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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. @OneMoreFarang That's a problem that I face, too, except mine are joints. I can't get coverage for my hips and knees since they've all been replaced (one hip and knee 15 yrs ago). No one would insure me for those joints after work died and the insuring consulting agentency moves on. Nothing i can do. Two new joints coming up in the near future...
  2. 'Headlines' with no real news story. I hate the same BS that comes up the "Windows" widgets and anything to do with President Trump. Stories for clicks. That's what they get paid for. Not really news.
  3. The whole purpose of the original Thai Visa was to answer peoples' questions regarding any and all types of VIsas and 'any' other questions, which could be shared in a public forum (or that's what I always understood). Now... I've been in Thailand for almost 26 years, but did not 'find' the forum until about 10 years ago. (I worked through agents who handled all the visa stuff). As I understand it, the Thai Visa forum evolved and took on more and more subjects and even posted news. It's a place to share knowledge and information, especially about Thailand. @ujayujayIMO you were completely out of line to make that comment. You should be ashamed.
  4. No. I've never even given one thought to BOTOX. Liposuction, yes. ????
  5. You are NOT correct. He has rights. Also, he asked that opinions not be posted.
  6. I interpret it to mean he wants to get rid of his US bank account and those potential problems. (I did that and regretted it but that was before I got social security benefits). Now that I am (on SSA benefits) and there is not much chance or hope of me working in the US again, I may do the same thing and close my US bank account. @JPMMEAW I hope you'll let know what you find out.
  7. Look all this BS about having or not having insurance is irrelevant. He is in the situation that he is in, which ain't good. This is a request for help by a fundraiser and donations. Give or don't give, but it's nonsense to sit here and bash the poor guy. Wow... real classy.
  8. What a bunch of BS comments. You folks 'think' you know all about Thai politics, but trust me, Jon Falang (substituted for Snow), "you know nothing".
  9. Maybe they thought he was a trucker who protested (has the same name as or similar to someone) last year in the Freedom Convoy. I wish him well. Difficult situation.
  10. @ian carman "smart dressed Thai man". No... They'll have on pants and a shirt, but smart dressed is asking for too much. Also... I see mostly women agents at the Pathum Thani immigration office and they will usually look a little less 'smart' than the women who work at the bank(s). I just finished a 60 day extension or I'd take pictures for you, but it's a $20 round trip for me and half the morning. I try not to go there too much. One more thing: It's purely my opinion, but if you're needing a COR, your best bet isto bite the bullet, go to your embassy, prepare an affidavit of your residence address and be done with it. I'm a US citizen so it may be different for you, but that's what 'I' recommend. (see if you can get it in Thai).
  11. I can't help, but you scared the pants off of me. My deposit goes into a US bank, which with WISE, I should have my money tomorrow afternoon/evening. I've thought many times about getting Uncle Sam to go direct into my account here. You're convincing me that's not a good idea.
  12. No, I don't see a problem at Big C the retail and grocery store. They rearranged the whole store at the Super Center down the road from me, which I hate, and they're doing a bunch of remodeling externally and internally. I think they reduced their stock of dry goods, it appears, and have reduced the 'inventory' placed on the shelves (so they're having to restock the shelves more often). I've actually noticed an increase in the types and brands of meat and cheeses offered. You've plenty of answers already regarding the sublet retailers, telephone kiosks and restaurants.
  13. Op, I wouldn't consider any other bank companies in Thailand for a foreigner. @ian carmanTo your specific post. Yes, there are agents 'around' Pathum Thani immigration. They don't hang out. They go there to help a client. I can usually spot the ones who are agents versus the girlfriend or buddy who are assisting on a personal basis. Usually they'll have at least 3 or more clients with documents in hand. You'll have to approach them. They are not there handing out name cards and soliciting clients. Good luck. I'm thinking from your question that you do not have an 'extension' of your permit to stay based on Marriage or Retirement. So now I'm talking without specific knowledge, but without you being registered at the immigration office, I don't think they'll give you a COR. But, really, I am not sure about that.
  14. IF he shows a Pathum Thani address CW will send him to No. 159 Village No. 7, Suan Prik Prik Subdistrict, Mueang Pathum Thani District, Pathum Thani Province to the immigration office there. If he finds an agent at CW then the agent may help him get a bank in the area and manage his Visa or extension. My advice, if you live in PT, then either do it yourself or get a PT agent. (check prices, I don't know any, but I can find out a CW one for you...)
  15. If you qualify a person can have a birth certificate from more than one country, period. They are documents that acknowledge the birth of a child no matter where they were born. Credit to your argument though, my son's says, "Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America". I'm sure Thailand will not be the same. At the end of the day, it's his USA birth certificate.
  16. 100% correct. Start by contacting the Washington DC embassy (website) where you'll get contact info and probably instructions. Have fun. Getting my son's US certificate was a blast... not. But, it's doable.
  17. Wow, just a continual effort to smear a good person. This is just so much malarkey.
  18. Now, don't hold me to that suggestion. It was something I heard. Or, maybe someone else commented one this and I missed it. ???????? (The process for divorce in Nevada was interesting... But too much money for me).
  19. Don't give two thoughts about it @dingdongrb. There are many who haven't been here that long. You going back 7-8 years since last extension and what not makes a world of difference.
  20. Mahidol University is an excellent university. If off to a US university there are many scholarships available. Something to consider are ROTC scholarships, too. Get into an area like 'intelligence' (I know a oxymoron), supply, UAV specialist or AF or Space force missile ops and never have to deploy into a war zone.
  21. @EVENKEEL As you've read from all the other post that's not an easy question to answer. (Gee time flies, when you look back...) When I was working at a Thai petroleum exploration company in 2007, we hired a Senior Accountant for baht 30,000. I was shocked at how low her salary was and from what I could tell she was good at her job. Ok, add 16 years since then and take a guess. Wages are pretty depressed here. I've tried to get my son to go to the US and work to earn money for his university tuition and the experience (you know skip a trimester or two), but he has been negative to that idea. He told me it's not worth it to skip a trimester to work in Thailand. (Will his Mother ever cut him off?)
  22. I really dislike Thai bashing. Similar type things happen in every culture. Maybe not the "exact" circumstance of Mom & Aunt borrowing money or the Thai gov not paying on time, but men and women have failed to pay back loans to their families since almost forever.
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