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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I have a crosswalk with a light near where I live. Noone stops. Selfish, inattentive, uneducated. A big problem I see is lack of consequences. Western countries have laws such as involuntarily vehicular manslaughter if someone is killed. Here, they seem to chalk to up to just being an accident or reckless driving which is not a major offense. It is all terrible really and probably will never change and just get worse with all the tourists and people traveling now.
  2. Mine is normal because my preference is she does all the work. It goes up some when I ejaculate.
  3. Set a precedence, give him the 3 years.
  4. If Trump was in charge of Pattaya you think those Indian bums would be there? Get some gonads Pattaya bosses.
  5. I have access to a condo off Ploenchit. I lived off Soi 8 several years ago. Ploenchit to me is great out of the way from lower Suk which is like a slum in my opinion. Drunks, bums, hookers, and thieves at lower Suk 24/7. Soi 24 is OK, the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese seem to love it.
  6. They must be doing something right I fly in and out of there 2 times a month. Rarely a delayed flight or long wait on the runway. They talked about Lamphun, but doubt that will happen. If a person is worried, then the train Is an option.
  7. She is awesome and nice to look at. She will do exams, freeze spots, take biopsy samples. She does not do surgery, but can recommend one.
  8. Pattaya Dental Clinic 308/79 Moo 10 Thappraya road 0382526701 Thai good English 40 years experience.
  9. The average of the S and P over the past 3 years is around 11%. Not much higher then the historical average. Add AI just at the beginning of its growth the markets are not tremendously over valued. No, it will not last forever but it can continue for a few more years especially with a business friendly President who has said good stock market returns are important for his legacy.
  10. Got checked by a Proctologist. He told me to bend over the table and started his backside exam. Problem later, I realized both his hands were on my shoulders during the exam. Still wondering what happened.
  11. I hope people realize it is mostly a scam. Many of them buy everything. There are several websites where they can buy subscribers, likes, views. You Tube is aware of this, but enforces nothing. Also, there are websites where you can check the algorithms. Seeing how they might go a period of time with nothing, then suddenly 500 subscribers are added to their account in one day because they bought them. Buying to make themselves feel important. It is a joke when you see them with 20,000 subscribers, but when they do a live stream maybe 100 people are watching. Liars and cheaters the lot of them I actually think they should be banned many exploiting Thai people it is so arrogant and disgusting.
  12. 80 b is a rip. Amazon is good for what, 50b? Many other shops fresh ground for 40.
  13. What about porn? Much better on a larger screen.
  14. I would say 3rd worldish places like Cambodia and my opinion Phillipines are the end of the line. People who retire there wish they could live in Thailand. Mostly, can't afford it or do not qualify for the Visas or, have some obsession of living in the cheapest place possible and bragging about it.
  15. Terrible and sad. Hope they find the truth.
  16. Remember the Covid QR code debacle? This will probably be similar fill the form out properly and get some frustrating rejection notice. Good luck.
  17. Public toilets who would clean them? They would get constant FB posts with photos of the filth, urine, vomit, and feces scattered on the floor.
  18. That area late is a cesspool of negative activity. Nothing good is going on there after midnight. They should close the beach and surrounding area at 1 am and send all those drunk kids, druggies, pot heads and LB away.
  19. The Bank situation seems way over done now. I went in to change my phone number and must have signed 6 documents, copy of passport, photo, bank book. Then, was told I had to wait 7 to 10 days for an sms before I could log onto my account with instructions to complete the transfer of the new number. I get scams and fraud, but when you have been with a bank for 12 years I would think it should be less of a hassle.
  20. You could live to be 100. I would get it renewed.
  21. They are Woke Liberal, do what we tell you to do cars. I drove a BYD had some loud whining noise probably some AI electrified rat running around in circles. Oh oh wait, I got to go plug it in. Haha how stupid. I hate them, give me a gas guzzler any day.
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