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Everything posted by patman30

  1. There was more than 1 point being made in the reply i quoted and you sadly cherry picked the wrong one. no need for flooding the thread with large text i read it first time you posted it.
  2. Thanks @BritManToo this answers a lot.
  3. why did you split the kids up? why did you not also take your daughter if education was your concern? what are you personally teaching your son that he would not learn otherwise? obviously he objects to your drinking, why do you persist to consume? at 14 he is basically becoming a man and will make his own decisions There is a lot more to this than simply blaming your ex-wife and your son, If he does not want to stay with you and wants to be with family, it may be in your sons interest for you to find a better solution. don't forget his hormones should be raging right about now and you are his closest competition
  4. your question implied that you assume majority if someone feared the banks collapsing surely it would be logical to keep the majority of funds out of the bank if in case that was the reason sorry logic is a habbit of mine an example of a reason easy my last home when i viewed it, the seller had someone lined up to buy but they had not given any deposit, and could not till the following week the seller was selling very cheap as they urgently needed a back operation i pulled out 300k cash (out of 600k) i had on me gave him a deposit there and then, this was a Friday afternoon, i borrowed 1m cash from a friend (secured) who also keeps cash on hand i had a bit more cash, sold some gold, sold some crypto informed seller Sunday night i had all we signed Monday morning, he was in the hospital by lunchtime paid 1m via bank transfer, the rest was 4m cash and 10 baht of gold (his preference) Bought land up north seller wanted cash, 1.5m landscaper and well guy both wanted cash 100k and 150k *i don't keep all my money in a bank, because i think i would prefer the risk of holding assets over just watching my money steadily (well seems more like exponentially) decrease in value over time, in laymans terms, i just think it's dumb, to keep all your eggs in one basket.
  5. i did not speculate on the reasons why people have cash on hand but i can assure you those who do do not all do it for the same single reason from your question it seems you are assuming those who do such a thing must have the majority of their funds with them, which does not need be the case again, there are many people who cannot fathom doing such a thing as usually they are not in a position to do so.
  6. a million baht is not that much to keep on hand for many people unbelievable for some, but it does not imply criminal activities at all. no different to keeping watches worth a million baht or more many can, many cannot even fathom the idea. each to their own.
  7. entirely possible, for myself i don't pester others for no reason maybe this is a bad perception of foreigners, brought on by the many pests that visit here thinking they can just invade others space and spark up a small pointless conversation everywhere they go see this often but usually limited to tourist towns
  8. i assume you have been here a while my nephew came here for a year and a bit when he returned home no money (20 years old) he went straight to the social/housing very next morning first thing they told him because he had been outside over a year he was classed as an immigrant (he stupidly argued he was not an immigrant) he got sent to some other office that dealt with immigrants straight into a hostel same day and then they had him housed in his own place in under 2 weeks, lots of grants everything, sorted super quick. a friend also returned after a year here (40 years old) he tried telling them (probably where he mkkd up) he should be classed as an immigrant, they laughed.
  9. So was your reply They removed mine as they had to remove yours (both deemed off topic) mine was just semantics, whereas your reply was deemed "misinformation" i used the word "ordered" as it was shorter to type than "UK cements 10-year-partnership with Moderna" to "build a state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing centre with the ability to produce up to 250 million vaccines a year." be gone now, adding you to blocked list as you provide nothing to the conversation, and you quickly turn to ad homiens as you have nothing else. goodbye, have a nice day and all the best of luck to you.
  10. what on earth are you talking about? i stated "mrna doses", and later "not specific to covid" i did not initially state "covid jabs" i did not state "mrna are not covid jabs" do you just look at the screen and make up the words you read?
  11. incorrect, obviously you do not read much "as well as cutting-edge vaccines developed for other respiratory diseases, such as flu and respiratory syncytial virus"
  12. Maybe it is your deoderant or lack of lol seriously there are many reasons why such behaviour exists one thing we have to learn is the xenophobia runs deep here don;t forget the fear pushed into the population always dirty foreigners to blame i recall once taking a few older friends to lifecare to get full blood work done while here on hols when looking at all the things tested a woman (bit too old to be called a girl) with one of the friends asked the nurse "what is chlamydia" the answer she got was "come from ferang" one way to avoid negative comments about Thais is to avoid this forum......????
  13. we all know the 2s, 3s and 4s are actually 1s, 2s and 3s ????
  14. Send CP food into space........ That's one way to prevent an alien invasion lol
  15. Exactly this. It baffles me when people want to squabble over pennies instead of just getting the job done especially when it is a safety concern.
  16. Home's cool.
  17. Lets be honest they could get rid of 99.9% of immigration staff today we have had the tech for a very long time to replace them however keeping immigration staff keeps a good few families employed.
  18. yet most of the the country still burns for 3 months of the year....... Agenda 2030 in full swing.
  19. Just like the UK just signed a 10 year contract for 250 million mrna doses per year from Moderna.
  20. sorry i do not have the link took me ages to find before when i needed it but make sure you check the ground water quality as it sounds like you will need a well how much have you been told the 2 rai of land is? do you have the chanote number to check the plot on https://landsmaps.dol.go.th/ even in more expensive parts of korat, farmland shouldn't be more than about 350k/rai if outside the village make sure you get chanote checked out as other have mentioned some are zoned for agriculture only or cannot be sold (yet) i am in Korat, i paid last year, 2.8m for 7 rai on 4 plots, in the village, have main road access, power, water etc. also do not forget your land may need to be raised before it is ready to build on this can be expensive and take time.
  21. how hard is it to copy and paste some text in google? seems like he was trying to get away from 3 Guards once he hit the ground they didn'y seem concerned about any payment https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7636021/Shocking-moment-retired-army-major-55-floored-fatal-punch.html
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