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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. last week, the weather bureau exec mentioned on the local morning news that they expected the rainy season to start near the end of this month. This morning that same exec indicated that they rainy season may not start until the first or second week of NEXT month, and that the first couple of months the rains may be lighter (than what I don't know)but then from August on to the end of the season there might even be a couple of strong storms.
  2. The response was a BOI explanation of the yearly report and included in the first sentence that one was to do the TM.30 at the BOI immigration office or I guess who ever is doing the report pluse the other requirements. Yes I think that 99.9% of the forum users don't have a very good opinion of the TM30 reporting and I am included in that too but since I will go my yearly report at the BOI office, they have their own immigration office there and they so far took good care of us without any problems. The requirement of the BOI was to report one's current local address with the other documentation and that was also how it was explained to me when I received the stamps in March of this year. But, I only pass on MY experience in these issues since I am only responsible for myself and no one else. take care, enjoy the heat!
  3. Actua Actally, since I am a foreigner commenting on local Asians, I just thought it was a more complete answer to add those other nationalities that I have also spent time around just as a comparison.
  4. Have lived in the PI, VN, Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia plus some time in Laos too and basically all were about the same - they treated me like I treated them with a smile, plus EU countries, a couple in Africa and he coldest I guess were the French since I was unable to speak "PERFECT" French. Madrid folks were cold but outside of there the Spanish were very friendly. Italians were great. Maltese too were very friendly as were the Portuguese people.
  5. if you check out the response of SHA 22 BKK, where there is included the info in the BOI website about this subject - includes reporting to the BOI immigration the tm.30 info plu plus plus.
  6. for @jcates29 contact info for Board of Investment Thailand is ltr(at)boi.go.th tel: +66(0)22091109 +66(0) 22091110 As I mentioned b4 - goodluck
  7. I have an LTR and found the Board of Investment to be very helpful. I suggest you should contact the BOI and ask them by when you should use your LTR. They have a website and also have phone numbers there available. Just remember their hours are almost 12 hours depending on where you are in the US so you will have to contact them during their normal daytime working hours, not lunch time either and be aware of any Thai official holidays when you want to contact them. Good luck
  8. that is correct based on what others have also noted and one from the website of the BOI. Good luck, take care, stay safe. BE HAPPY.
  9. Well it is only once a year so even if it is like a "90-day report" is only has to be done once a year versus many times if one remains in country all year. This visa is just another visa so what is the problem? I am happier with this visa than the retirement O and in the 10 year period, the cost is actually cheaper for me. No one is forcing anyone to get any particular visa except the Thai immigration and meeting certain requirements to enter and stay in Thailand.
  10. Agree 2011 was horrible - one of the klongs used to speed up flood waters moving out of BKK was right next to daughter's school and not too far from our townhouse so we evacuated to Kanchanaburi for several months. Fortunately the school and our abode did not flood. It definitely was a living nightmare at times and wouldn't want to repeat that. The year following that, we moved out of BKK to CM. Now, guess we will have to plan on evacuating out of CM during the "burning season". Can hardly wait this year for the rains.
  11. well I see that in China folks are unhappy too even held a march against the CCP. Look at all the Russians pouring into Thailand they must be unhappy too. Finland closed their border crossings with Russia to stem the outward flow of unhappy Russians. The whole world is still reeling from the COVID pandemic. Very few economies seem to be doing okay and inflation still running around in many places. But, I am still happy and have no violent aspirations. Although the heat is oppressive at times, A/C works well, familiy now in Seoul for a concert, finals just about over in college so life goes on. BUT, looking at the daily news locally and world wide, weather controllers seem to be concerned with violent conditions too. US elections and world weather - harbingers of the future? Take care, eat well, stay safe BE HAPPY!
  12. I think that is correct...I chatted with the BOI officials after getting my stamps...I indicated that I would not be leaving the country so that issure didn't come up. There is a note done 18 hrs ago by SHA 2 BKK that appears from the BOI about yearly reports, exiting the country and returning, etc plus what documents have to be filed with the yearly report - form 95 has to be filled in and blv that indicates pension and health insurance info and signed by the ltr holder. This was reportedly from the BOI website.
  13. read the previous post several conversations prior to this - it specifies that one on the one-year report of address must also provide certain documents or the agent one sends to do the report.
  14. In my opinion based on communicating with friends in the US, and seeing news articles from around the world and my experiences here in Thailand over the last 50 years - yes I do think that almost everywhere the general public is not very happy. This also seems to be why violence seems to be the reaction of way too many people nowadays. Scary but maybe life will get better and society will come around again to the more pleasant reactions. I try to chat with salespeople who seem down and usually that ends up with them smiling but not always.
  15. I am only telling you my experience and meetings with the BOI reps. In my passport is a note indicating that I am to report where I am living once a year. If it does not apply to you, I am not concerned, just wanted you to know what I have been instructed by the BOI folks. good luck stay safe
  16. one would nnormally need to get a check up if one wanted to be insured to find out if there are any pre-existing conditions. As for how much one needs to put aside, an example is the requirement to obtain an LTR visa, one needs to have health insurance guaranteeing 50K USD for hospitalization or a bank account holding 100K USD for the last 12 months. The amount needed though could vary greatly upwards depending on health and disease issues.
  17. I personally feel that one should be aware of the benefits as well as the requirements for the LTR. I am not going to go through them for anyone as they are easily available online. As for the the BOI LTR that I received in March 2024, it very clearly explained to me that I need to report my residence once a year to the BOI or the local immigration office. All you need to do to confirm this is call the BOI or wherever you obtained your LTR and ask them or read the documentation on that particular visa. Ignorance of the reporting requirements will not excuse one and might be a cause for withdrawal of that visa.
  18. once a year you must notify your place of residence to the BOI or local immigration.
  19. How did you avoid paying US taxes - as a US citizen you can't escape paying their taxes no matter where you reside? Just wondering
  20. smart thinking for sure - just like in the US, many companies have or used to have pension programs for their employees. Thing is a lot of companies go bankrupt due to many reasons and what happens to those employee pension funds. The US govt does have a program to take on those pensions but not at the same monetary level - sometimes less than half that originally promised. And in today's world it is becoming more and more difficult in my opinion to "trust" govt, businesses, individuals, et al. Good luck, I do truly hope that everyone reading this is more optimistic than I am.
  21. As for the LTR you can check with immigratioon or better yet whereever you got that LTR be it the Board of Investment or wherever, but I believe that it is necessary that one meet the requirements obtain the LTR throughout the period of the LTR (ie 5 or 10 consecutive years that you must meet the financial and health insurance rerquirements) that was the impression I received when I was stamped in March 2024.
  22. I blv maintaining the requirements for the original LTR (income, health insurance coverage) will be checked and if you do not then the LTR may be cancelled!
  23. just talk with the BOI and when you go in for ltr stamps, they will have the immigration office within the BOI cancel your retirement O - mine was done that way in March 2024
  24. while under consideration by Govt agencies, they might request additional documentation - as mine did totatl time 3 wqeeks from start to finish with stamps. BOI veryu helpful
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