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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Exactly like the trade with China bit - who in their right mind would think that the Chinese would not have as reported here "a SURGE of poor-quality merchanise" pouring into Thailand and underselling the Thai sellers? Everything seems "Knee-jerking" here starting with elections and then dropping the leading candidates and parties and even wiping them out for 10 years! Tomorrow we may have a "NEW" government.
  2. You say that yet look at all those on this forum that have gone to the Thai Revenue dept and found that they have no idea yet about anything. As another aside on a different issue but same problem - immigration officers having "personal" adaptations of the rules and requirements for the expats. With rampant corruption at so many levels, it is difficult to find nationwide acceptance and impementation of every rule. My opinion anyway. Have a good day!
  3. No the US DTA is specific, govt pension is only taxable by the US govt which they do regularly! With the Thai rate it might be 35% which would be higher than the US rate.
  4. Are you talking about the world weather or the tax schemes in Thailand or the US presidential candidates?
  5. I have noted several people mentioning "so apparently with the new DTV, foreign income is exempt from tax" and I am wondering where they found that info. I googled thai tax and the DTV and several Tax Advisors here indicate provide the definition of a Thai Tax resident and that those meeting that criteria will be required to get a tax id number and file for taxes if they meet the revenue dept criteria for remitted income. There also were some saying some missions were requiring the DTV applicants to get a Thai Tax ID too. Just wondering though I am not affected by this but I get questions from other people and wouldn't want to provide incorrect information especially on this tax issue.
  6. Where is this stated by the Min of Foreign affairs or the revenue dept?
  7. Not all of us, the DTA still applied during the other years too and US govt pensions were still non-taxable for the Thais. We only had to pay US taxes on that income and any other income we happened to have.
  8. I agree that it shouldn't be a problem because you obviously met the qualifications and requirements of the DTV and therefore it was issued by an immigration officer in your country. Enjoy the new visa!
  9. Well I am not a believer but I do believe that others might feel different - I know that my sister was very close to our grandmother and one night very late, my sister said that our grandmother came into her bedroom and gave her a kiss saying I will always love you. My sister says that she was wide awake when our grandmother came into the room and did that. However, my sister was living 2 thousand miles away. When she called our Aunt with whom the grandmother lived, our Aunt said your grandmother just died a few minutes ago. My sister was 30 years old at the time! She swears on her BIBLE that this is a true story.
  10. That may still be breaking Thai Tax Law if you ae here more than 180 days of 2024 and do remit ASSESSABLE income then according to their laws, you should obtain a Thai Tax ID number and fill out the tax forms. They of course say it will be up to the individual to OBEY the law. If the DTA of your country with Thailand exempts monies you remit then and you have no other asssessable income, then by their law you don't have to get an ID number and file taxes. If you do have assessable income, they could at some point audit you back for up to 10 years and require you to pay any back tax with penalties too. The Revenue Department provides an ENGLISH translation of their tax laws as well as the Thai version too. Easy enough to find and understand. Best of luck to you!
  11. I agree with that, especially seeing as how the major gambling establishments will be required to put up lots of big $$$$$$ and TIT so next govt might outlaw gambling as household debts are already super high. Just saw a bit on Korean household debt too - highest they said in Asia and interviews with some indicate them trying to use gambling to get out of debt, and even big winners don't seem to be happy with just getting out of debt so they continue gambling and shortly thereafter they are big debtors again.
  12. Especially if they are modified beyond the original specs in my opinion but I know even less about motorcycles than I do about EV's and the batteries that they use.
  13. Yeah, I think that the infrastructure might be able to cope with 40 million visitors but I do also believe that it also will depend on where the visitors are coming from as that will definitely impact certain areas more so than other areas. Already BKK seems to be inundated with a lot of Chinese but are they spending? Just wondering.
  14. Funny, we as visitors to this country knew exactly that this would happen, first with the cheap Chinese goods flooding the local markets, and now hordes pouring into this country. Next will most likely be like the Greeks, local island tourist spot over run with tourists and local Greeks calling for a cap on number of tourists! There was one note today that indicates that their future target number is 80 million tourists a year! what a joke and just what are these people thinking?
  15. Yes, I retired here but prior to that, I had been assigned to the embassy several times beginning in and last assignment in 2003-5 so I had/have a pretty good idea about life here and the associated costs, especially in comparison to life in the US. That of course was not my first nor only thoughts about retiring here, but on a pension I realized quickly how here is better and it have proven out. I love life here, speak the language and have no plans to leave what I consider is a paradise. As other paradises exist, none are perfect EDENs so I accept any bad with the great life. Life is changing here too as in many parts of the world especially as the new govt realizes how much money they need versus what they found in the empty coffers so that may affect some people's lives too. Best of luck where ever you hang your hat. Hang in there.
  16. should be able to go the thai revenue department website and read about their taxes, exemptions, deductions, etc.
  17. Yes, TIT reaction for sure but this time not even that...guess maybe folks are afraid of the military response to any action
  18. I used to walk a block or so to my office at the US embassy - right after getting my first rabies shot, a soi dog nipped my leg and I had to get several shots in that wound. I had been jogging here for many years and never had any problems...one never knows.
  19. Recommended by US State dept years ago...I had my series, then wife got scratched by a cat that refused to get out of the driveway at a restaurant so the doctor recommended shots, then one of our dogs had a seizure and when hugging the dog, my daughter got nipped - doctors again recommended the shots, not very expensive and better than rabies which roams around here quite often.
  20. problem being that the UN began years ago, initiatives in human rights and female empowerment at odds with traditional role of women creating families in developed and developing countries and now women don't want to go back to the traditional family's value with women focused on bearing children. That is why the falling birth rates in so many countries, many of which have very strict immigration policies, i.e. Japan, Thailand, S. Korea et al. and so what do we see - reports of populations 1/2 in number in just a couple of decades plus old timers having to remain in their jobs as there is no one to replace them. In Seoul, no one wants to get married or have children. Many people have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to live daily. I sure don't see it getting much better here in the near future for sure.
  21. Right, immigration would definitely need more involvement. Easy to compute number of days a year and would only need to see the beginning date prior to 180 days if in the latter part of the year. I don't think it is going to happen just like I don't believe everyone will be affected in a negative manner once they govt settles down on all the visas. Right now they are concerned with their own well being in elected or selected for certain positions and trying to find money to do all that they promised prior to the election.
  22. Well as of this year, the tax rules are pretty clear, with an LTR and DTA with only US gvt pension I feel secure in no taxes (in Thailand) this year but since TIT all that could change if they decide to do so. Hopefully not anytime in the next 10 years anyway.
  23. Sometimes on this forum that is a must. other times it all depends on the individual. fortunately we can just turn it off or skip on by to the next comment.
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