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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Can't help but agree, except I fail to understand why they hang on to PUTIN's every comment when if they were truly patriotic, they would not consider Trump as a leader anyway but to worship anyone running for any high position in the US govt praises autocratic leaders around the world means that something dealing with logic is missing from their minds in my opinion. I surely hope my opinion meets with the approval of the majority of voters in November or the world might be in an even worse situation.
  2. I totally agree with you. On my last due report, I was notified that it was now 16 days b4 the due date so the following day I too did my online which had been successful many times. However, normally within 3 days at most, I received the new 90-day date report/receipt but this time no, so I came on this forum and asked if anyone else in CM had that problem and was told yes, they just cancelled and re-did their online report and within 2 days had a successful report fm IO so I did that but my online report was denied so I had to do it in person. It was easy yes, but just an unnecessary trip to immigration in my opinion. They used to have the TM.28 for we, the ex-pats/farangs to do this change of address report but about the time they went to enforcing the TM.30 again, they dropped the TM.28 requirement so now if the landlord/house mother or whatever doesn't feel like doing a TM.30 for me, it creates an unnecessary problem for me when it is legally (so to speak) not my responsibility but I would be the one fined or have problems with my yearly extension and not the local person responsible. Hopefully, in the future, immigration will recognize this problem as folks complain, and will fix this so we can just do it on line ourselves if they don't drop it altogether (fat chance of course). Good luck.
  3. Yessir, I read aout it daily...just don't need a visa. join the invasion from the south. enter illegally, immigration courts so backed up that if you go in today, they won't be able to hear your asylum plea until 2030 and in the meantime, you can work, travel wherever you want, no 90-day reports or anythiing like that. Get sent to one of the dem-controlled cities and they will house you free, give medial care free, food, educate your kids in whatever language they speak. Here, I just wish they would return to the TM.28 vs the TM.30 - at least we could then report our own moves without having to convince a landlord to do it and if they don't who pays the fine? not the Thai but the farang.
  4. While we are at the waste of time immi bit, how about the TM.30 - if the landlord or wherever one stays doesn't want to or feel like filing the TM.30 which is a THAI national responsibility since we are not land owners but I guess we could be if we had someone stay at our condo so anyway, the TM.30 is not the responsibility of the ex-pat that is changing location be it permanent or just a visit, if the land owner doesn't do a TM.30, does that person get fined ? no unless you fork over the 1400 baht or so, they won't process your 90-day or 1-year extension. How come the ex-pat has to pay for a Thai lack of responsibility. Seems like this should be a court case. Just like the traveller trying to leave, does a quick COVID test, tests positive so sent to the hospital for 10 days even if no actual problems with the COVID, so when released after ten days, is now overstayed due to hospitalization so has to pay a 4000 baht fine in order to leave Thailand. - What a world in which we now find ourselves...we have to pay for locals errors or lack of responsibility, doesn't seem fair to me.
  5. for my February 5 90-day report, I got a reminder on day 16 prior to the 5 Feb date and immediately the next day, did my report. Normall (last couple of times) I would have a reply with the next 90-day report date. This time however, I didn't so even sent a note via this forum if anyone else noticed something different this time. One pers replied that he too waited, cancelled his report and then re-sent it and got a reply within two days or so. I did that and got a rejected reply after a couple of days. I had a new passport so just went to CM immigration, they had me first go to the TM.30 room in the rear of the main bldg which opened at 8:15 vice 8:30 so that as accomplished within 5 minutes, got back in line as had #16 queue number, when 8:30 arrived, they began by calling numbers in groups of 5 so my number was called within 5-10 minutes, went to the window - IO said oh take your old passport and go the 90-day window...did that, got a new 90-day schedule and went back to the window, didn't have to wait at all and IO checked, put it in my new P/P and sent me inside. Window 2 does the transfers from old to new P/P. handed that in, my queue # was less than 2 away from that which they were working on. Waited over half an hour and then got my new P/P, old P/P back and was out of there at 9:15 so not such a bad day afterall at immigration. Now I am in the process of changing to an LTR visa. Seems fairly simple but TIT so I a wait the decision on the paperwork. If successful, then no moe 90-day reports at all, just the once a year to let them know I am still alive and kicking at the same address I guess. Good luck to all.
  6. you are CORRECT!!! I have a 2.5 micron meter...I check every morning beginning at 4 AM when I take the dogs out to do their thing. Almost every morning for the past couple of weeks, the readings have been in the 60-70 range. Yesteday 150 this morning 176-180 fluctuating. The levels do drop later in the day into the 90's yesterday and today. The other readings are about the 25.0 RANGE not healthy. one can check online at "pm2_5.nrct.go.th/pm hours" for all of the city plus! they give the readings as follows: Blue (clear) 0-15 Green 15.1-25 yellow - 25.1-37.5 orange -37.6-75 RED - 75.1 + anything above green should be worrying if one is spending any length of time in that or exercising in air polluted above green. Looking at this report today shows how widespread the bad air is here. Scary for longterm health reasons as it won't be too apparent at first. Beware is the operative word.
