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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. this is the first time I didn't get the 15-day alert that my 90-day report was due online. So on the 14th day before it was due I logged in , did my email, password and clicked on the magnifying glass sign and the TM47 with all my data filled in appeared. I acknowledged that all was correct and submitted it and then I received an email with the filled in tm 47 saying that immigration had received it. this was 8 April 2023.
  2. We regularly go to Bangkok Hospital Chiang Ma for whatever ails us. I too have a great insurance company but seldom use them as the cost locally is so insignificant. Due to the pollution, my daughter began getting an eye infection. Last time she had one just about every burning season that she was in school even though the school had air purifiers in every room. However, she had to walk outside between classes, and cafeteria but then they went to online due to the COVID situation so for several years she had no problem. Now she has graduated and at home but went to the mall for a movie on Friday...duh! Anyway, doctor check up and prescriptions was nothing but pocket change. A couple of years ago, I had a belly button infection - most horrible odor I have ever experienced. The local pharmacists gave me an antibiotic plus hydrogen peroxide to wash my belly button every morning and night but that if it still had that odor after a couple of days then I should visit the doctor. Went to the same hospital. Checked in visited with a doctor and after thoroughly checking my belly button, said the odor wasn't so bad and I explained that I had been using x antibiotic and cleaning twice a day with hydrogen peroxide. He said well there doesn't seem to be any problem now. He said "no charge" but if it returns, then we can explore further. Compared to what they charge in the US for just the doctor to say hi, we can be sure it is cheaper here. It might depend on the hospital too. But I am a satisfied customer. I have a lot of experience with US hospitals, my first wife died of breast cancer or I should say was killed by one of the poisons they were giving her. I know how much that 12 years of treatment cost so don't complain about cost of treatment here. Best of health to all so that you don't even have to think about it.
  3. if you have been here for 15 years, when you renewed your passport, didn't your embassy need that old passport to process for the new one ? just asking as before I just went to the embassy to renew it but now I understand that they want it done by email for form and then registered mail for the old passport and form. Just asking
  4. FYI, I note that many people use a friend's or relative's address in the states when they are opening or keeping a bank accout open.. This could in fact be lying to the feds in an attempt to circumvent the law. I am not trying to intimidate anyone but all should be aware of this fact. The State Department Federal Credit Union will open an account for you. There are other banks too that I have seen mentioned here that will open an account for you even with your foreign address. And, don't forget the FBAR if you are an AMCIT with a foreign bank account.
  5. racyrick, I too am an Americitizen and had the same problem years ago (when the Justice dept in conjunction with many other foreign countries had a law changed so that amcits or other countries too, forced foreign banks to report the country of that foreigner's local account - you might have to change your local bank acct too) anyway, the way around it is for you to join the USstate dept federal credit union. You do have to be an employee of the govt or any thing like that, just an American citizen, but they will require you to join one of a list of US groups ( I joined the American Citizens Overseas) where you will need to pay a yearly or lifetime fee but some of those organizations are fairly cheap. I have had an account with this bank (sdfcu.org) for 3 plus years and have had no problems. You can get various credit cards, service etc with no problems other than they don't work weekends and are on a US time sched for daily work. When I transfer funds monthly, it costs 30 USD no matter how much I transfer and I get it in my local account the next day. sdfcu transfers funds daily that are transfer messages are received by 8 AM est I think. Anyway, they will provide you with a list of services etc if you email them at sdfcu.org.
  6. Went in BKK Hospital (C/M) for my yearly flu shot and dr recommended that I also get the shingles vaccine - not overly expensive and age 75+ so I opted to get it at the same time. No problems about 2 months ago.
  7. The $ USD index has increased almost 10% this year. As mentioned above, at some point, it will come back down to earth and the $ will then be back to 30 or below before too long. Depends on politics, both local and the world, weather patterns wiping out many countries plans - look at China today, first they had the WUHAN virus and came up with a vaccine. But through lockdown and their vaccine, they stopped it cold there. But then the variants started - now the last that I saw, one vaccinated with the Chinese vaccines were 5 times more likely to get a bad case of the COVID variants. So then once the variants hit China, they locked down again but that became more and more widespread affecting the pipeline for other countries manufacturing processes. Now they and other countries are being hit by the violent shift of weather - today China issued a warning to 167 cities of a high heat wave and asked companies to shut down and conserve power. In addition, they reported several days ago 166 rivers in 33 counties had disappeared totally. Many well known rivers are drying up around the world, plus many lakes too are fading away. Who knows what exchange rate we will be facing in the coming months when the winter storms begin hitting the northern hemisphere and shutting down countries. Good luck to all as I have been here since the 1997 - 57 baht to a $ days but before that even I was here when it went to 20 baht per $ many years before that. If one is one the borderline for staying here based on income then good luck with that. I feel sorry for all and hope all can survive.
