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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Exactly. I am not blaming the person for flying the Union Jack or wearing the wrong colours, obviously. Point is: it happens.
  2. You've clearly never experienced a Rangers vs Celtic match in Glasgow.
  3. Do you think it's okay to be killed for any flag? That is what is being discussed here.
  4. But posters here are being told off for talking about any flag besides the rainbow flag....and then you go and mention the American flag with the peace symbol on it.
  5. What you are doing is trying to use forum rules to hinder discussion which is relevant to the topic (of being killed over a flag). It's just a clever little tactic.
  6. That's an unsubstantiated claim. Has it been proven? Did they find a manifesto? Off topic. We are not allowed to mention other flags here, as you are trying to point out, lol
  7. I don't think it's off topic to make comparisons to other flags in other countries. It's just a natural course of discussion around this topic. But because it doesn't suit you and you wish to control the discussion to fit your own narrative, you start flagging other posters contributions to the discussion.
  8. Nothing gets passed you, does it? What difference does it make if it's a pride flag, British flag, Confederate flag, or Palestine flag? The topic is the same: someone getting killed over a flag.
  9. Just making the point that we shouldn't always jump to conclusions. Two people had an argument and unfortunately it resulted badly. There's a lot of conjecture about bigoted attacks on minorities
  10. The tipping practice here is, to not tip. There's no tipping culture here, though in tourist areas they expect it. I tip for certain things, like an exceptionally good Thai massage or a good haircut. That's about it.
  11. Let's not jump to conclusions: when a Christian school was massacred by an LGBTQ woman who even wrote a manifesto, the official stance was, "It's not clear at this time what the motive was."
  12. They're allowed to drive kid's motorbikes - like the Honda Click - and girls' cars - like the Toyota Yaris, aren't they? I think they get their license off the back of their Milo cereal box at around that age. โตแล้ว!
  13. Please.....I am not the one mocking this guy's misfortune
  14. Honestly, mate, you deserve all the bad things that are coming to you, too. Just remember that that.
  15. I get that the internet can bring out the worst out in people- myself included - but it is beyond my comprehension how so many posters so far in this thread are mocking this person's misfortune for their own gratification. Absolutely vile and sickening talk, guys. You really ought to stand in the corner and have a word with yourselves.
  16. It never ceases to amaze me what a viper pit this place is A naive person gets duped out of a lot of money and many Thaivisa members crawl out of their hiding places to mock him for self satisfaction. Makes you wonder how sad their own lives are.
  17. It's mutual. 50/50. Why is it just the man who has to be held responsible? Thanks for keeping us informed. Well, we don't all have sex with young girls. And you are being a bit melodramatic. I do think safe sex is smart, but I would do it for my own benefit, not because of some tree-hugging Gandhi BS. I've done plenty of charitable deeds in Thailand, I can assure you............but saving a ho ain't one of them (back on topic). To be honest, the topic is kinda humorous: they became hoes to earn 50k a month. What do they need saving from?? They earn more than most farang English teachers here and it's more than a Western pension.
  18. That's the nature of them. If they didn't want an STD they should have used condoms. This is the solution, not blaming other people, ????
  19. They should just have safe sex. They only have themselves to blame. He should just have had safe sex then. He only has himself to blame. Yes, it does become their business, obviously, because they didn't practice safe sex. Again - hard to understand, lol - it's each person's own responsibility to practice safe sex. Or not. Up to them! Their body. Their choice. It is not an ethical issue unless you knowingly give something to someone.
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