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Everything posted by patman30

  1. i use very secure passwords never write any down do not use words etc do not use any password managers the key is to have a formula you use to create your passwords then you only need remember the formula processors will get faster and GPU farms will get bigger
  2. buy the blocks that fit her budget unless you want to be forking out the extra you sort of already answered your own question
  3. maybe, it is because the children automaticaly have dual citizenship they don't need a visa to enter the UK but they do need a passport to pass through the port Thai PP would obviously require a visa but they do not qualify for a visa as they are british citizens
  4. i didn't quote my times, just that PP control was well over an hour, it took us about 1hr 45 mins to get through PPC back then you could not check in until check in staff were present which also took about an hour once they did arrive this was also a 6:30am flight, when airport is supposedly not so busy as i said we were not the only ones, many many people missed their flights that day it was common first few weeks of DM reopening and 2 hours in advance was the recommended time to arrive back then.
  5. Go to Laos. seems like you are trying to provide an affidavit, instead of "proof" with a guaranty A letter of guarantee from the local or overseas Embassy or Consulate, proving the monthly pension of the Applicant not less than Baht 40,000/month and show source of Income to myself, this reads as if it applies to pensions you have paid into a home account which you can also provide proof of source they likely require this letter as the (uncheckable) proof means nothing without the guaranty a letter from a Thai bank can be confirmed, a printed off statement of your account in your home country cannot.
  6. but but but big queues make the airport look busy like tourism is booming 120 (additional) staff should have 40 boothed manned 24/7 immigration here is bad i have missed a flight at Don Muang due to immigration being so slow (month after reopen) was well over an hour to get through PP control many in line frantically looking at the time many asking to go to front of queue as flight departing, all ignored as too many asking chief IO came out to shout at IO's when we got to go sign the missed flight log it was already half way down page 5, this was 7am when we signed, a while after flight left
  7. TBH That chart is nowhere near as scary as it should be if you want to test a password use it to lock a zip file then get lostmypass.com or similar to bruteforce it then consider there will be much bigger GPU farms than what you just used for testing
  8. much better to educate people about the effects of sugar consumption, companies will just add aspartame or other sweetners to make up for less sugar these sweetners can also affect health its like when you see "sugar free" but it is just loaded with sugar alcohol which is apperently "safe" but also stated "The safe recommended intake of sugar alcohol intake is 10-15 grams per day"-umms.org
  9. Have you asked Agoda who the guest is for the booking? The sites usually are secure and use industry standard encryption AES256 the problem usually always lies with poor passwords that are brute forced most passwords used today can be brute forced in minutes using GPU farms computer processing is only going to get faster for important stuff i already use over 40 character passwords i do not write down passwords or use password managers These times in this table can be drastically reduced with bigger GPU farms.
  10. just wait till they blame the weed for the obesity claiming everyone is getting fat because they always have the munchies....???? about 5 seconds before a reporter points out the kids are fat too.... and the room goes silent...........
  11. campaign against sugar while standing there holding sugary drinks...... 25g is noting compared to what is in all processed food and drinks these days "39 grams of sugar in a 12 oz Coca-Cola can" They calculate sugar added in processed foods and drinks not literally spponfuls of sugar added before consuming 25 tablespoons is 375g
  12. had a pay by 5 months ago mention in it all dates were past just paid it at PO with others, all same amount
  13. one trick wonder machines are a waste of $$$$ imo (former chef) something like this https://www.lazada.co.th/products/hafele-43-600w-6-i2789886629.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.133.6d34b6c28idrgr would be much more useful, that is a small mixer though, you can get cheaper brands too such mixers are very useful to have
  14. moral of the story.... don't waste time paying your tickets throughout the year when you can just pay them all in one go when you renew your tax
  15. you could also buy cheap dough mixer for 1200-2000 baht or you can buy a better mixer that can do a lot more and comes with a hook for dough starting from 4000 baht
  16. even if it is in your childs name, you cannot sell it without a court order. why even bother thinking about any of this if the in laws are so great why would you want to take anythiong from them?
  17. more illegal tour guides than there are tourists LOL lots of CN guides come with the groups from CN, are employed in CN, paid in CN etc. not a surprise this, but cannot see this helping tourism in anyway and funny coincidence they crackdown of 5000 guides and CN has warnings about visiting here......
  18. understood it fully i also understood you trolling someone else for doing just the same as you do, albeit different unrequired documents not sure why you replied to my comment twice its like you ran out of people to argue with.....
  19. do you live in a city? fires everyday where i am still was horrendous through February, not so bad now
  20. what investment? you built the family a house on the family land.
  21. lets just ignore looking in our mirrors for other road users before turning as long as i got a license and they don't, what's the problem?
  22. no, i was asking a simple question, which you continue to avoid answering but you already knew that.
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