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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. They can be loud. I would never move near one.
  2. Cheap Charlies who get off and makes them feel good to save some baht.
  3. Yes. He is trespassing in the first photo how about the lady kick him in the nuts and push his A out.
  4. Looks like a terrible accident. Another drunk Aussie doing something stupid.
  5. We will see all these promises of a new tax form. I would not be surprised if the ¨new¨ is the same form that has only the new date of 2024 at the top.
  6. Some Expats will complain that they deserve it. Just like they stood in free food lines during Covid.
  7. People with money who don't care about the cost of a luxury hotel. Difficult for those who live in fan rooms to realize.
  8. Isn´t Soi Post office already one-way?
  9. Many good ones I think. Ever watched The Departed? My favorite movie ever.
  10. Most of the upper Marriotts are around 8,000 b a night starting next month. JW is 9,000 and up. Yes, tourists are willing to pay it.
  11. Small Issan lady about 25 with pimples, no makeup and lowso clothes who takes 3 showers a day is a keeper for me.
  12. Namś. Careful drivers not a bunch of stupid questions.
  13. From The Thaiger the owner of this site. At 12:30 This guy says ATM and CC are not ¨currently¨ taxable. So, if if knows what he is talking about any current statements that they are in fact taxable, seem false.
  14. How? Well, some of us actually started a financial plan years ago that did not include pensions. Stupidity, laziness, and lack of education creates improper funds when one retires. Hearing old people always complaining about money makes me want to vomit.
  15. Loi Kroh road? Stay away from there it is one of the biggest rip off areas in the country.
  16. Yes of couse don't you? Bus-probably same people who think economy is better then business class. People that have sufficient funds and want a better travel experience choose a Taxi. Another thing about the bus is the smell of feces occasionally coming up when someone uses the toilet. Terrible.
  17. Why would anyone take a bus for that distance I assume they cannot afford a Taxi. Crowded, some stranger sitting next to you. Smelly stinky people everywhere. Phone problem always people on calls loud mouth, ding ding ding messages, That high voice ¨Line¨. People talkng loudly to each other could careless. No control when you want to stop. It is all a terrible experience in my opinion get a Taxi for peace and freedom.
  18. Pattaya and other places are so full of hypocrites when it comes to this. They came here and played the field and met a girl in a bar or freelancer and had them move in or are now married. Then the judgment of others " their lifestyle is not mine" is sickening. So, out of touch with the truth about themselves.
  19. Up at 5 am. The only problem is with thai girl. They usually stay up late and many want to sleep past noon. Annoying when half you day is over and they are just waking up. Answer: I rarely have them spend the night much anymore, would rather enjoy my time and freedom.
  20. I still drink, but have cut way back. Some recent studies have said any amount, even one beer is toxic and not good for your body. Very sad, drinking can be very enjoyable and relaxing.
  21. I really like Thai food. The culture is not that huge of an adjustment if one has had to adjust to different experiences in life. As far as Thai people, of all the people who are here from other countries I would rather be around Thais then many of them. Companionship and affordability are huge. Actually, I do not think the weather or air here are that great several western countries are much better in that area.
  22. CUt the losses sell it now before that plane noise gets much worse. Then, rent!
  23. I flew Thai recently in Biz and thought the food and service was very good.
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