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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Yes, demographics applies to Thailand just as it does to every 'Western' country and Japan.
  2. You might be interested to learn that, in Australia, a federal judge has just found the leader of the (miniscule) anti-immigration party guilty of racial vilification for telling a Greens Senator to "piss off back to Pakistan". (Can't work out why your comment made me think of that.)
  3. And won't that be lovely for us all! The defeat of demographics.
  4. As usual the anti-migration people make their little racist jokes and allusions ... But the fact is that the future of ALL the 'Western' nations (plus Japan - though they haven't yet woken up to it) is immigration from the high-reproduction countries of Africa & the Middle East. And all the racist jokes and government 'tightening' won't alter that fact. Nothing else is going to maintain economic standards and even growth for the 'white' people over the rest of this century. Pale skins are out of fashion and likely to remain so for ever.
  5. Some people are beyond helping.
  6. But an endless source of entertainment. You have to give him that.
  7. As usual in Thailand, complexity reigns. And as usual their systems won't be able to cope.
  8. Well, where would the sciences and the intellectual world of Usofa be if it weren't for the flood of eastern European Jews who entered the country over the last 150 years? A couple of anecdotes: Once (in Canberra) I met Ehud Barak when he was Chief of the Israeli General Staff. A small but smart & very tough cookie. I think of him as both Jewish and Israeli (not the same thing). Earlier in my career - mid-twenties - for my sins I taught French to Aussie first-year university students. Apart from the middle-aged attendees who were splendid, the just-from-school kids were generally hopeless. But there were 2 Jewish girls a couple of years younger than me who were in the middle of their studies to become medical doctors and who enrolled in my classes just for some entertainment and change of scenery. Where they excelled. One day I was chatting to them and asked how they managed to do thus when their medical studies were far more than a full-time job. They said: "Well, Mr D ..., if you were Jewish you would understand". At which we fell about as they explained how, from the earliest years, life was all about reading & study & hard work.
  9. If they had the remotest clue about anything relevant, the Thai government & the admirals wouldn't buy anything in this line that wasn't already working soundly in CHINESE submarines ...
  10. From the photo they look to be poor Burmese & Lao and Cambodians. Easy victims of the incompetent police. No Russian mafia in the net ...
  11. Thailand continues to imitate all the mistakes of 'Western' countries over the last 50 years ... More highways for more cars, when they should be driving the railways forward at high speed.
  12. There's nothing like ambition to drive an individual forward. But not sure it works at the national level when the relevant organisations are driven by incompetent and corrupt individuals.
  13. Looking at the photo and the creature there displaying his hiso wealth ... I just think there's a whole world of criminal morons out there, many of them generals or police chiefs or politicians or their wives. All of them disgusting and contemptible. I wouldn't p/s on any of them.
  14. Um, so 20 years is not sufficient to pursue the matter in the courts? If it hasn't happened by now it's hard to think it ever will, even with another 50 years to go ...
  15. I used to 'believe in' Big Joke. Oh well, I'm getting old.
  16. Wow! I never knowed dat. PS I wonder how biological realities work in sports-playing trans-males ...
  17. The Arab states won't take the Palestinians (who are mostly non-Arab in origin). Those that did take them in willy-nilly (Jordan & Lebanon) lived to regret it, with civil wars necessary to control or expel them (now ongoing in Lebanon). Given their extremely mixed origins, you'ld have to say that their closed rellies are ... (wait for it) ... the Israelis. Funny that. One-state solution in about 50 or 100 years is about all we can hope for. In the meantime nothing except more killing on all sides.
  18. Enemies on all sides. He needs to change the locks at home.
  19. I await the day when politicians petition the EC & the CC for the generals who led the last coup and then 'managed' the country for a decade to be charged with lèse majesté and overthrow of legitimate government. And then thrown in to prison for the rest of their days on this earth.
  20. Residency is not the same thing as citizenship.
  21. Be afraid, be very afraid. What comes after the current government bites the dust and no new election?
  22. The legislation doesn't come in to effect till next January.
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