  7. You got most of it correct...you forgot get rich through corruption..US Congress for sure.
  8. Yes I too am an American retiree on a govt pension (lucky I got it when it was good and with govt health insurance (not cheap either) and I hear from friends in he US and family, yes the picture is not very good. Added to the normal inflation and the COVID (over 500 pharma billionaires created during the pandemic) recovery, are the 300K illegal immigrants pouring in monthly over the southern borders which means that all the democratic controlled cities have to rapidly increase the public taxes to pay for housing, food, schooling, travel etc for the illegal migrants. Citizens of states like California and NY are fleeing by the hundreds of thousands yearly because the taxes are so high and the average person cannot even afford to buy a house anymore. For example in San Franscisco, Calf, there are no houses available under a million US dollars. Also, the cost of living in the US causes over 600,000 US workers to live in Mexico, drive to the border and enter the US to go to their work place every morning and then back to Mexico as the work day is done! I much prefer to live here in what I considered paradise in 2005 when I retired - yeah it isn't perfect but it is still paradise in comparison in my opinion. Married to a Thai and we had plans to take our daughter to the US for college, got accepted, got scholarships but due to the backlog of immigrants in the US, it took over a year to get my wife's approval to take our daughter back for college...so instead she is now a student at the #1 university in Thailand - yeah Thailand, doing an arts degree so that sheet of paper will mean the same just about anywhere! Wife and I are happy, daughter is super happy, doing well in college - a great life here if one considers some of the alternatives!
  9. Have some friends in CM that use an agent (star visa) and yes, the immigration would not accept his world wide insurance either though it covers everything and for sure wouldn't rip him off if needed so he too had to get a local Thai insurance - something that must be to provide local businesses with farang monies. My friend just said he bought a cheap local policy that sufficed. You might check with star visa there and they will be able to help you. I don't believe the charges were too much anyway but I don't know for sure.
  10. that is correct as I know as I file my US taxes yearly so I have documentation that my funds have been taxed but if one has not nor does not file then they don't have the documentation to prove that the funds have been taxed in their home country.
  11. Thus the need to be able to provide some official documentation that the funds have been scrubbed by the person's home country prior to applying for an exemption in Thailand. I am fairly sure that the Thai RD won't accept a farang's verbal/signed deposition. My opinion only. I am in the process of getting an LTR so I can just avoid any problems no matter what they decide on this issue if they ever do in my lifetime.
  12. some of those complaints could be eliminated by the Long-Term-Resident visa versus retirement O or OA, if you qualify for the wealthy pensioner (number two on the LTR list) not the super wealthy folks.
  13. I am surprised they gave you a date to extend after your passport would have expired. I went through the same thing last year when I did my yearly extension and lost over a month due to the fact that my passport would expire first. So I got a new passport six months later, had all stamps transferred and now the passport is good until this year's extension. Easy enough to do and no cost other than the new passport of course.
  14. What has been told since the very first article appeared - we go thru the same thing and we are all told again "nothing is final YET! Until they do the final and we see that this is posted in the Royal Gazette, it could say something good or bad for no one or for everyone. Let's wait until the final is approved and then we can act based on our own situations.
  15. Also, we have been told we only must get a Thai tax id number when we have assessible income...key here is assessible.
  16. you might want to wait as pensions might not be considered "earned income".
  17. as Mike said do some reading, the OCED July 2023 agreement says that all the 138 signatory nations MUST trade banking data on tax residents, even China signed on!
  18. 90-day reorts, tm30 reports, yearly report, inhospital health insurance premiums, etc...just wait as more and more "scooter" riders are on 60CC bikes or bigger.
  19. well, if your investments are over the 120K or 150K baht then you might have to pay on that but definitely nothing on the SS due to article 21 of the DTA between Thailand and the US. Check out the charts for needing a Thai Tax ID number.
  20. also at such an age, he could not have been a teacher for long enough to draw a pension of $80KUSD for the wealthy pensioner LTR visa in my opinion since I really have no idea about the salaries and pensions of UK folks.
  21. I will be the first to admit that I know nothing about the evisa fm a Thai embassy overseas and this from lopburi3 saying that "1st extension has to be for the reason the visa was issue" so best to get either an agent in CM best to use Star VIsa as trusted unless others know another good one. Good Luck!
  22. after about book 20 Lee Child started co-writing with his son I think - slightly different but not much. Have you watched any of the "Reacher" TV series - at least they opted for a guy the correct size according to Child's description. LIked the 4-year series...now awaiting the next year. If you like the demeanor of the Reacher character, on Prime movies there a multitude of Korean movies with the same demeanor character. The Korean drama movies are unlike most Asian movies/series, very little emoting with some great stories. My daughter taught herself Korean language while she was studying Chinese in school (5years) and was getting awards for being a great Chinese-language student/teacher. She scored up to level-4 in the annual Korean govt global test and only hasn't gone further as self-taught needs someone to speak to and listen as well as expository writing of that language. I have read all the Reacher books...saw the movies but a star half the size of the Reacher character just didn't wow me at all.
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