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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. No, I don't know how that is. I've lived here for 26+ yrs and yes there are some in the more touristy areas and even at the airports who don't want to turn on their meters, but you made a ridiculous claim. Come back when you been here a little longer and are not living on Sathorn or Sukhumvit Soi 11.
  2. I wish I kept track of all the posters on here who were constantly bashing the previous government and are now bashing this one, too.
  3. Why is there anything, much less a "day", celebrating Transgenders. So much cow dung.
  4. Yes, that is prophesied, so that's no real surprise. How soon is the question. Now being "Innovative" that's the real laugh. Keep it Safe...🤣
  5. I haven't shopped for dye in ages, but I seem to remember that Tops had a small selection of dyes and I think Villa Market will have some too.
  6. Maybe he provided the commode at the beginning of the relationship and was merely removing his s_it.
  7. It's about time. I worked with many Thai Engineers during the years that I worked in Thailand. All very smart and capable people. They will first attend the nuclear physics and engineer universities, meanwhile the company that plunges into the nuclear business will use expat engineers, physicists, operators and construction consultants to design, build and manage the plants, all the while training Thai operators, engineers, etc. to take over from them in the future. The nah sayers on here haven't a clue about the capabilities and intellect of the Thai people who are not part of the entertainment, accomodation and leeches that they associate with most of the time.
  8. Thankfully, no. I get the cold calls and usually hit them with "can you speak English" and they hang up for me.
  9. I'll have to try that.
  10. I don't mean to start an argument, but an oil tanker does not want seawater in their tanks. It is much more likely that this is bilge oil and water, which any ship could have discharged into the GOT. It is very sad either way and I hope they find the culprit.
  11. @xn47140 I think you have made a similar mistake that I made many years ago, which really confused me and the immigration officers. But I digress. From reading your post I am interpreting that you have an actual 1 year Non Immigrant O visa and not a 1 year extension based on marriage (which many confuse as a 'Visa'). You do not need to make a 90 day report(s). Those are only for the people who have one (1) year extensions based on retirement, marriage, employment, etc. As you have done, you can get a 60 day extension to your 90 permit to stay. After that you will need to make a trip out of the country. (Some people recommend Vietnam by air, some go to the Cambodian or Laos border. I recommend a hop down to Malaysia and back on Air Asia out of Don Mueang). You can make you 12 month Visa last an extra 5 months by leaving Thailand a day or 2 before 1 November 2024 and get a new permit to stay stamp of 90 days when you return by 31 October 2024. You can then extend that Permit by another 60 days in late January 2025.
  12. Drugs, just like alcohol, which is a drug, have different effects and outcomes on different people. Just because 'you' get a mellow high doesn't mean everyone does. Just take the case of the woman in the US who recently was on trial and convicted of stabbing her boyfriend 108 times after only 2 hits on a bong.
  13. Do you have the receipt from last year's filling of you TM-30? That's all I've used for the past 4 years and I have traveled to and from the Laos border 3 times and in/out of the country some many times I've lost count. Forgive me if someone else has mentioned this or you have contradictory info, I sort of breese past most of the replies and other BS. I wish you the best on your next adventure. Each day is a surprise.
  14. And this is what happens when you don't use slingshot and pellet guns to scare the monkeys off.
  15. They're already ruining the world (well US and Thailand). Thailand will only have to deal with my son, who still hadn't figured out his path (too stoned), but my daughter in the USA would hand the country over to China or Venezuela while declaring "they didn't do socialism the right way".... My generation will get it right. RIGHT....
  16. OOOOOO, this, Josh Kovensky, writer for "Talking Points Memo" sure does have a heck of an imagination. What a bunch of poppycock BS and conspiracy theories. I don't doubt there are a few Christian men who working and collaborating to try and bring the US back to some reasonable common sense, but this is blown way out of proportion. Reasonable common sense, it's okay to cut off a young girls (any girl under 18) breast because someone helped nudge her thoughts into believing she a boy, but she's not old enough to drink alcohol or get a tattoo. That's not reasonable. It's crazy in the US.
  17. It is a quandry. I don't have a reference to back it up. It's just what my friend (and strangely his name was Tommy, too) told me the Doctors had told him. I was glad I got to speak to him before he passed away. We'd been friend since 1971. I found one with a quick google search, but it sort of blows off my story. My guess in Tommy's case it was the only cause the could come up with for his liver disease. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/statins-and-alcohol
  18. @tomgreen Wow... you got a lot of advice and comments, which is why I tagged you. I am not advising you... just commenting. I sort of went through the same process with my Thai Doc and I'm not changing to any other, because she's one of the smartest Docs I've met in her nephrology field. However, I did find that she liked to use me a bit as a lab rat. (It was really evident with regard to my blood pressure medication(s)). But yes, cholesterol high, take lipitor. Cholesterol low, okay, you can stop. I didn't. I reduced my dosage to one 10mg tablet every 3 days. My cholesterol readings were just fine so far since then. I did think about just cutting the pills in half and taking 1/2 daily, but the every three days was easier (for me). On another note. Do you drink alcohol. My friend was a social drinker, mostly wine and a little beer, some whiskey. He died from liver disease in his mid-60's and the doctors in the USA attributed it to his use of statins and alcohol. I didn't understand all that, but it made me very cautious about taking more than I absolutely needed. Best Wishes, James
  19. Not surprising you don't/didn't understand what he was saying. Maybe yall should listen again and not take his whole speech out of context. Just another Rolling Stone hit piece.
  20. Got that right. My niece was here last week and she stayed in the cheapest accommodation we could find... (well not THE cheapest) and we still spent a bunch of money...
  21. Interesting how a tax report document came to be known as a "tax return" when so little of the time money is actually returned.
  22. And this is why the western world (europe & the usa) have an immigration problem. I would have included australia, but their 'bleeping' liberals haven't gotten quite as ignorant, appalled as they are in the us & europe (yet).
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