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Everything posted by patman30

  1. doesn't a tablet have a speaker? you can literally buy a cheap 50 baht speaker, so you don't need your tablet on the bed and then you don't need to buy a cheap POS dodgy copy phone even a cheap mp3 player with speaker should suffice for your needs
  2. i was taking the mick a bit with fine as most chefs who know what they are doing will know what a blue steak is obviously not so much in a 69 baht steak place or sante fe lol Every chef in a French place should as the French are very fond of bleu steak basically just extra rare but ideally should be cooked on very fierce heat to get a good sear as stocky mentioned, to serve blue it should be room temp prior to cooking honestly it is very rare (or blue lol) for any resturaunt to be doing this when dining out steak will likely come straight from the fridge and onto the grill especially if you don't order any starters
  3. i didn't say fancy or French???? if you go to a fancy steak place or a French place and the chef does not know what a blue steak is you should probably just leave.
  4. go to a fine resturant ask for steak to be cooked blue the chef will know???? FYI It's not blood
  5. every year (nearly) they post articles about song kran deaths and then state average numbers...........????‍♂️
  6. Ribeye cut 2-3 inch thick season salt n black pepper fried in very hot pan/skillet with a lot of tallow crispy on outside, blue in the center *leave it out to rest first if have time, if not straight in pan
  7. small bluetooth speaker, wired even for 50 baht.......????‍♂️
  8. then you are not using bitcoin with your card you are using USDC selling USDC for fiat and spending the fiat....LOL
  9. "The Bitcoin is changed to fiat just before" -Neeranam you are spending fiat, the baker accepts fiat sorry but you clearly lack understanding of Bitcoin going by all your comments
  10. you clearly don't understand how things work or are just misleading to try and make a point you spend FIAT when paying by card (which you should know as i expect you must top up the card) if not spending fiat, you would not need the card
  11. didn't take long to find what i expected to see "This shop is a scam Anyone thinking of buying must think carefully, I have warned you." "Not exactly the cover, the camera sucks, the device is messed up, let me tell you before buying, look at a lot of reviews. But when I get the product, why is it so bad? Like this, you lose money for free" "The old model is very different from the picture. Very bad." *translated by google will still likely do the job you are buying it for
  12. if only listening why does the tablet need to be on the bed?
  13. why do you want refurbished? seems brand new (most likely refurbed as no warranty) under 1500 baht you can just search a brand, then add your 2000 baht to max price filter always check feedback for photos
  14. you sell it and make 12% profit......????‍♂️ "The businessman was left with the lump of almost worthless metal as security" makes it all sound fishy though like he was actually trying to buy something else....
  15. Many literally read from a script, telescams are nothing new.
  16. yeh not for eveyone, i got access to my electrics....????‍♂️ the timer would obviously resume, as you would not need the aircon timer to test if aircon resumes, just turn it on then knock the breaker/mains off and on again????
  17. only other option i have thought is put a timer switch on the power cable going to AC many AC will resume after power loss
  18. perfect. really not an issue if you no longer need to pick up the remote what onemorefarang said is true also i usually just press the buttons on the remote while its on the wall pointing up at the ceiling
  19. i need this not needing any new functions just want to set it so i dont have to pick up the remotes EVERYDAY something so simple, it is baffling why none have this as i am on off grid solar i would also like to program the fans too to adjust throughout the day basically full fan during peak sunlight hours, then back to auto or night mode
  20. did that years ago???? just threw a portable drive in the back of all the TV's and made a small hole for usb cable to come out to go in the usb port????
  21. you can get NVME cards that have 5 sata ports then you have PCIe cards that take 4 of those cards giving you 20 sata over X16 you can also get 20 SATA port X1 cards obviously you are limited by 1 lane but for what they are used for this is usually fine but do be warned these cards don't play nice with others, 1 card is usually fine also have another X16 that has 20/24 ports if you can find them The price on these cards have rocketed lately you can hunt or wait and find them cheaper Lazada/shopee probably not the best places to look TBH
  22. i use 2 x coolermaster MC500 cases which i also add a 5 HDD rack inside for 15 drives total but they are not available anymore phanteks seem the only option currently
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