It is very sad event to lose one's son and at such a young age in those terrible circumstances.
What's not mentioned in the article was Mr. Al Fayed's investment/adventure into the Petroleum business. He acquired 4 exploration concessions in the Gulf of Thailand in 1998/99 and commenced an exploration program mid 1999. On one of those concessions oil was discovered, which his team of managers, engineers, geologists and supervisors delineated over the remain year and 2000. The company was awarded a production/development concession, named the Jasmine field, in the years that followed. He sold it to Mubadala Oil Company, who have developed it into a wonderful asset in the GOT.
I was lucky to be selected to work for Harrods in 1999 & 2000. I had the fortune of meet Mr. Al Fayed on a couple of occasions. He was a really nice, honest man and apparently had a Midas touch with his companies and investments.
I am sad to hear he has passed away. Rest in Peace Mohamed.