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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. To me it shows the inferiority complex Thais have towards foreignness, oh yeah, they're better and richer than us so let's stick it up them mentality...
  2. What is good for the goose not necessarily allowed for the gender, everyone knows that in many cases there's a laws for Thais and others laws for non Thais, that how it was many years ago when i fries arrived and it is still now and nothing will change...
  3. Just booked Gulf air BKK-TLV Business class 92,000 baht last month was 10,000 baht cheaper, you snooze you lose, airfares will continue to go up so book as soon as you can...
  4. Now the transvestite community of pattaya gonna feel the heat coming down on them, rightfully or not...
  5. Could it be that those Indian guys are scamming travel insurance that for some reason also insure jewelries?...
  6. Exactly my point in my earlier post... but the same Thai logic should have told them that it will NOT last long and slowly but surly they will all creep back...
  7. Come come now Mr. holier than thou, the mas is asking a fair question, which at one time or another, we all wondered ourselves in our respective areas...
  8. He should have stayed away for those questionable looking young ladies in them bars, but would he listen?...
  9. So this is how its going to be from now on? don't do this, be warned and careful of that, be were not to concern with such and such and so on.. shouldn't they have said all that BEFORE they gave away 1 million of those headaches for everyone?...
  10. Bringing marijuana in to Thailand now is like bringing snow to the Eskimo, now that Thailand has its own productions...
  11. I know i shouldn't use the term 'honest lawyer' but we need a english speaking lawyer who's good at dealing with wills and probates, preferably not part of a firm to handle local and overseas communications..
  12. Or play one hole in any bar and and get a hole in one...
  13. Question, when was the last time Thailand was managed and ran properly for EVERYONE satisfaction? any one?...
  14. The world is in a grip of a turmoil and not only in respect to travel, with everything, owing to the Covid aftermath and it wake, the war in the Ukraine, China quarantines of most of it people in order to stop and eradicate the spread of Covid, shortage of food products and fuel and on and on and on...
  15. Why do i have the feelings that NOT ALL that was supposed and should o be incinerated got incinerated.. or is it just me...
  16. When the PM and others of him ministry will take off their masks public and the people will follow suite, there're still many business that doesn't allow you entry without a mask, so who's confused here?...
  17. IMHO, the Thai government itself is in a state of confusion whereby they try desperately to bring things to normal and just go about it willy ninny as it seems right now, and i would'd be surprised at any future move my the government forward or backwards...
  18. The law allows you to form a Thai company where both are share holders, and register the house in both names so that in any event you can still live in the house, said company can be formed at any time for a peace of minds...
  19. Too much information out there, most of it garbage, hear-say and posted by posted by wannabes and posers that want to put themselves out there, this is NOT to say that there isn't good information out there but pity you have sift through to find out what is worth knowing and what's not..
  20. Sure, sitting home for 2 years in Covid times and laying on their backs ( for free mind this time) makes any idle slim looking girl putting on the pounds... having said that, i find the escalated pay for play cost to be an off putting...
  21. There are 3 kinds of people who import cars to Thailand, the insane one, the very rich " i don't care how much it cost" people, and the very, very well connected high up there, which one are you?...
  22. The sad part is that now, even if the girl really want to love me long time i won't be able to recuperate given that the machine is not what IT used to be...
  23. I sure hope no one tried to suck on 'em, or he'll never want to suck on another pair boobs...Ever...
  24. Something changed with the fuel? yeah.. The price, i used to fill my Honda PCX for 100 + now it's 240 Baht, not to my mention my Benz, i said not to mention me Benz yes?..
  25. Cops busting rogue cops, nothing new here and no big surprise either in a country where corruption and bribes are the everyday occurrences...
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