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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. I wouldn't expect anything less. Not that it's right. That's just the way things work.
  2. Most of you know very little about the hard working honest Thai people. I've worked with them in the petroleum drilling and production business. They are very competent people and are more than capable of building, operating and maintaining a nuclear facility. I'm sure they will be at least, if not more, competent than the US Americans and Russians. (Three mile Island and Chernobyl come to mind).
  3. 100% correct. EVs and all their hype are a fairy tail.
  4. I don't follow manufacturing operations in Thailand. I know there are a number of Japanese (and other countries) companies who manufacture cars in Thailand. Does anyone know (and will respond with the answer), which companies manufacture motorcycles in Thailand. Thank You
  5. It is very sad event to lose one's son and at such a young age in those terrible circumstances. What's not mentioned in the article was Mr. Al Fayed's investment/adventure into the Petroleum business. He acquired 4 exploration concessions in the Gulf of Thailand in 1998/99 and commenced an exploration program mid 1999. On one of those concessions oil was discovered, which his team of managers, engineers, geologists and supervisors delineated over the remain year and 2000. The company was awarded a production/development concession, named the Jasmine field, in the years that followed. He sold it to Mubadala Oil Company, who have developed it into a wonderful asset in the GOT. I was lucky to be selected to work for Harrods in 1999 & 2000. I had the fortune of meet Mr. Al Fayed on a couple of occasions. He was a really nice, honest man and apparently had a Midas touch with his companies and investments. I am sad to hear he has passed away. Rest in Peace Mohamed.
  6. You're definitely not a 'goat' to make that statement and then have the audacity to go to the GoGo bars. What are they? Sheep?
  7. Feelings... Nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my feelings of ... Suspicion.
  8. Yep, glass is the easiest to recycle.
  9. Blah, blah, blah.... My son and wife had a cold for the first 3 weeks of the month. I caught it, too, but I use a different treatment so my cough wasn't as bad or long (1 day, a little). Next thing you know they'll be telling you the sky is falling. (Oh wait... They're already doing that).
  10. Don't know... Have fun and be safe!!
  11. Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, Dr. RACHATA TUNGSIRIPAT, MD.
  12. If you have cash, us it. Transfer the money with WISE, unless like a friend of mine you get your money transferred free. (Yeah, it shocked me too. Long, long time customer with large account at BOA and gets his transfer 'free' each month.) I wish I'd have 'trusted' WISE a year or so before I did.
  13. Kathoey has always worked for me. (and IMHO the Wikipedia definition is absolutely wrong). Ladyboy, kathoey, transgender... same same. Pick you country to use.
  14. We used this company after the flood in 2011. This is their Pattaya Branch. Excellent work and materials.
  15. Yeah, I remember them. (Bad boys...) Shoot 'em up, boys. (Is my memory right or wrong family)
  16. @Gerjan Before anyone can help you, other than throwing out wild comment, you should help 'us' but answering the above questions. Otherwise, just wasting time.
  17. Because you are...
  18. I was in Thailand 20 years ago, but didn't find ThaiVisa until about 10 and it was few years later that I 'joined'. I hope things have been good for you.
  19. Interesting discussion: I was told that the photo is an aid to help them identify you, which is why they don't want people to smile. They want a 'dead' face, which I would expound to include into the glasses question. You're probably not going to have glasses on when that motorcycle knocks you into the next world. That's how I 'look' at it. Added after post: "aid to help identify you" should you die (in your sleep, at the opera, on the back of a motorcycle taxi or at a crosswalk). Be safe "OneMoreFarang", I'd miss you. ????????
  20. Really... Interesting... I've never met a Thai "Doctor" who couldn't speak English. It's almost a requirement to get their medical degree.
  21. I feel your pain and frustration. I have trouble with balance on steps, also, and need only to touch something solid to steady me. I read the suggestion of a different route. I hope that was helpful. It is easy to learn the Thai phrase for "Excuse me" is "kho thot". You can google it to hear the proper pronunciation. I'd just reach over them to the rail and speak these words to them or stand there, speak "kho thot" and wait for them to move.
  22. Yes, I agree you are correct. MFP had a slim margin of having a majority of ministers, but in no way was it "the one people voted for". They had a chance to form the government, but their candidate didn't have all his ducks in a row. That's what happens in these type governments.
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