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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I believe Biden accomplished what he wanted. To kill as many Russians as possible without having first line responsibility. I bet he is very happy how it worked out.
  2. There are at least a dozen other places doing the same. Add, if they were not black it probably would not have been reported.
  3. Only dark roast Arabica for me.
  4. Probably just my old age but I can think of nothing good about it. Major traffic jams, no place to park, BR sidewalk jammed people everywhere, such loud terrible sounding music it pierces your lungs. Terrible. I will avoid all of it as fortunately, I live far enough away.
  5. Announced by a local media 10 days in Pattaya. 10 thru 19. Got to get the H out of here!
  6. You call Chase? How were the attempt purchases made? In store or online? Did you use the card any place else in the past 30 days? Lush is a UK cosmetic company they have a store in Terminal 21. IKEA has stores in Thailand. I have had this happen to me a couple of times. Unless you have not used the card for awhile maybe Friendship was not to bame.
  7. Like him or not, I thought it was a great speech with some heart felt moments. Maybe his best speech ever.
  8. You can make money and do not need to be highly educated. There are basic classes and in western countries and facilities with computer software providing algorithms that provide the best opportunity to make money. A true day trader may have several trades in one day, so the cost of buying and selling comes into play. This being said, a person really needs a large amount of cash to start in order make decent money. Some recommend $25,000 or more.
  9. Just walk across 10 crosswalks in Pattaya you will probably be dead in one day.
  10. Neither for me. Soi 7/1 or 8 Lolitas/Kasalong.
  11. Maybe they are figuring out the over building resulting in Condos being a dead money or negative investment. Especially, if they cannot rent them out.
  12. No consequences. Just a dead piece of meat in the crosswalk. Cops take a report that it was an "accident ". In western countries there would be possible criminal charges, big lawsuit payouts, loss of license and insurance. Here, just drive away.
  13. I bet it is still there when most of us are dead.
  14. I question sometimes how much this country values human life. Sad.
  15. I think the folks in Europe will have a wider approach. Good luck to them hope they get it done. Just curious why they have waited 3 years.
  16. Sounds like the Brit thought he was a tough guy and confronted the guard. Seems the guard responded appropriately in defense and punched his lights out. Well deserved, hopefully a good lesson for other idiots out there.
  17. Very stupid. I guess they think it will keep away stinky bums who will steal, urinate, and generally cause problems.
  18. If you have some sort of conservative Christian values and are judgemental, then save yourself and suggest you don't go.
  19. Reacher, The Pitt ( fantastic), Dexter the beginning, Landman, Zero Day.
  20. Lots of Expats with Big Guts there.
  21. Not surprised at all. At least they are known for something now.
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