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Posts posted by bergen

  1. I did a few calculations on an internet cafe, would cost you around 70k for 10x computers, otherwise just desks (maybe 30k for 10x desks) and build the building you're gonna run your shop out of (Which you'd probably double up as a new house for yourself at the same time). Then get your wife to run the business, and she could probably do better than breaking even, depending on how you manage + promote it etc, she could probably earn upto 10k per month, maybe more, maybe less.

    But that's for a pretty small investment (Since the house would be your investment in the house, not an internet cafe), and 10k per month would keep her happy + it'd be money which she earnt from working, money of her own which she made, not you. So that'd keep her really happy, make her feel like she's useful and contributing. Also it'd be a reasonably social lifestyle, for both her and you when you come over. Since it's laid back enough that she can still take care of you etc when you're at home, she could also get her sisters/friends to take care of the shop for her some days if she wanted too, and it'd guarantee you that you'd have a decent net connection when you're at home.

    But yeah, not a huge money spinner, if you setup a chain of them, all well managed, with staff bills of maybe 6k per month, with shop rental fees of around 3000 you could make a decent return. Since once you have a formula and experience in the business, you could likely setup more without too much trouble.

    Having been thinking about it though, maybe I'll look into doing exactly that over my summer holidays this year lol.

    Edit: Oh and meh @ all of the farang saying that you can't run a business successfully in Thailand. You guys just have the wrong idea about how businesses work. You're thinking as an employee not a manager or business owner. A business is an investment, not a job. You shouldn't really work in your own business, and if you do, you should pay yourself a salary for what your time is worth, after paying yourself for your time, work out what your % return on investment is. Ideally however, you should employ Thai people instead, because they'll work for considerably lower amount than what you would, thus increasing your return on investment while allowing you to relax and enjoy life (or work in another job which pays you what you're worth).

    Have you ever spent anytime time in Thailand, never mind the backwoods of Issan.

    Take your western business practices and throw them out the window, never mind your Excel spreadsheets and expactations.

    Come on down, the water is lovely, please report back in a few years.

    Too many been there done that, still the dreamers keep coming, outsmarted by a girl with no more than a P4 education, enjoy the ride.

    Truer words. Some don't have a clue nor ever will.

    The more calculations the truer it gets! coffee1.gif

  2. Trond, speaking of which keep those sausages. Wife was almost set on Tesco tomorrow, but is feeling sick now. I will be there for lunch before we go. Jim

    Tesco will still be there, the sausages too! biggrin.png

  3. I did a few calculations on an internet cafe, would cost you around 70k for 10x computers, otherwise just desks (maybe 30k for 10x desks) and build the building you're gonna run your shop out of (Which you'd probably double up as a new house for yourself at the same time). Then get your wife to run the business, and she could probably do better than breaking even, depending on how you manage + promote it etc, she could probably earn upto 10k per month, maybe more, maybe less.

    But that's for a pretty small investment (Since the house would be your investment in the house, not an internet cafe), and 10k per month would keep her happy + it'd be money which she earnt from working, money of her own which she made, not you. So that'd keep her really happy, make her feel like she's useful and contributing. Also it'd be a reasonably social lifestyle, for both her and you when you come over. Since it's laid back enough that she can still take care of you etc when you're at home, she could also get her sisters/friends to take care of the shop for her some days if she wanted too, and it'd guarantee you that you'd have a decent net connection when you're at home.

    But yeah, not a huge money spinner, if you setup a chain of them, all well managed, with staff bills of maybe 6k per month, with shop rental fees of around 3000 you could make a decent return. Since once you have a formula and experience in the business, you could likely setup more without too much trouble.

    Having been thinking about it though, maybe I'll look into doing exactly that over my summer holidays this year lol.

    Edit: Oh and meh @ all of the farang saying that you can't run a business successfully in Thailand. You guys just have the wrong idea about how businesses work. You're thinking as an employee not a manager or business owner. A business is an investment, not a job. You shouldn't really work in your own business, and if you do, you should pay yourself a salary for what your time is worth, after paying yourself for your time, work out what your % return on investment is. Ideally however, you should employ Thai people instead, because they'll work for considerably lower amount than what you would, thus increasing your return on investment while allowing you to relax and enjoy life (or work in another job which pays you what you're worth).

