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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. 30 days in prison and 10 year ban what a P..
  2. Good and bad about kids. There are windows of enjoyable time. Babies for me were not fun. Teenagers can be real AH and extend it to College and they want money. Then, they get married and are mostly too busy to see you. If from a place like the U.S., most kids put their old parents in a home they don't want to take care of them.
  3. I would say most will not cover you with Diabetes. If they will, I bet the premium could run approx. 50,000 b a month. That is what a friend of mine was quoted with your condition and his coverage was only going to be 2 or 3 million b I believe.
  4. I prefer Indian people over some others. Yes, they so walk in groups. On the sidewalks, streets, sometimes in the middle of a small soi clogging up traffic. But, they generally seem pretty quiet and not out to cause a major problem. I find it funny how many Thai ladies claim they do not go with man India. Yet, a lot of the India men are going into shops off Soi Buakhao and Thai ladies walking around the malls holding hands with man India.
  5. 90 % of the old guys walking around Pattaya have fatty liver. Not just lifestyle, but age is a factor. Get all the other tests needed to confirm issues I bet you will be fine and don't need a liver, just try to manage it.
  6. Unfortunately, the workers seem to grab something cheap and these meals rarely contain vegetables. Rice or noodles with pork or chicken, deep fried foods, meat on a stick, sugary street coffees add up to fatness.
  7. I wonder how many gold chains were booked during processing.
  8. I always wanted to open a bar so I could interview potential staff. You know, like those couch audition videos. Anyway, It is probably a great investment should make good money, I would suggest to him that he buy 2 bars.
  9. Nothing new in Wongamat. The plot looks like a good location (on the beach about mid way) and the photos of the plan look nice. Icon in Jomtien would be a major improvement there and raise the prices of property and be great for the locals. They have been talking about it for 4 years I would be surprised if it is going soon. Even if it does, it would be several years before it opens. Hope it does at some point. The other rumor is for Bang Saray of an Asiatique there. I cannot see it though.
  10. Same happened to me. Oddly, I went into a branch and was told they could not help me I needed to call their hotline. I called and they forwarded me to an automatic reset bot process just answer some questions and it all worked.
  11. I never understand why a civilized modern western country has this system. Just seems so arrogant and lordiness.
  12. Never thought this before, but I have been driving a car for the past several months you are 100 % correct they are the main problem.
  13. Yes, unfortunate common situation. The guy talks about his quality of life, yet he appears 80 pounds over weight. He could do himself a big favor and take a lot of stress off that leg by losing weight. Hope he gets the proper treatment and financial assistance.
  14. Unwritten rule 6 exempt entries in 12 months will get you flagged and a warning to get a proper Visa. Never heard of any back to back issues unless it as at the 6 mark.
  15. I think these small miniature cars talked about are death traps. Many accidents in Thailand get rammed by a Fortuner, good luck.
  16. Tell a girl on Soi 6 this and they will laugh in your face. In all seriousness, quality jobs are not easy to find. Lousy sales jobs are plenty. As are those in hotel and restaurants. But 12 to 15k a month is a minimal living standard if they work in the tourist areas or city. And, what is the true professional/job identity of this place? Government jobs are decent because they are steady work with pay raises and a pension much more then the current 500 b scheme.
  17. Seems there are still those hanger ons who will say no one is coming it is all made up. The place is jam packed traffic worse then 4 years ago. If a person is not here, they are totally clueless.
  18. Make sure you get your Hematocrit checked frequently. It is a dangerous side effect from T therapy.
  19. This seems to be a worldwide issue now. They do not want to work fulltime or want to work from home. Here, the only decent paying job with benefits and a retirement seems to be government work. Otherwise, low paying tourism jobs or lousy sales positions. This place needs migrant workers to survive.
  20. Bum gun is so much cleaner. Especially, for the female under parts paper just seems to make a mess.
  21. Do your search, but I would consider a virtual office. You get an address and they will forward your mail. I have seen them for 2000 b a month.
  22. He is lucky they did not break his face or permanently disable him. Move on fool, we don't want people like you here.
  23. The problem just about everywhere here is waste disposal. Human and garbage. Not enough garbage cans or toilets. If all seems like a way distant afterthought. Just have big events, but no prep for waste. So, blame it on the people but what can they do? Try having plenty of support facilities available and see what happens.
  24. What is normal? I would say the most abnormal; religious cult, political cult, woke mind, sexless weak mentally deranged people I know are in my home country.
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