  8. did mine online...got an email from CM immigration on Sunday telling me it was due the next day. So I did it on Monday and received the success immediately and then on Tuesday the new printed date for 90 days in the future. Can't beat it as it is a lot easier and quicker than before. Haven't had any problems since they went to this new system. Just remember, to use the on line you must first register and get a immigration generated password. Is simple too.
  9. club rental not that expensive. since you want twilight or maybe night golf, check those courses in the areas you will visit to see if they have night golf too. Bangkok Golf used to have night golf, I played many a day and night rounds there!
  10. as several people have mentioned, anything coming from a foreign bank or organization has no meaning for the normal IO, the 12 monthly statements of foreign transfers must come from one of the THAI banks. Plus you would normally need to update your bank book on the day you do the extension request and some IO's ask for a copy of "all" pages of the bank book. As I previously mentioned, I do the monthly transfers and used to provide a lot from my stateside provided which this year the young IO just handed me all those documents and only used the local bank letters. Less than an hour total at immigration.
  11. I do the monthly transfers and have done so since the US embassy ceased to provide a letter. and I do my extension in Chiang Mai which may or may not be different but, used to provide immigration with tons of documentation - i.e. statement from govt retirement income, letters of advice from my bank indicating what they sent each month, letters from Bangkok Bank indicating receipt of my money each month (12 individual payments, one each and every month), letter from bank indicating that I was the sole user of such account. This year, the immigration returned all documents from my overseas contacts, only wanting the Bangkok Bank letters. Guess they got tired of reading all those other documents. Bangkok Bank indicates on the twelve deposits that such are from overseas and is a must. The only sure way for you to know exactly that they might demand, you might visit with the immigration office there and ask/show them what you have or whatever you must have to do an extension. Good luck!
  12. I spent 7 years in the Philippines and now 25 here in Thailand. I opted to retire here due to 1)no volcanoes erupting (yet), 2) minor earthquakes seldom only 3) no typhoons every year. But I speak Tagalog and Thai so the language doesn't impact me. The food to me is much better in Thailand. However, I also was an avid scuba diver (over 500 dives) and Thailand can't even begin to come close to the number of super clear water (can see the moon clearly at 140 feet deep at night of course). As a hasher, there are a lot less snakes in the PI so that was a plus too. Golf for me was a lot cheaper in the PI but that was 30 years ago so... Either way, I loved the PI and I love Thailand. I do read that immigration activity for the PI is better than here, but the last couple of years here, immigration has gotten a lot easier for me - no change other than I can't get an Embassy income letter but that just saves me about 50 USD a year plus the visit there so even that got easier. Either country can be almost heaven in my opinion and I also have lived/worked in many EU countries, some African and many Asian countries and overall, Thailand is still my choice for retirement.
  13. Oh this is great! Thanks Joe for sharing this tidbit, I normally just refill all the info and this can save me a few minutes anyway plus don't have to concern myself with fat finger mistakes.
  14. Actually, here in Chiang Mai they seem to have finally admitted that they have been collecting way too much paperwork. Over half of the documents I had were given back to me as they only need: from the local bank, 2 documents one indicating it is my account only, and the 12 monthly transfers from overseas plus of course a copy of my updated bank book. Nothing was needed to verify my retirement nor any banking statements from the US. easier and easier it seems to me after 17 years of doing these extensions.
  15. When you decided to do the 90-day online report, did you register and get a password? Was it your first time doing a 90-day report? I just di my third 90-day report via the online method. Absolutely no problem. I got an email saying that my forwarding of the info was accepted "SUCCESS" they said and then I waited on day and had another email with the new reporting date for the next 90-day report. This sure is easy and costs nothing but a few minutes typing. In my opinion it is now much easier than it used to be for all immigration visits - I have been doing them for 17 years partially in Bangkok and now in Chiang Mai. I only wear long pants once a year now - getting easier - some day maybe won't have to think about it at all.
  16. For generations the US citizens have had hundreds of millions of firearms of all types but, since the VN era, parents have failed as a whole almost in the raising of their children properly. The newest are more opinionated, lack morals of any kind, no religious feelings, spoiled rotten and just to much of a ""me first and only" society. Too many of them feel entitled to benefits of all kinds yet have done absolutely nothing to deserve any benefits. I read that Maine has the strictest gun laws but the lowest killings. This is also true for many major cities including Chicago. It is just about impossible to confiscate over 300 million firearms so more extreme laws against bad users of firearms should be passed to incarcerate those individuals for the rest of their lives. That is my opinion anyway and I am a gun supporter though I don't need an AR-15 or the like, just a shotgun!