    Well slyanimal

    Think you want to go over your numbers again. 10 computers at 70k Baht, is that for 10 or each. No way will you get 10 PCs for 70,000 Baht.

    Going rate in rural Issan 15 to 20 Baht an hour. So if you were full 10 hours a day, which you will never be on a school day possible turn over 200 baht per computer per day. 200 x 10, 2000 baht on a good day. Now lets say business is good and you pull in 40,000 Baht a month. Minus costs, electricity is going to be a killer. Air con and 10 PCs going none stop. Now you haven't even taken into acount replacement costs and repairs, none of which is cheap. The internet provider is going to sting for another 5000 baht a month or there about. Don't see a lot of profit in it.

    Thai internet shops pop up and are out of business faster then you can count. If Thais can't make it work then farangs have little chance.

    Does the OPs wife know how to fix computers, as he will not be getting a work permit for it.

    I run a business here and the times people come up with ideas based on what is charged for a service in the west and the lower cost here amazes me.

    The Op states his wife has some land to build the shop on. Well here's another shock, if you want to be legit, you need planing permission, especilly where a farang is involed.

    Whole thing ends up costing more and more and the returns get less and less.

    As for going big, shop rental in good spot even in hick Buntharik are over 5,000 Baht a month and at 6,000 Baht a month for staff, you may get the village idiot, but no one with computer skills. Jim

    Now Jim be gentle - he's got it all sorted out! biggrin.png

  4. Went to the new Bourbon St. in Ekamai this week.

    Food was excellent but otherwise things not good. The waitress forgot to order our main courses and took an awful long time to sort that out.

    The air conditioning on the second floor has not been thought out. We were receiving frozen blasts but when we requested it turned down or off, folks the other end were complaining of being too hot.

    Not impressed at all but hopefully all will be sorted eventually.

    Went to the new Bourbon St. in Ekamai this week.

    Food was excellent but otherwise things not good. The waitress forgot to order our main courses and took an awful long time to sort that out.

    The air conditioning on the second floor has not been thought out. We were receiving frozen blasts but when we requested it turned down or off, folks the other end were complaining of being too hot.

    Not impressed at all but hopefully all will be sorted eventually.

    All new places needs time to adjust!

    I expect most things to be sorted out in a week or so................rolleyes.gif

    With a 25 years experience from Washington Sq. the future should be bright! biggrin.png

  5. My aspiration in life is to become angry and bitter and live in a foreign country I despise and spend 5000 posts moaning about it on the internet.


    Yes incredibly funny that... No wonder you became a mod.. Says a lot about you really..

    I'm not a mod on this particular forum but am wondering what you think my comment says about me. Please elaborate.

    (I just hope you get why I found DP25's posting funny - I has to do with sarcasm, which is a kind of humour that doesn't have an emoticon on the internet.)

    I thought it was funny too! laugh.png

  6. For anyone interested :-

    Turns out the guy who paramotors over the airport is called "Den" and he's one of the Air Traffic Controllers there. I met him by coincidence last week.

    Very nice guy and speaks excellent English. He's an instructor at a club where members fly on Saturdays at various locations around Ubon. They also meet on Sundays to train new members at Warin, where Den is one of the instructors, .

    For club insurance purposes anyone interested needs to be a "resident in Thailand, not a tourist " ? His words not mine.

    New members need to pay THB 5000 which covers training and the use of the club equipment up until you're competent to fly alone. After this you can continue to hire the clubs gear or if you prefer buy your own gear. wai.gif

    Seems like a spare time option for some suicidal fun............crazy.gif

    Yes Bergen, this is the quick suicide option.

    The slow option is to run around the Sun baked countryside of Ubon until you're exhausted then drink yourself into oblivion once a month ! clap2.gif

    Wait a minute sounds like fun ! - when's the next HHH meeting again ? licklips.gif

    Ubon Hash House Harriers next run will be on Saturday 4th of February.

    Details to be posted soooon! partytime2.gif

  7. For anyone interested :-

    Turns out the guy who paramotors over the airport is called "Den" and he's one of the Air Traffic Controllers there. I met him by coincidence last week.

