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Everything posted by patman30

  1. as someone else said, why lie? you seem to be panicking for no reason. if it worries you so much, just stay in a decent hotel for first night back no lies, and hotel will do TM30 report i/my wife never had any fine when first doing mine, and i had been here for months.
  2. do you already have TM30 slip in PP? has your address changed? if only doing a visa run i thought there was now no need to re-register yourself at your primary address here once you had registered it.
  3. how many days in advance where you trying? never done online but iirc it must be between 15 and 7 days prior to the report date maybe someone will chirp in and confirm how many days prior it must be
  4. If he has any land, property or other assets, he can give me a call have cash ready, always looking for a bargain.
  5. so there are no benefits of minimum wage thanks for making my point.
  6. please elaborate and post the net benefits of introducing minimum wage to any economy.
  7. oviously it is much easier to give sd cards and usb sticks to others hence the word "also" as i said, we are not the same.
  8. minimum wage is never good for any economy. they will get 712 (maybe not right now) but prices on everything will be double what they were.
  9. obviously you did not read or fully understand what i do with the private keys what i do is not suitable for paper wallets unless i want to keep 20,000 keys on bits of paper or lose all privacy my method even beats a $5 wrench attack, yours does not. ok, i know nothing about electronic storage..... ????
  10. "a year" yeh whatever... LOL they degrade after 5-10 years depending on product i also have multiple copies on USB sticks and SD cards (also a few backups on offline HDDs) and i can and do make new copies periodically paper is not safe, it doesn't even beat a $5 wrench attack we are not the same. LOL
  11. sounds like your grandson lives with you might be time to make your wife the legal guardian as to not rely on the child's mother in future, who seems to NGAF
  12. Then they would still be in their home country working a 9-5 and in debt
  13. So YOU lost your bag somewhere and you just assume everyone else is like yourself....????‍♂️ just so you can play the victim...????‍♂️
  14. that's a lot of paper or a lot less privacy i have coins already broken down to low amounts based on possible future value for cold storage all key pairs were created offline send funds to public keys created offline private keys are then SPLIT into 2 and stored on multiple USB sticks/sd cards (A and B) files are then encrypted with secure ~50 character password i have multiple copies of cards/sticks that can be left with friends, family and diff locations etc (obviously not together) This is extremely secure.
  15. stopped using hardware wallets for cold storage i now have encrypted spresheets on multiple USB sticks much more secure
  16. i got a few spare if you want to buy few nano and 1 blue DM me if interested
  17. https://pacificcigar.com/our-locations/
  18. when you replace them be sure to know the SEER number for the new models you select this will tell you how efficient the AC is as you want low temps, it would be better to spend the extra now and save on bills later such as these Daikin
  19. added you to my ignore list already???? there was no need for further responses after my first reply????
  20. tablet does though speaker is fine keep buying cheap junk if it pleases you i gave you what you asked for in my first reply
  21. what difference would it make, whether he heard about bitcoin yesterday or yesteryear? you either have a good understanding of bitcoin or you don't time is not really a factor as all the info you need is at your fingertips doesn't work like that, majority of mining hash power would need to agree to this change, not saying it could not happen, just look at UASF/SW2X etc. but it would not be the decision of a single individual and could be suicide for BTC (i do actually expect core to push something like this in near future as BTC cannot survive the incoming halvings) "hacked" is just a term for "we stole your money" also these "hacks" happen on exchanges, this is not a blockchain being hacked or private keys being brute forced but poor security apperently of the exchanges servers that store private keys (this apparent problem can be easily avoided, which is why they are always inside jobs imo)
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