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Everything posted by patman30

  1. you troll others for doing as you do take unrequired documents i was just pointing out the irony
  2. which of those are propoganda free? many seem to fit the bill looks like they just banned the "collection" as if they banned the people deciding what goes into that collection
  3. not sure why you replied to this again i already stated i read the OP i was not replying to the OP but your comment mocking someone else for taking documents they do not need when you do exactly the same you provide a copy of pink ID card when they have your passport which is your ID you provide copy of yellow book to show your address when you already provided your wifes blue book which would show your address as you live with your wife otherwise you would need to provide a lease etc. i too could write a post such as yours explaining how hassle free and easy my trip to savanakhet was, as my trips always have been BUT i can leave out the bits about yellow book and pink ID for 2 reasons 1. i don't have them 2. they are not required.
  4. years ago (when i ate cr4p food) i was gutted to miss the ramadam buffets they have in Malaysia even mcdonalds had a buffet every evening (the fast is only intermitant, dawn to dusk)
  5. did they not get the memo? we have moved on to marburg now
  6. Thats the worst bit lol the nicest hotel is the furthest away from the consulate
  7. i read the OP, and thank you for it, it was informative. i was not replying to your OP, but the quoted comment.
  8. you take a copy of Pink ID when the officer has your passport you take a copy of your yellow book, when the officer has a copy of your wife's blue book same energy Just saying ????
  9. Buy the oven, you can and will use it for so much more.
  10. You are required to carry ID by law here if you do not have a pink ID card or drivers license then only your passport will be accepted. Simples.
  11. For small on grid systems, especially those without battery storage i would likely agree, as all you mostly aiming to do is generate as much as possible if you are one these folk that like to (illegally) spin their PEA meter backwards, to reduce monthly PEA bill or if most power is used during daytime Myself, i am off grid, i dont want to care about PEA today or in future, or what day the meter guy comes, or how low i can get my bill while making sure its not negative, i got better things to be getting on with. Batteries are the way to go for myself, and if off grid your batts are your night time power, so the later you start discharging them the better i would also suggest some panels facing east for the same reason, but west is more important imo as long as batts still have enough juice to cover you till 7am i am about to build a solar water pump which all the panels will be facing east as it will be used in the morning only panels on my well face south-east (installers choice) to get water a little earlier my next step is to start acquiring NiFe batteries/cells only the 1200ah are decent value, cheapest i seen is $450 each and you need 10 for every 12v, as they only come in 1.2v
  12. when i purchased from felicity i simply sent them the money and waited for delivery no dealing with customs etc. make sure you are there for delivery as they are very heavy a lot heavier than the delivery guys may expect as was the case with mine
  13. i'd take 3000 baht each for my old 50 pound notes LOL
  14. your friend has a property in UK they can just simply use that as their address banks are paperless these days
  15. log in to online banking change address to that of a friend or family member in UK (or any uk address as they do not check, usually) job done.
  16. where to float them? then how long before you need to pay someone rent to keep them there will just leave this here https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2161255/saiyok-floatel-ordered-to-stop-floating-in-30-days
  17. i did look at those batts myself before going with felicity from felicity Just under $2000 (currently 68k thb) will get you 48v 300ah battery delivered to your door This one to be exact https://www.felicitysolar.com/48-volt-300ah-lithium-ion-phosphate-battery-aa-rechargeable-lithium-power-batteries_p108.html the only problem i have with no brand batteries here, is nobody is putting their name behind it, and cost is similar felicity also sell everything else needed too, although i use growatt inverters as for room everything will function but temperatures will affect battery life i have FTKZ09VV2S daikin aircon in my small room Daikin FTKZ models are most efficient all depends how cool your room is without aircon one thing i would also definately suggest (finding this out recently) you could greatly benefit from having a few panels face/angled WEST just to get more of the late afternoon sun, so you start discharging from battery later Peak day you will generate excess and likely lose this excess if no demand for it once batt is full as you can see from my image i am off grid
  18. where will your solar inverter and batteries be stored? ideally they need their own room that should be cool i have a small room for mine with small aircon going constant definitely something to consider is aircons if you plan to buy be sure to check the seer number for efficiency the more efficient models cost quite a bit more, but obviously if power is a concern they may be worth the extra for 10KW solar, i would definitely recommend 30KW storage over 20kw i have 15kw system (3x5k) with 45kw (3x15kw) storage if i was to build again i would install 20kw batteries instead of 15KW on good days the batts are charged very quick but also the bigger the batt (the less they discharge), the longer they will last (for the same load) i imported mine from felicity, all very easy and delivered to my door cost was just under $2000 for 15kw battery including shipping, import etc.
  19. 1. dunno 2. The Hilton (edge, flare, horizon), the bubbly oyster bar (near naklua fish market), The Big Fish (buffet siam@siam)
  20. just curious, do you have the same opinion of alcohol ?
  21. TLDR but i dont know why you would need high THC weed for microdosing..... if you are smoking actual high THC weed (25%+), 3 puffs is not exactly a micro dose as its equivalant to say 10 puffs of bog standard thai stick now i do not disagree with the health benefits my wifes 2 grans were bed ridden last year both very weak and frail and in pain with zero appetite i made them oil, diluted with EVOO they have a micro dose each evening, i am not claiming some miraculous benefit but the benefit for them is quite simple, they get an excellent nights sleep and wake up hungry. They were both mobile and eating properly within 2 weeks making oil is simple, and it does not really matter so much what weed you use you can save a packet buying organic thai weed to make oil you can save even more if not organic
  22. As you see from the map, most areas get it bad this time of Year you can also click on a location for annual data Although in Pattaya i never seemed to notice any haze but was never loking for any TBH here i am getting to see the "why" personally i would think anything right on a coast away from monocrop farmed land and you should be good
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