (200 baht). Then, she goes to a Thai restaurant with table service and spends the 200 baht on her food and a drink. Do you think she would tip 20% (40 baht) to the less fortunate waitress there? No chance. 20 baht? I don't think so. 10 baht? I doubt it. 5 baht? Maybe. 2-3 baht? Probably, if she doesn't want shrapnel in her purse. Now, just imagine that waitress is your own kid. ???? I happen to have Thai family who have worked service jobs. They get tipped nothing. Zero.
  20. Not always. I recently tipped 50 baht for a haircut (one of the few things I tip for anymore) after politely thanking him for a good job and the traditional-looking old Thai bloke took it without any sign of appreciation whatsoever. Was he too proud to show appreciation for the tip? Was it not enough? Did I insult him by thinking he needed more than the normal rate? Japanese people, for example, are insulted by tipping. I dunno. Anyway, next time I might not bother with that guy.
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