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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I think it is the greatest , most fantastic way to do it. Show up with passport and a couple of photos, next day one more year. No more collecting documents, himming and haing, demands for this or that which are not even listed, bad attitudes, crowds of people jammed into an office. Well worth the cost.
  2. Typical British complaints for what? I assume they have a life there and they make the decision to come here knowing the consequences. Now they complain? Seems really stupid.
  3. Benefits? All that stuff mentioned I can take a flight home in less than one day and get. What I can't get; is a date with a sexy 25 year old. The health and mental benefits, quality of life not dealing with some burned out, bad attitude, fat old hag are huge I think. Old nagging lady purgatory death. Worth for me to pay some tax here. But, I guess to some having a National Park subscription is at the top of their list.
  4. To avoid future issues, did you get the name of the employee and make a video of them telling you that?
  5. None. Annoys me to hear anyone speaking at all.
  6. That was her responsibility She did nothing. Don't be fooled by her rhetoric now, she is an ultra liberal and her destructive philosophy will rule her agenda. Sad for the U.S.
  7. I always negotiate one month deposit. I have always gotten it back. I leave the room like when I moved in everything in proper repair and professionally cleaned.
  8. I never use a condom, unless she is married.
  9. Yeah, take a look in the lower right corner all the calories, sugar carbs. Diabetes nightmare. Coffee studies show it actually can have some positive affects on a body, but not in this form of consumption.
  10. Aussies seem to be very aggressive angry drunks. Maybe try some weed instead.
  11. Yes, do not masturbate after you use it that would be terrible.
  12. Ask the Doctor.
  13. I cheat on mine several times a week. That is one big reason I am here.
  14. Bangkok Air is the best, but probbly most expensive. They do not provide a snack. They provide a meal even on a one hour flight. Chicken and noodles, a roll, dessert, coffee, water, tea all included. Plus, they have a lounge pre flight. Also, their flights from my expereince are not always full becasue people are cheap.
  15. Mental illness.
  16. A Golden shower for Thailand.
  17. Ha. The government goal seems to be to keep the majority of the people down, poor and controlled with the never ending 3rd world wages.
  18. It is really bad here for white face I have had several skin cancers. Wear number 50 sunscreen and try to stay out of the sun.
  19. A box under ground full of insects and worms.
  20. The agents who assist with this will never be shut down. Key VIsa.
  21. That decay or possible infection can get into your brain. Do you have any of these symptoms? Symptoms of Tooth Infection Spreading to Brain The bacteria from your dental infection can travel and reach your brain. This spread is called a brain abscess. It is a life-threatening condition. It is rare, but it brings the worst imaginable health results if it happens. A tooth infection spreads via the bloodstream. Some signs include: Constant and severe headaches painkillers are unable to relieve. Chills and sweating with high body temperature. Extreme amount of stiffness in your neck muscles. Nausea accompanied by vomiting. Elevated sensitivity to light. Feeling dizzy, confused, or irritated. Depending upon where the abscess is situated. There can be particular neurological symptoms like numbness, fatigue, or trouble speaking.
  22. Yes, the Black man around Nana very annoying. They say, " hey bro, you need something ". I am not your bro loser. Many everywhere cannot understand why the police seem to not care.
  23. EVś are a dead industry. People who wanted them have purchased them already. And, many want to go back to gas cars. A big waste of WOKE Starbuck/Apple want a bee nothingness. According to McKinsey, 46 percent of EV drivers in the U.S. said they're likely to go back to a traditional engine in their next vehicle. Across the globe, the biggest concern for the consumers was not the cars themselves, but the inadequate public charging infrastructure where they live, which could leave them stranded on the road, especially on long trips. The cost of upkeep and maintenance is also an obstacle that many EV owners struggle to overcome.
  24. A shot of Vodka or Tequila works.
  25. Everyone reacts differently. I have taken Ultracet (just one pill around noon) on and off for several years for low back pain. It does work and for me creates a slight euphoria, but much less then Vicodin. But, even the one pill after about 2 weeks when I stop I have withdrawals. Irritable and some confusion usually for 2 or 3 days. So, for me is I would say it has addictive tendency even at low doses.
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