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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Nope. I am just a mass of vibrating particles (kalapas, in Pali) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalapa_(atomism)
  2. I think it's spelled Preta in the literature. But I don't view this as an actual ghost in a ghost realm. We can see them walking among us; they are human. I am pretty sure we have all spent some time as a 'hungry ghost' ????
  3. What's the gist of the technique? What was your former life? Of course. We all have. At different stages in our lives we are living in different realms of existence. Most of us have been through hell in this very life. Some of us are living in gluttony/addiction as a 'hungry ghost' (a 'preta' as described in the literature). Some have experienced tranquility/heaven right here in this life. This is how I understand reincarnation after practicing Vipassana for many many years. I think it all pertains to our life on Earth; we are reborn into different states of consciousness in this very life. I don't really think reincarnation means I'll become a frog in my next life.
  4. Uhm....the local public swimming pool. Duh. There's no excuse. I am very thankful that my kid's school has a pool and they get swimming lessons.
  5. Of course they don't want foreigners having power over Thais in Thailand. And they have a very good immigration policy to protect their country. Rightly so.
  6. Getting a power high is so common among teachers here. School here is: 1. Follow orders 2. Learn In that order of importance.
  7. Even Thailand's absolute elite schools with the country's top students such as Triam, Satit Chula, Satriwittaya, Suankularb, etc. etc. hire foreign teachers without full teacher's license. The parents could easily afford good international schools in Bangkok or even to educate their kids abroad, btw.
  8. Most Thais can't afford that kind of teacher. Get real.
  9. Of course, I like those curries. You don't think I only eat McDonald's, do you? Though, I haven't tried Kao Soi yet.
  10. Tell that to my colleague who used to deal charlie from the drive thru window
  11. Kinda like Thai people and Indian food. You'd think you just asked them to eat dog food or something .
  12. I made a tray of Big Macs in the nude once - wearing only an apron. Those were the days.
  13. I like cats. I don't think I'd eat one. Yes, I tried rat in Isaan. It's alright.
  14. This is not one of the gifts God gave me. Perhaps in my next life I'll be able to change the taste of food with my assumption
  15. I don't eat octopus; it is an intelligent and amazing creature. I've considered stopping eating swine; pigs are more intelligent than dogs
  16. The McDonald's are spotless due to the price being a barrier of entry for many. The KFCs not so much.
  17. I thought I was eating wholesome, nutritious, healthy food at McDonald's. Thank you for opening my eyes. Woe is me.
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