  17. but by then the junta wasn't ruling as they had an "ElEcTiOn"...
  18. similar effect on the 90-day report which shouldn't be affected by the date of one's extension but mine was, I did my 90-day report in late April as required, on line and when I received the immigration form, it indicated that instead of 90 days I had to do the next 90-day report on the date of my extension in mid-June. Since we can do it on line fairly easy now, I'm not really concerned but...
  19. according to the news that I saw yesterday 31 May 2022, that number has increased to 224 mass shootings as of yesterday so you still have to add at least this one. I too am an American, believe in the 2nd amendment but not in letting immature teens allowed to buyany firearm, let alone an AR-15. I had a gun as a teenager, given to me by my parents and only got to shoot it with their supervision until after I had completed my military service. We make everyone who wished to drive a car, complete drivers' training and then pass a test and they must have he license that have done so. I fail to understand the useless politicians we have that cannot pass a law fixing this problem, and while they are at it, the immigration problem, - they seemed to pay more attention to the lobbyists - oh yeah, legal bribery so that they can hopefully win re-election and continue sitting on their butts getting nothing fixed!!!!
  20. to see a murderer who then chopped up his victim and tossed her away in a suitcase only get 8 years in prison while another guy along with 8 other car bombers who was tried "in absentia" got 46 years in prison. If they can try this guy and 8 others in absentia, why can't they try the Red Bull heir in absentia...oh yeah Thaksin was tried and convicted in absentia too. Thaksin of course we know why but I really fail to see why the Red Bull heir continues to await the dropping of charges due to his non appearance - seems money is not the sole reason, politics plays a bit in the games played too. I am glad that they continue to track some bad guys but wish they tracked all of them and were successful in bringing them to justice. My opinion anyway.
  21. The US has been friendly with Thai governments for decades although military ruled countries cannot be provided any aid. The US sees Thailand being wooed by the Chinese who are doing this throughout the world. We at least allow foreigners to purchase land, businesses etc in the US but try that in Russia or N.Korea or China. The wars we have been involved in are almost totally brought about by the UN and we provide military assistance including our soldiers. We do this to prevent any of those people from starting a war in the US to protect our citizen as forethought. I do not always agree with their support of poor leaders but then I am not in a position to do so. Much of the people of the world today have more freedom than they would have if the US never assisted them. Even the bad ones we provide some kind of assistance, many times having to borrow the money to aid them. My analysis anyway.
  22. Australia is one of 54 (I think that is right) countries are began a process 3-4 years ago where they want certain banking information from their citizens. As the banks have to share that information on citizens of other countries, some banks/countries are refusing to do so unless the individual client provides id documentation in order that he bank can send the local banking info of that client to his/her home country. Therefore, some banks seeing problems with that are now insisting that their local account holders must have a residence in their tax country (I am an American and yes, my bank of 54 years dropped me as my official address in in Thailand) I could have used a relative's home address in the states but that too would actually be illegal. Americans are required to file tax returns no matter where we reside or make that money. Since they began this new process, very few US banks will provide accts for overseas residents. We are required to file an additional government form every year for any accts we control in the local banks too if it reaches an aggregate of 10K USD during the calendar year. I have sent in one report listing for almost a 100k but they never asked any further questions on the source of any of the funds though all was legal. Some people have ways of providing their home country with a local telephone number although to the bank that looks like it is in a home country area. Again, something actually illegal at least in the US as one is trying to circumvent the legal process. Since I do nothing wrong I see not problem in adhering to the legal processes of my government whether I am particularly happy with those processes or not. Such is life.
  23. do you ever wear a mask when the AQI is unhealthy which is quite a few times during the year in South Asia including Bangkok and Chiang Mai? Or since you don't see a need for masks do you think the medical people giving you statistics on lung problems here in this region? Just asking...a friend many years ago was an avid runner - female type world class type and a dip. when she returned from a tour in Bangkok, during the regular physical checkup, the doctor told her that he saw that she was in terrific physical conditioning but advised her to stop smoking. She told the dr that she never had smoked in her life - they concluded that it was running so often in the foul air of Bangkok. Just saying.
  24. well, my cost was 1900 baht, I feel that with the number of questions and answers on this forum, one should not need anyone to hold their hand. As for the TM 30 need, I keep that in my passport also so since this was the first time I needed it, it was available just like the TM47 receipt. Now they seem to be needing less and less...maybe soon it will all go away.
  25. at first, I didn't include a copy of my TM30 nor my 90-day report but both of course were stapled in my passport. The people checking documents prior to getting a queue ticket instructed my to go around to the back of the building and make copies of the TM-30 and the 90-day report. Who am I to argue with them. This was the first time for both for me.
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