    Very nice guy and speaks excellent English. He's an instructor at a club where members fly on Saturdays at various locations around Ubon. They also meet on Sundays to train new members at Warin, where Den is one of the instructors, .

    For club insurance purposes anyone interested needs to be a "resident in Thailand, not a tourist " ? His words not mine.

    New members need to pay THB 5000 which covers training and the use of the club equipment up until you're competent to fly alone. After this you can continue to hire the clubs gear or if you prefer buy your own gear. wai.gif

    Seems like a spare time option for some suicidal fun............crazy.gif

  8. Anyone who THINKS they have been accepted in Thai society (especially the ones who drive around with no helmets and their dogs perched upon their Motocy or in their side-car) really needs to think twice. All the Thai's think when they see you is "look at that stupid poor farang."

    Trust me when I say that if you think their Family has accepted you, it's ONLY because of your bank account. If for 1 minute they thought their daughter could be with a younger farang with triple your bank account, YOU'RE OUT THE DOOR.

    All the posters who have counter-posted my OP in all 10 ways are just dreamers. You say that you own your house (just not the land) again believe me if they wanted you out, YOU'RE OUT.

    These are all posts from people who have gone native on us (or so they think) and have only adjusted your make-belief-life to suffice for reality.

    I understand people not agreeing with some of my 10 points but to slag all 10? Come on man, you are pathetic.

    Seems to be some bad experiences involved here. huh.png

    Me thinks the opposite is possible too! biggrin.png

    Most people meet their match...........whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  9. The roads outside my village have speed bumps and they work very good, all slow down, don't want to ruin that nice Fortuner, eh.

    Regarding cars, I have a saloon but will shift to either SUV or pick-up due to safety issues, you don't want to sit in a saloon and get t-boned by a suv/pick-up. I don't really care what other thinks about that, its my business.


  10. 1. I can own many things in my own name, just not land.

    2. I have never had a problem obtaining a visa or a work permit.

    3. I have been fully employed for most of my time here and not as a teacher (well paid too).

    4. Conceded, but only at tourist attractions, I pay the same for my som tum as the Thai next to me.

    5. I am able to look at any site I wish including naughty stuff!

    6. I speak, read and write Thai, but even if I didn't I do not believe language to be such a huge barrier.

    7. If you think corruption is limited to Asian countries, think again!

    8. Really?

    9. Last time I looked, Malaysia was a neighboring country and my experience is that Malaysia is more expensive.

    10. I have never felt more welcome in a country. The people are lovely, food is great, climate to my liking and lifestyle is wonderful.

    Still, everybody is entitled to their opinion and if you still wish to leave, please do not slam the door behind you!rolleyes.gif


  11. There is a bar on Soi Kownoi called the ugly mexican or something and I have never been in but my guess is maybe they serve mexican food?

    EDIT:: come to think of it, it might be called fat mexican which is why I assumed they served food.

    Also, on Soi Kowtalo is a mexican restaurant around soi 12 but I have never been in there either and can't remember the name. I might be getting the soi it's close to wrong as well... smile.png

    There is a bar on Soi Kownoi called the ugly mexican or something and I have never been in but my guess is maybe they serve mexican food?

    EDIT:: come to think of it, it might be called fat mexican which is why I assumed they served food.

    Also, on Soi Kowtalo is a mexican restaurant around soi 12 but I have never been in there either and can't remember the name. I might be getting the soi it's close to wrong as well... smile.png

    I've heard of the Fat Mexican, and I don't think it's a restaurant.............whistling.gif

  12. WF 1 room is booked - looking forward to seeing you again! biggrin.png

    Thanks Bergen, My brother won't be coming so we only need just the one double room for me and my wife, Kaew, - but please make it a room with a bathroom en-siute, not a communal one down the corridor as I think some of yours are - at my age I need to go pee once or twice during the night! wacko.png

    Hi Bergen,

    Should have thought of that problem myself - en-suite as well for us if poss!!!! WF's mind is obviously still working at full power whereas mine is on the downward slope!


    WF & AA1 - your requests are noted and will be taken care of! biggrin.png

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