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Everything posted by patman30

  1. Seems you are mistaken. as i said, times are hard, if the place was thriving or upscale i am pretty sure they would be asked to leave and this convo wouldn't be happening
  2. it is not his business as in it is not his coffee shop people should focus more on themselves if the OP does not like the atmoshpere in that coffee shop there are plenty of others nobody is "attacking" the OP what is it with the "i am so offended" crowd these days.... you hounding me now ?
  3. i don't eat such poor choices of food anymore the biz owner could just be happy to get a few more coffee sales, times are hard
  4. patman30

    Head or Heart.

    maybe you dont read my words correct i said, without details one could easily assume...... i am making a point, just like you assume there must be some other option and to me you injected your negativity into others comments you see one guy commented implying she would not have to be alone and sad another meaning, live for today and enjoy the now while you can and last and this one is obviously referring to the fact the guy has just gone home and left her to fend for herself, long distance relationships are possible even at 88 and clearly the guy is not in a position to continue to support her financially so the poor lady may be better off finacially with someone else. you are assuming the guy is a saint, i dont see any toxicity in those comments
  5. i should include /s in my posts so you know its sarcasm my point was more, just mind your own business and enjoy your own coffee its not your business and its not something to cry about online if they spoilt your atmosphere, then just go elsewhere
  6. no i wouldn't, as i wouldn't care, its not my business, but i also wouldn't go online crying about it just to bash others in an attempt to make myself feel better fish & chips up the road?????
  7. patman30

    Head or Heart.

    why are they toxic? without any details, one could easily assume a poor woman who has been in a faithful relationship for who knows how long will now be facing life alone, as he decided to go home and not come back now things could be very different but lack of details leads one to assume personal i hate the common farang attitude of making sure she cannot get my money so i have the option to jet off whenever i want and leave her stuck, penniless or holding debts attitude many have here, but thats just me.
  8. Maybe if the sign said "不允许携带外食或饮料" they would understand. Did you not translate for them?
  9. you don't need an air fryer or any machine to make yoghurt room temperature here is fine enough (as others have also stated) bacteria thrives at 37C i usually make mine at night and just cover the pot with a few tea towels then it goes in the fridge in the morning
  10. There is only one place local to mine they make ok noodles DM for details, i can hook you up or you can just log into your other accounts and self promote
  11. your google lens challenge beat his google lens challenge????
  12. Google Lens done just fine with that ???? Sichuan University????‍♂️
  13. most likely this is to confirm with other owners where their road access will be as to not block it with poles not sure how far poles must be spaced here, and TBH i dont see why they could not be placed at the corner of the plots every 20m but maybe that would be more expensive and was not an option offered to you but poles would be on edge of other peoples land who may have their own plans
  14. Good to know you are so much smarter than everyone else and your way is the best way. Do you advise everyone that visits Thailand?
  15. Problem you may have is some apps are dependant on google services which will require you to be signed into google for the apps to function
  16. Ceylon Silver tip white tea is the standard to beat. i prefer my tea without pesticides. i used to fly to LK and fill up my suitcase each trip ok there for visa renewal too in Colombo but you need to stay a few days which is fine for a little holiday, trip to the plantations etc.
  17. The ones parking their car there everyday do i never know what day or date it is i used to just look which side was full of parked cars and which only had a few
  18. it has been like this for years, i don't know why this is news signs have been there always odds days you poark one side even days the other side fair for biz either side
  19. Pretty much any place you rent will want this first thing i would always do is knock them down to a single months deposit The agents will not care really, although they may appear helpful they get paid the first months rent usually as their fee, so they will not really care after that with it being such an amount or 160k you could demand that the 160k is held with a lawyer, at your expense obviously.
  20. on his Jet wears a watch that clearly looks like a PP that cost around more like 300m baht then netizens claim its a watch that looks completely different even different colour when he is seen in airport maybe just maybe he changed watch once they landed as he didnt trust authorities handling his 300m baht watch
  21. so it is a matter of her name not matching her name not your surnames not matching when next in Thailand it would probably be worth getting her to get all new ID/passport and get updated/new marriage cert, even if divorcing and remarrying (sometimes the hard way is the easy way lol) or she could simply change her name back to your surname and get new ID/passport then you will be good for marriage visa
  22. your surnames do not match or her surname on cert marriage does not match her surname on ID? it seems like you are confusing this bit as my wife and i have different surnames as do many married expats
  23. you can also find Banana IT selling on Lazada along with JIB, Advice and others,
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