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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Nasty terrible pile of grease. bye bye.
  2. Drunk Austrailians? Those are the only ones I seem to meet day or night. Baton strikes to the legs and a taser would do the job.
  3. The secret is to buy a fake ring. Fake gold or diamonds or silver.
  4. They are called elderly care facilities. Most westerners don´t take care of their old family they pay someone else or old people pay themselves.
  5. If you get there around 10 am no problem.
  6. The problem is from what I have seen these ¨experts¨ are mostly saying/interpreting differently. ATM taxable? Credit card taxable? Pensions income Capital gains Go on and on just watch You Tube there are many different answers by these supposed experts. A recent example was the American tax consultant interviewed by the Thaiger when asked about ATM or Credit card. He answered it won´t be taxed, just don´t use it too much. ?? What the heck does that mean? Is there some limit? What is too much? So, if people want to pay them go ahead. It seems quite expensive at this point in fact the cost to do the tax may be more then the actual tax you have to pay in some cases. Personally, after reviewing the current tax forms (I know they are supposed to change them) does not seem that difficult to me. We will see. Have your documents, follow the directions, fill in the blanks it will not be rocket science I bet. But, everyone is different on their aptitude.
  7. How was he using it really? I has to be the most over used, improperly used tool in Thailand. How many times have anyone been sitting in a restaurnat, getting a coffee, or staying in a hotel and then it starts. The sound of the grinding tool. So annoying and disrupting and if you see what they are using it for, a lot of time it is not the right tool for the job. DIg a hole hey, where is the grinding tool? Not surprised more accindents like this don´t happen.
  8. That is the last area I would want to live in Bangkok. Black man harassing you around there, bums, drug addicts, thieves, alcoholics and hookers. You will see them all as you walk to those beautiful parks.
  9. I don´t see sexpat/sex addict on there.
  10. The 65k goes into your account via transfer. You don´t pay tax until the following year in most cases. The income tax filing will be seperate the bank does not take it out.
  11. I just wear a contact in one eye, the one that is the worse and I get along fine for distance. But, what type of surgery/operation are you referring too?
  12. Too many guys let their wife handle the finances. Very weak, lazy, and stupid approach a man in my opinion should know what is going on. I would always keep a stash of money out of site and knowledge of a wife. An emergency fund so to speak just incase. Never ever touch it until "you need it for you".
  13. I am prejudice toward Asian women, but these women look terrible I think. Not attractive at all have to be really desperate. The Aussie fat guy shows up with a baggies tshirt and sandals to meet her family. Classy..
  14. You should write for a travel magazine. 🙂 Nothing negative but the constant traffic now probably worse then ever, tour buses everywhere, constant road construction, air quality during the high season is terrible, the quality of tourists jamming up every where are probably the lowest of the low who visit. And possibly most important are the accidents and crime. Fights, stabbings, drugs, theft, etc. seem to be reported daily if in town got to be very careful. The place is not Nirvana just sayin.
  15. So you have only eaten the mouse there? You must have never stayed in a really nice hotel the Oriental is not even close to number one time for you to get out more.
  16. Been going on for years just like you say. I usually go around them and yes, surprised there are not more accidents.
  17. Wear a diaper like me. Go number 1 or 2 anytime I want.
  18. For fast food Chicken McDonald's is pretty decent. Crispy spicy is more then edible. KFC I think there is an issue with the oil they use here.
  19. Unless prior injury just riding the bike 99% would not cause need for arthrosopy the person who told you that is wrong. But, get an MRI if you are worried.
  20. Just checked the cheapest romm is about 20,000 b a night. Stuck up pretentious people review these places. Same as food reviews giving these places Michelin stars for a spoon full of mouse with gold flakes on top. Very stupid.
  21. Disgusting Aussie. I wonder how many of his sick crimes he has commited here? Send him home!
  22. Come and explore an decide not everyone has the same opinion. Places with lots of sexy girls, bars, action or do thing areas. Check it out for yourself start in Bangkok and go from there..
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