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Everything posted by patman30

  1. most people who come to such a forum with an issue would usually search to see if others have had the same or similar experience before they start a new topic asking others who spend their time reading the forum to provide YOU with advice for free. do as the immigration officer says or you don't get the stamp Now you know.
  2. They haven't but members want to know which office is asking for a 1 year lease as you state but you are refusing to help others who also may soon be faced with the same issue as you refuse to name the office the replies have told you what you need to know which you should already know that rules change office to office The rules of IMM' offices are frequently discussed so those in the area know the rules they face.
  3. 1400 baht AIS bought on lazada 1 year, 70GB/month (slower after 70GB)
  4. How much was BitCoin when you first didn't buy it, as you bought BTC instead?
  5. they can grow auto's which auto flower regardless you can give autos 18-22 hours of light during flower stage (some do go 24hr but there is no benefit) but saying that, looking at the image they do not look like auto's as auto's flower straight away and looking at the setup i wouldn't expect these to be around too long and TBH it would be a bit dumb to have all that free daylight, then spend money to light all night and those lights do not look well placed if they are not auto plants, they still have another 5-6 months before harvest
  6. LOL sods law is the CCTV run by a PC or DVR? can you remote access the dvr/pc after it reconnects?
  7. most routers have this advanced setting but most people would never need to care to look for it image was just taken from my Tp-Link sim router How to Automatically Reboot Your Router for Better Internet Connections
  8. lol, we are growing it, not getting rid of it
  9. There is a lot going on in that image who is the guy in the bottom middle?
  10. haha been there done that it seems crazy no ruppees accepted in the airport however, you are only allowed to enter/exit with a massive 5000 LKR in cash (not including forgein currency) so they don't expect anyone to be carrying any LKR
  11. i would also test a new router just to cover all bases but before travelling anywhere first check everything is working where you are now you should also be able to set the router to reboot daily
  12. i wasn't referring to yourself, should have added the /s
  13. stating online that you "bought the dip" when others didn't increases your crypto expertise and credibility.
  14. not clover afaik don't ask me the name i got that growing, you should see some small yellow flowers soon it is great for ground cover and provides nutirients to other plants according to the wife
  15. i have returned goods from China through lazada was very simple, courier collected goods next day refund was sent to lazada wallet though, which we couldn't access until registered
  16. what is your elevation? i have a well, but it is not a limitless supply my well is 100m deep i also have a large pond, water is fed into pond then to garden we have fish in pond
  17. Exactly this???? a pond is essential if you want to grow food i would also suggest a workshop area as you will have small jobs a drying area and definately grow some bamboo to use later all these things quickly eat up space
  18. Cannot even wait for the mango to ripen.....????
  19. for outdoor living, have you stayed there already all year round? i would not advise containers for living space, unless they are in good shade as they get hot any land you want to buy i would suggest you buy all at once as any ajoining land will suddenly increase in value once you have bought your plot even if there are no other buyers as for 1 rai being too little or too much extra space allows you to plant more very low maintenance trees, that may take a few years but will be worth it i don't plan on growing for profit, but will see what i can do once i have the excess produce in ways of preserving and it could always go to animals or compost make sure you plan a space for composting and worms etc. just to add we feed our chickens from stuff in our garden, so do plan to grow for them too there is no need to buy chicken feed do you plan to have a small pond for water and fish ?
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