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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Volvo way too expensive why are they even here?
  2. No English, corruption and terrible drivers= 3rd world.
  3. Ok Olaf, tell Zelensky you will support the war and send 100s of billions of dollars to him and weapons to keep the fight going. Good luck.
  4. Yes, I stayed at the Marriott Courtyard in Bsngkok for 900 b a night including breakfast. Now I see it is 4,000.
  5. Trump would have deported them immediately. Send them to Gaza don't they need nurses there?
  6. I got into an accident on my motorbike in Pattaya that was the fault of a young Thai girl who cut in front of me. I called the police who arrived fairly quickly and escorted both of us to the police station. They had an English speaker there very nice lady. After questioning, the cops100% said it was the girls fault. They made her pay a fine for causing the accident and ordered her to pay for the damage to my bike. They told her 5,000 b, but I felt bad for her and said 3,000 was OK. She called a friend who brought the money. Anyway, I thought I was treated very fairly.
  7. I am here to bang sexy women. Could careless about being a resident.
  8. The hypocrites NATO and Euro leaders bad mouthing Trump who wants and probably will resolve it. While the other country leaders have had 3 years to try and get something done, but have their stupid thumbs up their you know what. Weak and scared.
  9. Any inflation or egg issues are totally on Biden. Tough to judge someone who has been in office less then a month.
  10. Since they will not even put up Portapotties, how about having a street vendor selling adult diapers. That way people can pooh and pee in their pants, not on cop cars.
  11. Not sure why the comments about Beach road sidewalk. It is fairly new and may be the safest most level place to walk in town. Seems plenty wide enough also I walk it for an hour everyday with no issues.
  12. Interesting, I have never eaten in a restaurant or been to a hotel where I could not buy a drink between these hours.
  13. They will never move it. And, no way Hua Hin. Also, I find HH one of the better places in the country to live, for service and friendly people. Much better then Pattaya or Bangkok.
  14. If it happened the way described, sounds like the motorcycle was traveling in the wrong direction. Which seems to be more and more common stupidity here.
  15. It is available in pharmacies even some of the big name ones. I have taken it from time to time and feel it is definitely addictive. Everyone is different, but even if I took one pill a day for 10 days, I could feel the withdrawals for 2 or 3 days after.
  16. Personally, I would never choose the " cheapest" place for heart tests or plastic surgery. I would have to think Seoul would be a much better choice due to technology, training and reputation but probably more expensive. Thailand medical seems way overrated.
  17. Certainly won't be the future for the next 4 years. Drill baby drill..
  18. Get buzzed and take a long walk? I would probably fall and break my leg seems like a dumb idea.
  19. Business class fast track last time was a one minute wait.
  20. Whole milk or cream. It is such a minimal amount stupid I think to use alternatives.
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